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13371869 No.13371869 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a good country to live in?

>> No.13371875


t. serial migrant

>> No.13371888

You have to go back.

>> No.13371909
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> North America
get shot on the street

> South America
get tortured to death by Pablo

> West Europe
get rapped by Muhammad

> East Europe
get stabbed by Ivan

> East Asia
get NPCed by Konichiwa

>> No.13371975

United States of America.

>> No.13371988




>> No.13372000


>> No.13372034



>> No.13372055

never. my home country is a smelly shitskin hellhole

>> No.13372057
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he wants to keep his country a secret

>> No.13372070


>> No.13372073

Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic are still white and economically pretty healthy but you'll have to learn the language and integrate.

>> No.13372148

Only if you're rich.

>> No.13372163

Praguefag and I can confirm this

>> No.13372181

If you're in the US...
If not.
If not Europe.
New Zealand.

>> No.13372203

Lived in 7 countries more than a year+my own India (jokes about toilets are welcome). Russia, Emirates, Canada, NZ, Azerbaijan, Indonesia, Spain. Surprisingly, everything is more or less the same shit. Now back home, and you know what? No motivation to live somewhere else anymore. All shit, we are doomed, no reprieve anywhere. But at least India is cheap to live in. If you are ok with the smell on streets.

>> No.13372500

Do women pee in public in india? This is my fetish and i want to live somewhere where i can observe this everyday. Dont give a fuck about other aspects of life

>> No.13372510

any country that doesn't have social housing in the countryside

>> No.13372515

You seem like a very spoiled and narrow-minded

>> No.13372517

here's the real blackpill: most western countries are actually fine. most anons struggle because they insist on being citycucks instead of choosing a comfy suburb/semi-rural spot
basically, your problems are self-imposed and you will carry them wherever you go, there's no escape from your own shit character