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13363991 No.13363991 [Reply] [Original]

I hear it time and time again from blue collar wagies how they could never work in a nice air conditioned office and everyone that does are pussies. In reality if you aren’t a basedBoy you should be lifting after work and boxing or doing some sort of martial art. Activities which I barely had the energy to do after a day of breaking my back doing manual labor.

>> No.13364013

are you gay? who cares?

>> No.13364028

Are you a blue collar fag? Why do you resort straight to name calling? I’m just curious as to why so many of them say those things.

>> No.13364035

Who gives a fuck? Imagine wasting your time thinking about stupid shit like this.

>> No.13364037

Are you upset that people who work in tougher conditions are tougher?

>> No.13364040

its a meme, you dip

>> No.13364051

>ITT a bunch of backwoods retards who were to poor and stupid to go to college get upset
Of course it’s a cope anyone who has worked a blue collar job knows how shitty it is. There’s a reason so many of them are drunks or opiate addicts.

>> No.13364056

Same reason why squaddies are proud of their shitty low pay and shitty career prospects and shitty working conditions. They're proud because they can tolerate something that most people can't. They don't stop to think if that's a good thing or not

>> No.13364057

I’m all for trolling in good fun but that’s just mean tricking people into a shitty life.

>> No.13364060
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Everyone is trying to cope. Life sucks and while don't all have the same struggles we all share the pain of having to exist just to make the 0.001% actually get to live life.

>> No.13364074

heavens no, my hands are black everyday from working in the coal industry and id love to sit down all day in an office not covered in dust

its definitely a heavy cope, but there are some of them that legit have adhd and cant sit still

>> No.13364082


>> No.13364094
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In the UK they're basically looked down on by a large portion of the population and I think it gets to some people so they cope by saying they wouldn't want the alternative anyway.

I (PhD student) was walking in nature alone a few weeks ago when I bumped into someone very obviously lower class. Really nice guy and everything but second I told him I was a PhD student brought up his son who graduated from same uni and owns a 5 bed house obviously thinking I was judging him. Not sure if this is the same globally but wouldn't be surprised, the us seems like it's even worse for this. The whole things really sad imo

>> No.13364119

Disagree, military is a very respected/attractive job and something to be proud of.

>they can tolerate something that most people can't
I've done min wage work (probs even more challenging on body then plumbing or whatever that is) and don't anymore. I could have "tolerated" it for the rest of my life, I don't do it anymore cause I can get a better job instead.

>> No.13364126

I used to live in London and the class divide is quite sad. I always found it peculiar when people took on low class accents, as if to accept that they could never be more than they are.

>> No.13364140

I've got one from growing up in shit hole and know I'm getting judged for it a lot. Pisses me off no end.

>> No.13364150
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Yea I’ve noticed this too from lower class people, they will try to one up your accomplishments with either their own or their relatives. I work in IT and had to look at some black ladies computer yesterday and she complained that it was slow and that her son could upgrade it in a second lol, I’m sure Tyrone is quite the tech whiz. Regardless I have nothing against blue collar workers I did remodeling before this gig and actually building stuff is cool, they are also WAAAAAYYYYY Less cucked than white collar workers.

>> No.13364158

killing a bunch of mussies in the desert in the name of some jewish banker is something to be proud of?

>> No.13364162

Piggybacking on this I think “white collar work being superior” is a meme pushed by (((them))) to create a subservient class of submissive wage slaves that are frail and weak who will bow down to their corporate overlords. (((They))) can’t have men capable of creating their own businesses that don’t have to conform to PC culture running wild.

>> No.13364169

If they're terrorists yeah. Regardless, it's an actually difficult (therefore prestigious in it's own way) job whereas plumbing isn't it's simply for people with few qualifications

>> No.13364266

they dont make shit for money. Im all for doing hard shit but in my mind the only thing that matters is how many zeros you have in your account. Being a plumber or soldier is cool if thats were you wanna stop. Not to mention you can only do that so long till your body gives out.

>> No.13364345


... Just change how you talk? Wtf, even if you didn’t know how to emulate someone with a standard speech pattern five minutes on youtube would do it.

You can train your voice to sound however you want, within standard octave range of course, brainlets on Biz I swear.

>> No.13364417

All of the tradefags I know make great money, but blow it every weekend on hoes and partying. They're all in their mid to late twenties and believe they'll be able to put in the same amount of work when they get into their thirties and forties, when their bodies are wrecked due to hard physical labor, injuries, and poor diets.

>> No.13364445
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fuck yeah cunt

>> No.13364456

Am using my /biz/ degree to run my own account and plumbing business. Hyper comfy

>> No.13364525

You're describing hyper-domesticated men. They have lost any semblance of rugged individualism and physical toughness. Not to mention mental toughness. Basically, you're little more than a skin-covered humanoid, programmed to do your sterile tasks and obey the masters who control the matrix. Your instincts for survival have been reduced to collecting a paycheck and visiting the grocery store. You will die a quick death when the collapse happens, torn to shreds by some blue collar man or homeless person.

>> No.13364885

>tfw commercial construction worker and get to work in air conditioned offices every day
Best of both worlds

>> No.13364987

It's best to have clean hands and be rich. Always.

>> No.13365076

Lol I I’ve been doing martial arts and MMA for years and have been lifting for almost a decade. I don’t know a single trade fag I wouldn’t embarrass if we squared up. Plus I have guns so I’m not worried.

>> No.13365085

Those horses and dogs are sexy and fuckable

>> No.13365256

>I work in IT
>and had to look at some black ladies computer yesterday and she complained that it was slow and that her son could upgrade it in a second lol,
which job?

>> No.13365270

Lower class people have a chip on their shoulder. In the US if you 'disrespectin' a lower class person, theres a slight chance youll be knocked out / stabbed / shot.

>> No.13365284

> can’t go to the gym after a day working manual labour

Definitely gay

Harden up you cunt

>> No.13365396

faggot i dropped out of business uni, started as a plumber and now, 2 years later i have a company which builds ventillation systems for apartment complexes, with 15 employees. oh yeah and i still occasionally drop in to help out my wagies, altho i dont have to.

>> No.13365418

>I’m just curious as to why so many of them say those things.

>> No.13365452

I currently run my own small blue collar biz and I make 2x as much (if not more) than my white collar firends who fell for the office job meme. I also have 2x less stress from what they're saying. I have a good degree but had I known that blue collar stuff pays so well for skilled workers I would've never even thought about going to University in the first place.

>> No.13365481

true and it's the same in the UK but that chip is on everyone's shoulder. cunt island.

>> No.13365585

>faggot i dropped out of business uni, started as a plumber and now, 2 years later i have a company which builds ventillation systems for apartment complexes
Fucking larper
>ventilation sistem after 2 years
this board is full o gay larpers

>> No.13365611

yeah man, Scotland is pretty based though

>> No.13365621

>THAN you have a girlfriend

>> No.13365642

Blue collar master race here (heavy equipment operator)

I genuinely could not even fathom having to wage cuck in one spot I'm literally at a new location every day and if it rains we don't work

Life is cash

>> No.13365666

no, only since in that 2 years i got a technician degree. besides plumbing and ventillation arent that far apart, if you knew anything about construction fag.

>> No.13365677

technician degree to be a pumbler?
Are you in USA?

>> No.13365736

I used to do manual labor. I’m so happy to be away from it. The worst part is being surrounded by idiots like the originator of OP’s pic. You’re forced to have the same contrived conversations about politics or sports.

>> No.13365967

>a decade

Lol what an excessive larp. Theres no way you've been training that long and still feel insecure enough to brag about it on an anonymous image board. Now that I think about it, you could just have a low IQ or height complex. I find short dumb men to have the loudest mouths.

>> No.13366244

I have worked both blue collar and white collar jobs. There are high time preference/low understanding retards in both, and in my mind they are not worth worth talking about if you want to compare people from both areas.
In my experience, smart blue collar people are more interesting and skilled at changing their environment. They're more creative, more oriented toward figuring out how or why shit works, they talk less, have a more natural/intuitive physical presence, and aren't hamstrung by clown world word games. The succesful white collar people I know typically have a more limited scope and understanding of the world in exchange for higher wages and nicer consumer goods. They understand less the work that goes into the things around them. If they work out, their physical skill is stilted, or mannered; it's disconnected from the rest of their being and seems as if it was memed into their life. They are also worse with women and have relationships more centered around word dominance mindgames than physicality. They also talk way too fucking much.
tl;dr succesful blue collar are more complete human beings

>> No.13366280

>tl;dr succesful blue collar are more complete human beings
Its more like men whose jobs are close to what men were doing for the past 20 thousand years have their brains wired properly. This obviously isn't the case for every tradie retard out there, but people in trades/physical jobs that are on top of their game skill wise are like that.

>> No.13366350

Good way to put it

>> No.13366625

Just giving you my background the only blue collar worker I know that I couldn’t beat up is one of the instructors at my mma gym that does factory work, other than that every tattooed cig smoking alcoholic tradie I’ve met isn’t gonna last long if we’re throwing hands. You sound like every insecure trade fag that goes on and on about how manly they are like the pic I originally posted. I don’t even hold anything against them just their insecurities and chip on their shoulder is tiresome.

>> No.13366660

Im not into the whole jew conspiracy maymay but ya watching F-18s drop jdams on compounds was when it really hit me that this war wasnt fair at all. Thats why I wasn't pissed when they used IEDs against us. What the fuck else were they supposed to do? Besides war is just sport for old men anyways. Once Napoleon figured out you could just give young kids medals for doing heroic shit as an incentive then it really got interesting. War is the ultimate meme.


>> No.13367172

>if you don't know the difference between "than" and "then" then you may be retarded

>> No.13367251

>worried virgin

>stoic chad

>> No.13367262
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So you’re all in on bnb right

>> No.13367267

>I love doing my job!
Why the fuck are you retards here? Dont we all hate our fucking jobs, isn't that why we want to make it?
I want to kill myself every single fucking day but the thing that keeps me going is that maybe one day I'll make it.

>> No.13367269

i never understood this either.

i envy people who wear suits and work in AC offices.

>> No.13367310
File: 18 KB, 416x381, alsosam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if youre in for the next 5 years with around 10k-20k I don't really see how you can not make it as long as you stay out of shitcoins and trade at a 3rd grade level. 2021 is gonna be out fucking standing.

>> No.13367327

Im training to be a toolmaker, been working in shops for 2 years now. I dont want to work in an office because of the sedintary lifestyle. When I sat at school all day, I got fat as fuck. Physical labor helped me lose all the weight.

On the other hand, people are drawn into the trades because they see themselves out on their own, solving problems and working with their hands. Getting there isn't easy, at least depending on the trade.

Even if you get a 2 year degree, the only way to master some skills is being out there on the job everyday. Its hard to make machinists because nearly every employer gutted their apprenticeships by the early 90s at the latest. Now that the work has been coming back and the workforce is mostly over 50, there are tons of shops moaning and crying about "not being able to find anybody", but they offer no way in. They still expect fresh faces who also have 3-5 years+ exp to walk in the door.

If you find an apprenticeship, it can be a hellish existence for some time. Nothing like working in some run-down old shop where the boomers gave up years ago, stopped maintaining their $6-figure equipment, and dont want to train you in the first place so that you can fuck up the leverage they have with their company. Some will short your future for this very reason - give you pointless busywork, make you clean, take the credit for anything you did by your own initiative, while badmouthing you to your supervisors (yeah he's not really coming along as quickly as we intended him to, maybe we should find someone else)

I'm American. I've heard German apprenticeships are pretty harsh too. UK seems even worse because they can pay like 2gbp/hr and then let you go at whim

>> No.13367354


>> No.13367407

>doing office work
>dealing with women all fucking day
>actually have to talk to people
>need to keep your image sharp
>literally nothing to do half the time
>longest soul sucking hours a person can imagine
>same pay as blue collar work (far less if you don't have college)

Fuck that shit. Take the on call blue collar work. Sit at home and shitpost all day and only go into work when something needs to be done. Typically only work 3 hours a day and its salary.

>> No.13367416

When they try to talk down on white collar workers, it is pure cope. How many professionals send their kids to be plumbers compared to blue collar workers who sacrifice themselves so their children can attend college?

>> No.13367423

People tend to work their hardest in their 30s and 40s.

>> No.13367509


Did you actually fight someone to death or all your experience about fights come from some safe and disciplined dojo? Because fighting for sport and fighting to kill are two different things.
Guys who have beaten some old fuckers at the dojo and think they know it all are the same guys that get stabbed, beaten to near death by seven guys at once or shot in their first real fight, not saying you are that kind of person, but be careful.

>> No.13367676

Lol I'm not the one bragging about how tough and cool I am on a board primarily made up of turbo-autists and neets. I could care less if you could beat me up my dude, I just think it's sad that you need to flex on 4chan. Maybe do some breathing exercises and then google "advantages to being short." I'm sure there are some.

>> No.13367683

>They're more creative, more oriented toward figuring out how or why shit works, they talk less, have a more natural/intuitive physical presence, and aren't hamstrung by clown world word games.

Every skilled job requires problem-solving and creativity. Blue collar work has the same bullshit: obsession with brands, judging skill by appearances, etc. These people have their own tunnel vision of the world.

>They understand less the work that goes into the things around them.

Blue collar workers aren't trained to know science behind the tools and machines they operate, not beyond a superficial level at least. That's why you have stupid accidents like the Florida bridge collapse.

>They are also worse with women and have relationships more centered around word dominance mindgames than physicality.

Blue collar workers are more likely to be wife beaters because they don't communicate well.

>> No.13367785

The whole point of martial arts is to avoid fights and being able to defend yourself as well as staying cool, calm and collected. ironically enough it’s almost always blue collar trade fags in bars that try to be mr. Tuff guy and start shit. Violence should always be avoided if possible because most fags these days will run their mouth like >>13367676
and then press charges after you break their nose because their ego got hurt. Smarter to run because you will not win 3-4 vs 1 fights 9 times out of 10 no matter how well you’re trained.

>> No.13367786

You've described the high time preference/low understanding chuckers I purposefully excluded from the description. Education level and maturity with respect to new information being equal, the sucessful blue collar man has more depth.

>> No.13367812

Btw this thread was mostly just b8 for blue collar fags, I’ve worked in both sectors of wage cuckoldry. Another anon pretty much ended the thread that we’re all here because we don’t want to work any job, I just get a kek out of trolling tradies since I was one at one point.

>> No.13367814


Imagine being a clean, soft-handed faggot who gets cucked by bigger faggots in suits all day long while not even making more than $40 an hour.


>> No.13367838

so how much does it hurt to know any dude in tech dev is making 100k and can focus his physical exertion on health rather than back breaking fume huffing shit 12 hours a day? Fuck off retard, I was raised by a tradesman and your puritan pride in being a cucked laborer has zero impact on me, an actual ubermench

>> No.13367889

Yea Cletis my sceptic tank exploded last night and is spraying shit all over the backyard I’m gonna need you to clean it up while me and my wife go for a jog. When you’re done I’ve got some drywall I’d like to hang, pacho said he would do it but he overdosed on heroin last night and said he doesn’t have the right license to drive the big truck to bring all of the tools.

>> No.13367899

reading comprehension: illiterate

>> No.13367924

I was hoping your father would be able to clean up the poop

>> No.13367953

It's definitely a cope. Got nothing against blue collar people until they start bragging about how hard they work, like it's something to be jealous of.

>> No.13367962


I'll send Pancho to Home Depot to pick up $100 worth of materials so I can watch you happily fork over $15,000 for the job once it's finished. Better pay up before we put a lien on you.

>> No.13368042

Boy you coonin

>> No.13368063


Thing is, I can do manual labor but can you write software?

>> No.13368220

I have a six figure office job but I spend a lot of time on the weekends working on my house. I generally find the work rewarding because it is improving my quality of life and increasing the value of my house. I'm glad I'm not doing that work day in and day out for a paycheck though.

>> No.13368237

This, same situation here. I love working on my car, too.

>> No.13368253

I have a master's in chem and I work in manual labour in a sauce factory. It's a good first job

>> No.13368273

Then you should know lifting doesn’t help you fight little man. Hurrr durrr I have guns anyway so I don’t have to be worried. You used to be worried and insacure and probably still are.

>> No.13368559

You can hammer nails for years but remain ignorant of the science behind it. Your depth is ultimately limited by your knowledge, which can't be gained simply through experience. What some people view as "depth", others view as "shallow". When people say they have a profound understanding of the world. What they're really saying is that that is their limit of their understanding.

>> No.13368584

that dude has such a girly hand

>> No.13368635

Fucking this. I'm a pipefitter apprentice and I see so many fellow apprentices without a care in the world but so many journeyman who make nearly $50/hr who have trouble making ends meet. /biz/ is not perfect but it gave me the spark to look so much more deeply into how I handle my money. I don't want to make all this money dreaming of my pension and 401k after my body has broken down. I want that shit to be the cherry on top when I reach 60.

>> No.13368649

i got into the habit of wearing latex gloves for handling mineral oils and grease as many of them apparently carcinogenic or just plain toxic. not to mention easier to toss the gloves than scrub the hand clean.

>> No.13368698

I have hands like this & I long for a desk job.
Still most dudes are whiny, gossiping faggots whether their hands get dirty or not. The difference is I know how to build a bomb & play violin - if all you know how to plumb or sell cars you are still fairly useless to society.

>> No.13368765

>if all you know how to plumb or sell cars you are still fairly useless to society
as opposed to making bombs or playing the violin which are uber useful? the fuck...

>> No.13368880

I can machine, weld, am a licensed electrician & engineer. When I meet some 20 yo shitstain that has been an hvac apprentice for 2 years or some yuck that sells Hyundais, yeah I laugh when they talk about 'bein' smaht'

>> No.13368884

You can do manual labor. Nice.

>> No.13368930


>> No.13368933

i have seen grease monkeys with more humility that's for sure.

>> No.13369175

this is from young blue collar fags. old blue collar fags are mostly family men that don't give a fuck as long as they keep food on the table and a roof over their family's heads.
t. old blue collar fag

>> No.13369187

t. roughneck

>> No.13369192

If anybody gets "tricked" into wageslaving by these salty cucks for fear of being not man enough, they deserve a shit life.

>> No.13369273

I'm a young blue collar fag and neither I, nor any of the people I work with, are self-righteous asshats. We take pride in our work but we don't sit around and circle jerk about it. Surprisingly internet memes do not represent reality.

>> No.13369294

plumbing has saved more lives than modern medicine

>> No.13369319

Hahahaha I honestly didn't expect you to keep replying. Fucking relax man, its 4chan. Your brand of humble-bragging might work with your neighbor's kids but no one on here matters so theres no reason to be so god damn cool.

>> No.13369329

what do you do

>> No.13369337

>implying that people who work blue collar jobs can't be curious or willfully expand their knowledge
Again, a reference to people who I purposefully excluded from my analysis.

>> No.13369370

>I don’t know a single trade fag I wouldn’t embarrass if we squared up.

Fags like you are retarded. Constantly pretending like everyone wants to fight or that you'd "beat someone's ass if they tried." You're a fucking pussy looking for constant validation. Go kick that bean bag fag. Tim Kennedy is just like you, a tool that never shuts the fuck up

>> No.13369570

Superintendent. General laborer for a few years, assistant super for a few, now I'm running my own jobsites. Theyre not huge compared to the multi-million dollar projects the GC I work for does all up and down the eastcoast, but I enjoy the nature of the work immensely and generally handle stress very well.
My short term goal is to be a traveling Super. I've got a few medical marijuana dispenseries under my belt and I'm only 25 so I'm thinking about specializing in them for a bit - they have a lot of unique security regulations that can catch a new GC off-guard and theyre popping up everywhere right now.

>> No.13369618

It's worth noting that my years as a general laborer made me a bit of a jack of all trades so I'm usually doing basic trade things on the jobsite as I run it. I don't think I'd be as fulfilled if I didn't get to work with my hands between scheduling subs, calling in inspections, and mediating issues between grown men twice my age.

>> No.13369668

Here in Australia every tradie I've ever had to deal with ends up mentioning something super-pretentious like how they're reading the Iliad or traveling to Venice the next week. I think perhaps they're desperate not to be seen as stereo-typically ignorant, but end up coming off as super-pretentious and annoying.

That said, I've worked in offices and I can totally understand wanting that independence and freedom from micromanaging roasties and "white ribbon accreditation" seminars.

>> No.13369699

>I work in an office, but I do karate
What a gay thread.

>> No.13369950

> tfw cozy office job
> mfw manual laborers literally sacrifice an arm and a leg for their jobs only to come into my cozy office to pay me out the ass to handle their divorce and child support because their wife was cheating on them with a chad while they were at work

Work smarter, not harder

>> No.13369969

Blue collar couples don't use lawyers for their divorces. Larp busted.

>> No.13370039

> I don’t work in your profession but I’m going to tell you how your profession works

They absolutely do, they generally just can’t afford much litigation. Blue collar workers have a decent amount of money lying around and can’t navigate the legal process

>> No.13370108

You're comparing an exceptional minority of tradesman with your own negative stereotype of white collar workers that you've made based on your limited anecodotal experience. You haven't made any analysis. You're just reaffirming your biases based on faulty comparisons.

>> No.13370147

scrolled for this

>> No.13370186

Considering that humans survived by using their brain instead of their legs and hands, if working in a office is not alpha I'd rather be a beta and fuck your bitch

>> No.13370201

>Blue collar workers aren't trained to know science behind the tools and machines they operate, not beyond a superficial level at least. That's why you have stupid accidents like the Florida bridge collapse
From Wikipedia
>An examination carried out by the Federal Highway Administration discovered faults in the design of the bridge, which overestimated the strength of the bridge in the region which failed, and underestimated the load it would be expected to carry.
>Unlike most bridges in Florida, the design for this project was overseen by the university itself, not the Florida Department of Transportation

>transcript of a voicemail left on a landline on Tuesday, March 13, by W. Denney Pate, FIGG's lead engineer responsible for the FIU pedestrian bridge project, regarding visible cracks on the bridge before it collapsed: “Um, so, uh, we've taken a look at it and, uh, obviously some repairs or whatever will have to be done but from a safety perspective we don't see that there's any issue there so we're not concerned about it from that perspective although obviously the cracking is not good and something's going to have to be, ya know, done to repair that.”
>lead engineer
>some repairs or whatever

This bridge accident is 100% the fault of the dumbfucks who allowed incompetent women students to run the show, not the workers who built it

>> No.13370221


I work as an engineer in America but I wear a bright orange construction shirt when I ride my bike to work so cars can see me. People treat me noticeably different when I'm dressed like a construction worker, from when I'm dressed like a professional. One boomer cunt who rides the same train I do won't even deign to acknowledge me when I say hi to her.

>> No.13370251

Laughed audibly

>t. office drone trained in multiple hand2hand arts

>> No.13370447

t. geeksquad or mom & pop computer repair wageslave hiding under the "IT" blanked.