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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13363342 No.13363342 [Reply] [Original]

What’s the most based drug to take while trading?
And also for getting ahead in life

Before you say coke... Think about it

>> No.13363350


>> No.13363358

Fresh air
Loud music in mono

>> No.13363539

Gay ass homo

>> No.13363551

t. Plebeian
Taking drugs is for crackhead wewuzzabeen no hopers

Fair enough if you're in your teens or something and you're experimenting but after that point it's just stupid. Don't even drink coffee unless you like sipping the HeBrew

>> No.13363616


>> No.13363661


based, I started smoking late last year and it has been brilliant. I'm 32 so can't get addicted, but I smoke 10-20 over a weekend and never during the week. It also looks really fucking cool.

>> No.13363669


>> No.13363672

Based ciggies id

>> No.13364003


>> No.13364010

Unironically molly
Ketamine is good too

>> No.13364023


>> No.13364026


>> No.13364146


>> No.13364178

Dexedrine/adderal +coffee + marijuana(non smoked)

My holy trinity. Add water, music, meditation, sleep, protein carbs fibre and healthy lifestyle with daily calisthenics and cardio.

Do not rec psychadelics for anything to do with finance

>> No.13364185

Drugs are for coping faggots and retards with IQs barely above 100 who think they are tapping into their "true power".

>> No.13364270
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How else can you stay awake for 3 days you stupid moron
And also, drugs are awesome as long as you can control the beast, know your weaknesses regarding substances

>> No.13364664

Kek.. someone wasn't invited to the daily 420 smoke sesh.. faggot

>> No.13364675

100% correct.. do whatever you want as long as you can CONTROL it. The beast is not to be fucked with..

>> No.13364680


>> No.13364762
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Pressurised Gas in canisters.
I have never done so many great trades as when I was inhaling.
This has been my secret for years and I can explan more if you want. Ofcourse I have noticed a bit of brain damage. But there is ups and downs for everything.

>> No.13364806


>> No.13364840

all i do is smoke weed. paying about 350€ a month.

>> No.13364863


Noticed a bit of brain damage..


>> No.13364889

>I'm 32 so can't get addicted


>> No.13364894

>I'm 32 so can't get addicted
Excuse me?

>> No.13364901
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>Ofcourse I have noticed a bit of brain damage.

>> No.13365702

i snort adderall and make double my money

>> No.13365714

noopept and psilocybin/lsd

>> No.13365728

nigga i can't even figure out how to make a trade on ketamine

>> No.13365733

Explain more m8 please.

>> No.13365754

Microdosing LSD

>> No.13365765

Cocaine for sure

Then some dabs to come down followed by some fire sushi


>> No.13365782

How about, life?

>> No.13365828

most based gentleman in this server. safest way to ether?

>> No.13365830


>> No.13365838

>loud music in mono
This is fucking dumb af

>> No.13365854
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>> No.13365924

Glad you asked.
After inhaling you doozle off with your eyes open after some seconds you start to realise you are back again. And you feel this warm feeling as you start being able to move again.
After doing this for 15 minutes you become so braindead that you cant understand any language. It all sounds new to you.
And this braindedness is what grants you the succses in trading. You dont exactly think you become one with the pattern. Then the extreme paranoia comes in.
So you put yourself constantly in a near death experience so you cycle yourself out of anxiety ptsd and euphoria this is what makes you on the edge and when master this tactic you will feel like your in a warzone, this is only if you are able to master it . But be aware! 25% of inhalers die on their first time the other 25% experience sever retardation. I will answere any further questions and about my midly retardation I have gotten.

>> No.13365935

Make sure you set a stop loss for when you go into a K hole

>> No.13365939


>> No.13366007

I smoke crack while trading.Its pretty awesome.

>> No.13366107

Wow that's a pretty clever technique actually anon.

Would you recommend I try it ? what were the long term side effects like for you?

>> No.13366135

during bull run i would smoke dmt and the entities would tell me the next 10x, very accurate

>> No.13366163

based linkposters

>> No.13366193

I want to see the full interview. What's up with her?

>> No.13366202

Please explain how you became retarded.

>> No.13366218

>25% of inhalers die on their first time the other 25% experience sever retardation.

>Wow that's a pretty clever technique actually anon.

>> No.13366401

Be more specific because the post would be very long. And besides do you really want to ?

>> No.13366413
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>listening to music without enjoying the full spectrum of audio

>> No.13366417

Watch out for your teeth and the stench

>> No.13366429
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>Listening to gimmicky muh 3d sound fx

>> No.13366609

how much?
started today with 5mg

>> No.13366640

please do m8

>> No.13366675

Coffee, weed (3-4 times a week tops mostly in the evenings unless you are on vacation) and maybe a few beers once a week has worked well for me. Anything harder has little benefit when you weigh the risks.

>> No.13366677

Care to elaborate? Also do you people buy them irl or online? I have an autistic friend who wants to get online.

>> No.13366689
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>/biz/ in a nutshell

>> No.13366733

DMT so you can instantly understand what HFT firms are doing, understand the whole market, pick the stock that's going to pump hard in the next minutes and 10x your money.

>> No.13366825
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>looks cool
yea getting cancer is hella cool

>> No.13366866

done it once... never again. I am celebrating bicycle day atm, wont touch any of my coins.... i hope

>> No.13367202

unironically based. I'm 25 and I smoke maybe for a few weeks out of the year, get tired, then stop smoking for a few months. Shit is comfy.

>> No.13367540



100mg in the morning
100mg in afternoon

laser focused - everything else is noise which cannot penetrate your tunnel vision.

>> No.13367615

Moda doesn’t do shit for me.

When I was a NEET, I was a bartard and made so much money and got a lot done. I miss Xanax

>> No.13367628


>> No.13368240

You're a beautiful person anon and you should write out your story

>> No.13368568

When i was in Johannesburg a lot of locals would smoke dried, it was honestly probably putrefied human placenta. You honestly need to try it. Type of stuff to make you go bushwhacking with no shoes on.

>> No.13368585

if you can't trade without drugs, you wont with them

>> No.13368599
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I used to margin trade on polniex for like 20 hours a day in 2016 with 1 Adderall XR 30mgs in the morning while snorting Adderall IR throughout the rest of the day.

>> No.13368749

A 50% chance to make some cash is a higher clip than most of the board averages. TIME TO HUFF SOME GAS BOYS!

>> No.13368780


>> No.13369344


>> No.13369424
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>> No.13369452
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You better be vaping anon (not joking)

>> No.13369465

Nobody’s mentioned Kratom and kava?

Legal, though definitely addictive if you overuse.

One of the most important parts of trading is mood. A positive mood allows you to better self actualize your gains. It also stimulates you while also reducing your stress and anxiety, which is far better than most stimulants.

Lowers your stress and desire to fomo. I really recommend it if you don’t have an addictive personality. But let’s be honest, you’re degenerately gambling shit coins for hours a day, you’re prone to addiction.

>> No.13369474

>ctrl f
>0 hits
we're peak boomer, short everything

>> No.13369477

Oh, yeah. Kratom. I take a teaspoon every morning the shit has changed my life.

>> No.13369478

>buying the meme

>> No.13369484

Fuck off

>> No.13369492

>you are pathetic btw

>> No.13369531

t. Stereo brainlets muh 3d different sounds in different ears bro xD

>> No.13370113

Perc 30s

>> No.13370129


>> No.13370145

Probably modafinil, never tried it though.