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13369691 No.13369691 [Reply] [Original]

sold 50% of my crypto at around 90% loss to pay for a summer vacation. Its the most normie thing i have done and my mind is free. In case crypto moons im okay in case it falls to zero im okay. I just dont give crap anymore. Best decision ever since i made this critical life mistake of buying meme ponzi crypto current shit

>> No.13369701

Dumbest fucking reason I've ever heard. If you're you needed a medical procedure or something...

Stay poor

>> No.13369705

lol. stay poor.

>> No.13369709

You can vacation when you're retired you high time preference nigger

>> No.13369711

you're a fool

>> No.13369715

So why post about it?

Do you need some pink wojaks for when th bull run starts next year?



>> No.13369733

We needed you to capitulate so market can go up. My as well kys now.

>> No.13369754

whatever, faggots

>> No.13369760

Listen up folks, long time Crypto trader here. This right here is a prime example of what a bear market does to you, it just brings you down to the level where you don't care anymore. Altough I believe the bear market for btc is not yet over, now is time to build long term positions.

>> No.13369761

If there's only 1 project you should own it's bsv come bsck after few halvings

>> No.13369775

Hahahaha stay poor op these guys is funny

>> No.13369836
File: 468 KB, 1242x1231, 1555115005496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay poor

>> No.13369915

If you're unironically down 90% it means you likely bought some chink scam shitcoin at ATH and bagheld all the way down. In which case you were never going to make it anyway and and should just quit this space forever. Enjoy the 90% loss and your NPC vacation, normalfag.

>> No.13369927

Straight up Faggot lmao

>> No.13369954

>sell at a loss and then wasting that money on even more frivolous ventures


>> No.13369972


your opinion is dog shite

your life is dog shite

you're dog shite

Now get the fuck off our board normie.

>> No.13370037

Hey man live your best life, it’s your money do what you want

>> No.13370125

This is exactly how I ended up selling the bottom during the last bear market. I still believed in Bitcoin and the hodl meme but eventually you start to need the cash. Price was stable in the 200s for so long that it seemed fine to dip out for a little while, and there wasn't any bullish news. Then the bull market started and I had to buy back 2-3x higher.

>> No.13370448

proof or larp

op is a faggot until then

>> No.13370480

>In case crypto moons im okay

You say that, but neither you or anyone else believes it.

>> No.13370493
File: 609 KB, 510x512, 1536728951710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sold your trash crypto to get a REAL return of enjoying your life in a fun place.

Now go research some real investments (stocks, real estate, antiques...) and think positive.

>> No.13370511

Don't worry, Bitcoin will crash another 50%.

>> No.13371280
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still no proof