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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13369429 No.13369429 [Reply] [Original]

>unemployment 3.8%(lowest in recorded human history)
>300,000 jobs created every month
>university grads making 80-100k starting + stock options
>average journeyman tradesman making $65/hr and so much demand they have to turn down work
>companies competing for workers raising wages everywhere
>even unskilled labourers are making $25/hr now
>S&P 500 at 2900 and will reach 4000 by the end of the year

How the FUCK is the American economy so strong? Lets face it, if you are American and unemployed you are probably lazy and/or retarded

>> No.13369442


>> No.13369461

Unskilled labor making 25/hr
Nigga what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.13369464
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>> No.13369468

as soon as tradies start bragging about making money, you know a recession is coming. there was a massive construction bubble literally right before the '08 crash. do with this info what you will

>> No.13369473

major cope

>> No.13369475

Cheap credit, cheap oil, and cheap imports.

Knock out any one of those three and the whole thing tumbles down.

>> No.13369489

It's the other way around, once tradesmen start working and making money again the economy has bottomed and recovery has started, when you see people bragging about 1 hour of work and 7 hours of browsing youtube while making 80k in an office job then layoffs are inevitable

>> No.13369600

Made that much as a private tutor with no work history with my preparation time also getting compensated. Just have to sell yourself.

>> No.13369610

>>even unskilled labourers are making $25/hr now
What? And most college grads are failures who can't get jobs in their desired field.

>> No.13369641

This is all area dependent and most of the statistics come from high income areas like Commifornia and New York
I don’t trust statistics if the economy was as strong as it was in 1950 than we wouldn’t have so much FUD everywhere

>> No.13369646

Europoor cope

>> No.13369656

Based Chadmerica

>> No.13369679

>knock out your good economy and you have a bad economy
whoa, i can tell you're highly paid

>> No.13369682

im an american retard

>> No.13369695

>real estate unaffordable in most major metropolitan areas

>> No.13369723

I don't give a shit really cause I live in the most beautiful country in the world, as voted for.

>> No.13369732

I also just got a $1.50 raise two weeks ago

Let the good times roll baby

>> No.13369769


>> No.13369777

its called natural selection. you cant afford it yet no vacancy.
America creates heroes and actual special people that rule the world

>> No.13369789

>poor people can't live in dense urban areas
oh nooooooooooo

>> No.13369819

Of course I can afford it retard. But most people can't, and I'd rather not spend 2k a month for a 1 bedroom apartment. And that's on the cheap side. It's clearly a bubble, anybody buying real estate in California or NY is buying BTC at 20k

>> No.13369865

no larper, most studios in southern california are 900
Its not a bubble its called inflation. People with over 100 IQ can find affordable housing in the vast landscape of america

>> No.13369882

>southern California
You mean where all the Mexicans live? No shit retard, I live in the bay area where all the jobs are

>> No.13369903

Also inflation is a bubble, it's what will drive the American economy to the ground in the next 10 years

>> No.13369916

>actual special people
........ That's what a mom calls their tard child

>> No.13370556



IN AIR...!!!!!!




>> No.13370673

inflation is a symptom of the bubble, brainie

>> No.13370690
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>56% and declining

Also nice meme stat on trade salaries

>> No.13370740
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Yes, we know that our entire nation is about to collapse in the next year/5 years/10 years. We've been hearing it nonstop since 1776.

>> No.13370791

>tfw live in cucknada

ask me about my suffering

>> No.13370807
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>university grads making 80-100k starting + stock options

Nigga say wat?

>> No.13371020

91% of white Americans marry white Americans. Conservative whites have a higher birth rate than Hispanics, blacks, and Asians. Less than 1% of the country is Muslim, lots of Christian religious fundamentalists, number one immigrant group (Hispanics) is virtually 100% Christian and have traditional values.

Yeah it's real scary here in Burgerland. I'm sure >10% Muslim London, Paris, and Brussels are waaaay better.

>> No.13371047

Never understood this crap
>Whites leave their homeland to take other peoples home land.
>Complain when they themselves start to be replaced when their empire is on the decline.
What did you expect? While whites occupy non-white countries they can't demand non-whites leave Europe. Sad but this is what you should have expected looking at European history anyway.

>> No.13371057
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>> No.13371064


>If you are American and unemployed you are probably lazy and/or retarded

More true words have never been written in 2019.

>> No.13371070


If you piss off whitey enough, borders change.

>> No.13371097

I live in Massachusetts, you dumb ass.

>> No.13371100

meh, besides muslims, nobody has really wanted to pick a fight with whites anyway. it's just whites being exploited by jews to go off and try to ruin everyones lives just because jews tell em too. sad really but when the jews dangle their carrots, whitey always follows. whitey only realises they've been exploited when it's too late and then blames everyone else other than the jews because then they would have to admit that they'd been had

>> No.13371132

Source everything you say because I am not believing any of it.

>> No.13371153
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>be ameridumb
>go to cinema
>get shot
>go to concert
>get shot
>go to school
>get shot
>walk on the street
>get shot
>you are still alive
>police arrives
>get shot again
>go to hospital
>that'll be 300,000 dollars sir
>bleed to death

>> No.13371163

Yeah, and it isn't you. It never will be. Worry about your own interests.

>> No.13371175

you forgot the last step
>get shot

>> No.13371181
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>> No.13371212

more like
>shoot yourself

>> No.13371224

> this happened once
> therefore it means it always happens

>> No.13371232


I do that - is recession coming?

>> No.13371239

The economy doesn't matters, only demographics matter.
If Trump will be remembered in the History books, it will not be for the economy, but for the deportations and the Wall.

>> No.13371387

It's been guaranteed since the shitshow that was '08. Recession is a bit of a misnomer though, and more like the end of US financial hegemony over the world.

>> No.13371498


So much this.

The American economy is booming. But jobs paying over 40k a year are slim. All these tons of jobs you're hearing about are shit hourly wage jobs. And the cost of living is higher than its ever been.

Oh and American debt all added up equals $80k per citizen. That's not even including home mortgages.

This economy is great for the top 20%, okay for the middle 30%, and total shit for the bottom 50%.

>> No.13372002

that's pretty standard for tutoring (made 30 as a freshman undergrad teaching highschoolers) , but you can't pretend a gig like that is actually comparable to a $50k/year position because in the end i was barely scraping $200/week

>> No.13372216
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>number one immigrant group (Hispanics) is virtually 100% Christian and have traditional values.

Lol. This is cope. Enjoy your wonderful Christian beaner majority in 10 years.

>> No.13372229

Which wall?

>> No.13372288
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>posted 8 hours ago
>still no sauce on any of those figures

>> No.13372387

A CEO in America makes approx. 620 x the average worker salary.

America is fucked. Inequality is the leading cause of civil unrest. Enjoy the shitshow burgers...

>> No.13372414


LoL I'd rather live in Germany with having tons of paid off days and working social system then dying in burger on a simple flu. Yeah we got Tyrone and Ahmeds but days of easy gibs from welfare are over here. They have to take every job the employment department gives them. So they basically do jobs that no one wants to do like cleaning our toilets on our work and stuff.

>> No.13372466

I visited America after living abroad for several years and I detested living there. Mind you I’m from a predominately Caucasian part of the States, and I still was flabbergasted over how despondent and boring it is to live there. No wonder everyone is on drugs and obese, I would be too if all I had to look forward to was Netflix, house parties and sports for the rest of my cursed life. Europe and Asia far surpass living conditions for young people in America because there is a means for young, exuberant people between 18 - 40 to live their lives. There is just so much more to offer. American boomers failed their youth in developing an environment conducive for young adults. And the cities are filled with third worlders and subpar drinking venues. And the beer and drinking culture in America fucking sucks. Above all else’s, if there is something you want to see, which there surely are great attractions to enjoy, they’re hundreds or thousands of miles away. And America is largely the same culturally wise, except geography which is its only redeeming attribute. The only lasting thing to do is smoking herb and visiting natural parks.

Fuck America. Fuck everything about that overrated retiring home of a country. Live there when you’re old.

>> No.13372481

That's me. Feels good, too! Thank you for sweating for me Workin Man. I make sure to drain your funds through assistance and such. Your success will be your failure. Stagnation will reign.

>> No.13372760
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>mfw europoors reply to me saying I need to vote for Bernie, corporatism is taking advantage of me, and the only way to live a good life in America is to be a millionaire.

>mfw I'll be a millionaire in 7 years
>mfw I'm already a hundred-thousandaire
>mfw I'm 22 years old

The only way to be poor in America is if you're literally not even trying.

>> No.13372789
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>> No.13372808


>> No.13372860

State your professions.

>> No.13372906

>low unemployment
>thinks fast food and part time work is working

>> No.13372909
File: 23 KB, 474x374, goncern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>university grads making 80-100k starting + stock options
Citation needed.

>> No.13372917

Also, you realize that the floor of 25/hr is the same as the previous floor of 7/hr or whatever the typical minimum wage was before the 15/hr retardation started

>> No.13372918

Starting salaries for experienced engineers in SoCal are $200k min but middle-class homes prices are $1,000,000+ in good areas where people want to live.

>> No.13372922


>> No.13373461

>university grads making 80-100k starting + stock options
>average journeyman tradesman making $65/hr and so much demand they have to turn down work
>companies competing for workers raising wages everywhere
>even unskilled labourers are making $25/hr now

lol what

>> No.13373578

The one in Israel

>> No.13373843

So just be in the top 30%

>> No.13373869

Oil field baby

>> No.13373975

>be british
>call a tranny a man on twitter
>go to prison

>> No.13374081


damn, i want to me american so bad

>> No.13374109


I love it anon

>> No.13374123

imagine living in one of the most prosperous countries in the world, with the most advanced economies during a boom period and not making it, this is one of the easiest times in history and some people are still poor, how do they ever think they will make it when the boom ends?