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File: 174 KB, 950x950, south africa lition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13363632 No.13363632 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13363634


>> No.13363664
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Based Germanfags

>> No.13363673

already a x2 ! Thanks to all the shiller since yesterday

>> No.13363689

Thanks anons from yesterday, got in below ICO. 2x done, 5x to go from here.

>> No.13363703

Rule of thumb, anything involving "Green energy" is either a joke or a scam. Or both.

>> No.13363722

Aaaaaaaaaaa. I haven't bought in yet.. am I too late frends?

>> No.13363764

Not when you're cutting out intermediaries and going straight from client to powerplant, thanks to peer to peer technology.

This way is not just green energy, but also the cheapest option of all the providers, they already do this in germany and now they're just begining to export it to the African Market.

And keep in mind that this is just one of Lition's use cases.

>> No.13363786

I have done no reserach on Lition so I don't know about this one in particular. But generally, "green energy" and hipster bullshit never makes real money... Well, maybe for the ones at the top sure. But not the small investor brainlets like us.

What else are they involved in?

>> No.13363823

stay poor cuck

>> No.13363827

Why? Because you're a fucking retard? kys

>> No.13363830

I didn't say the coin itself is bad. Anything involving a "green energy" marketing hook warrants a thorough look to avoid being scammed.

>> No.13363832

Didnt do any research on it so I cant say. Just look int the team, partnerships, whitepaper, etc. Like always. Green energy is not really a good thing to go on. If they want to expand out of green energy, then it's okay.

>> No.13363835

Let me guess you also think climate change is 'marxist hoax'

>> No.13363845

Nah pollution is very real, caused by the ones at the top, blamed on you for leaving your 13 watt lightbulb on.

But I'm just saying, avoid anything with a "green" marketing hook. If they are just starting that way, but plan to expand elsewhere, then it's fine. Like I said, I can't say if this is a good or bad coin. No research on it specifically.

Look at the team, partnerships, and white paper. Green energy is almost always a profit driven pyramid scheme pretending to make the world a better place, while at the same time causing MASSIVE e-waste pollution all over the world.

>> No.13363850
File: 54 KB, 826x403, lition tokens use case.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They pretty much signed a contract with SAP, and if SAP has a client that could use Lition's technology, they do it.

So far it is being used to make a $20 milion syndicated loan deal between Volksbanken Raiffeisenbanken and real estate development company ( https://finance.yahoo.com/news/lition-vr-bank-cooperate-process-160500387.html )

And when the main net goes live Q3 2019, Tokens will be used to create the side chains being used in these deals, to pay gas fees inside the public and private chains, as well as being used for staking, in order to secure the network.

Also in the private sale that took place (no bonuses and locked for 90 - 180 days), tokens were sold to enterprises who have interest in using the tokens when the main net goes live, some speculation going around about what companies bought in, but nobody knows for sure.

>> No.13363879
File: 215 KB, 1280x719, IMG_20190418_130436_551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at the partnerships. SAP's CTO wrote Litions whitepaper.. Imagine people they know. German government etc

>> No.13363910


>Volksbanken Raiffeisenbanken and real estate development company

Any random person with 20 million dollars can "make a deal" with a bank and real estate company. That doesn't mean they have trust or that the bank is putting their name on the line for them. It's a glorified real estate loan, from the sound of it.

>some speculation going around about what companies bought in, but nobody knows for sure.

Are you SURE they aren't shell corporations owned by the creators of this coin?

Like I said, I haven't done research, but I like this coin even less now. I'll do research later.

Have they partnered with western union? Chase bank? Bank of America? Bank of Japan? Any billionaires been mentioning them in the news?

What's the GOAL of this coin? What are they trying to replace? Are they marketing? Is the tech solid? How experienced is the team? What partnerships that are in use today can they use?

This looks better than that tweet, but it's just a drop in the bucket as far as partnerships go. Microsoft invests a few bucks into every tech company with a pulse.

>> No.13363964

I'm not sure if you're dumb or just pretending cause you want to buy in lower.

Just to touch on your first point, the bank doesn't need to put the name on the line, they are not partnering with Lition, they are Lition's client, they are using Lition's technology in a $20 milion loan to a real estate development company.

I don't have more time to answer your dumb fud, so if you want to inform yourself use google or join Lition's Telegram, if not, you can just keep spewing uninformed fud

>> No.13364086

At a glance I don't like how they describe proof of stake. And they reference Byzantium? Really? It's like it was written by a marketing team, not a tech squad. Or a high school kid. It's like it was written to fill space. Very annoying to read and unclear.

Very unprofessional whitepaper at a glance, but I'll keep looking at it.

>"13 ConclusionGiven the lack of existing solutions to satisfythe requirements experienced in a real, com-mercially productive blockchain application,Lition has designed a proprietary blockchainsolution."

Lack of existing solutions? Lol what?? Do we need another proprietary solution when there ARE in fact commercial ones out there already? This white paper is fucking amateur. It's like I'm reading a WIRED article or some shit. So much fluff, no substance.

If every node is also responsible for security, wouldn't that increase transaction times, and therefore the cost? Why would a multinational bank use this over something like Ripple or their own privately created cryptos?

For a "technical whitepaper" they could have gotten someone who didn't used to work for Wired magazine. It's a high school paper.

Compare this to something like NEO's whitepaper. CLEAR, CONCISE, TO THE POINT. No fluff, just technical data. Plenty of other links included, etc.

Still reading. Need time.

>> No.13364111

Retarded germans said no to nuclear plants. Now they are buying nuclear plant generated energy from the French scum. Super based retards.

>> No.13364133


Vr banks are the second biggest bank in Germany ...

>> No.13364149

how much to make it anons?

>> No.13364168

Also compare their whitepaper to ETH's exceptional whitepaper. Redundant purpose, no explanation, intentionally written to be confusing for people who do not understand crypto.

"References" at the end lol. Like a high school paper. With author names and shit. Yeah this coin is gonna MOON U GUIUSE!!!

But if it does, by sheer luck or hype, SELL and reinvest in ETH. Even garbage can moon. That's the point of an exit scam after all.

Advisors are nameless professors with no real crypto experience or reputation.

Their ENTIRE tech team. 3 random nobodies from Belarus. One is a woman.

The """"CORE"""" team. Marketing, marketing, marketing experience. LMAO. LOTS of people on the """"CORE"""" team. People who have experience selling bullshit sandwiches.

They are hyping the green energy scam for this coin. It exists in a vaccum without purpose. Just GREEEB EBERGY U GUISE!!!!!

These are marketers, not crypto programmers. Exit scam. Let it moon once, sell, never look back. Long term this will die. Short term, these guys look like they have experience hyping at the very least.

The whitepaper is such an embarrassment, I can't believe I even skimmed through that shit.

Shitcoin. Concluded.

>> No.13364225

Couldn't buy low enough could you?

>> No.13364236

I'm not buying this trash after reading that whitepaper and looking at that tech team.

>> No.13364323
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this game is all about hype
i will sell this shit later but for now and the following week/-s it makes me money

>> No.13364329
File: 35 KB, 800x685, D730D048-58FE-4F5D-AA3E-F6565212500A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s lit

>> No.13364346

Yes, hype is all this is. This is not a long term hold.

You can still make money here, if you exit scam at the same time the bullshit sandwich salesman team does.

I'd personally choose ETH over this.

>> No.13364769

i'm already up 2x since yesterday you cuck, i literally can't lose

>> No.13364814

The hype train have barely started. Twitter just begun to wake up. I saw one guy with 200k+ followers started shilling Lit this morning.
It's going for a LTO-kinda run, atleast 20x. Holo shillers are onboard so just wait

>> No.13364853

Good. Sell when you think it hits max. This is NOT a long term hold. Cash and grab, short term pump.

>> No.13364866

This is the opposite of a money grab, it's a long term hold that will certainly reach top 100 on CMC.

The CEO is a genius child prodigy

Richard started programming when he was 13 years old. At 15, he was fluent in 7 different programming languages.
At 17 he developed and founded start-up Claintern; a Top-10 website in Germany with over 1 million page impressions per day.
Later he completed a 5-year university program in 3 years, graduating as the top student in class.
Besides shining in Academia, he also shines in business. He was the youngest director in the history of Vattenfall, with $10 bn. USD in sales. Moreover, Richard was the managing director at ExtraEnergie, one of Germany’s top 3 independent electricity suppliers.


>> No.13364886

Over 100+ eth orders on Bibox in the top. People know what's up and the shilling hasn't even begun on social medias yet.
This is still really early

>> No.13364900

Dude, anything based on 1 guy especially a nepotist self-proclaimed prodigy who got his foot in the door to daddy's friends companies, is risky.


I'm not saying this won't make money. It will, with a marketing team like that. Just don't let your crypto wallet gather dust while holding this shitcoin. You will LOSE compared to ETH.

>> No.13364961

> who got his foot in the door to daddy's friends companies

Such hypocrisy, talking about substance when all of your comments are based on made up lies and no solid information whatsoever.

I've provided you with substance in all the FUD comments you've been making in every Lition thread, and all you do is make up lies or speculation to deny what is clear evidence.

If you don't like the project just move ahead, why are you spreading false information and lying to everyone including yourself?

>> No.13365022

Theres no fucking substance in that dev team. Buy and sell, but if you hold long term you are a lunatic.

>> No.13365050

Ignore this piece of shit. Yes we know that you didn't buy in and you are pissed.
Please bring proof if you gonna fud faggot

>> No.13365091

Their website is the proof lmao. You should hold. Everyone else should pump and dump.

>> No.13365667

>Decentralized energy to South Africa
Yep not happening. Move on people.

>> No.13365879
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why so mean against >>13365091
hes right though, dont fall in love with your shitcoin
god why are lot of people here always that salty, we all want to make money amiright frens

>> No.13365898

Lition is the best crypto to be listed on Idex since Holochain

>> No.13366387
File: 123 KB, 832x877, 1555598289626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lition is going straight to $2

>> No.13367137

EVERYTHING I said is 100% correct.

Buy, sell. Pump and dump. This is not a long hold you idiot. You should hold. Dump your life savings into it.

All others pump and dump.

>> No.13367447

>not buying SAP for 20cents.
Anon I.