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13359748 No.13359748 [Reply] [Original]

>Spend 7 years in the army
>After service spend a year backpacking Europe and asia
>Come back to home city and ask to stay with my boomer dad and his wife until i can get gainful employment
>They live in a 2 storey 4 bedroom McMansion with just the two of them
>Here for two weeks
>Now they want to kick me out because she wants her space

Welp, im about to be out on my ass. What can I do lads?

>> No.13359756

Seduce her and fuck her brains out

>> No.13359761
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>he fell for the army and "gap" year memes

Good luck never finding a job, jarhead

>> No.13359776

Nigga i got kicked out of my parents at 16

>> No.13359814

>can afford 1 year of bumming around the world
>Can't afford his own living space
They can smell your leeching tendencies

>> No.13359918


Nigga i just got back.

>> No.13359949

How much money do you have?

>> No.13360026


Enough where I can survive on my own without employment for sometime. But rent where i am is exspensive so I cant stay in this city without a means to support myself. Im still waiting to hear back from jobs, but getting employment is harder than i thought. I work in a niche field (aircraft maintenance)

>> No.13360030

You could have been looking for a place before you actually got here.

>> No.13360060

So? Tell them you are looking for a place of your own and fucking do it. You will find a place, leave and be an independent man as you should be and she will be happy.

Whats is the issue now? I don't see it.

>> No.13360071

Your dad is a cuck. You're his heir and it doesn't even sound like that's your birth mother. Tell your dad to stand up to the bitch. But you may have to accept it's a lost cause. Start looking for cheap rooms with roommates.

>> No.13360073

So why dont you move to a cheaper city and find a job there? Dont a lot of people in the military who are aircraft maintenance start immediately working for lockheed martin/boeing when they get out?

>> No.13360074

Kill the wife. Now you got the whole house to yourself and your dad.
Bonus points if you take a life insurance out on her.

>> No.13360081

Women instinctively hate freeloaders because they hate competition.

>> No.13360082

Van life my friend. And gym subscription for showers and power. Go out every evening rock climbing and meetup groups, only come "home" to sleep and browse biz on your phone. Move location when you want. Van life is the best life.

>> No.13360108

She's a bitch. And your father is an asshole for not standing out for his son.

If you can stand it, flatter her, do things for her, like small gifts.

Other than that, just leave and pay cheap rent.

>> No.13360141

>7 years in the army
>Zero money saved up
Your a straight retard

>> No.13360295

This. Fuck all the faggots ITT and fuck that whore and "her" space.

>> No.13360338


This fucker should have a fucking good bank roll by now saved, even pissing some away backpacking. No wife and kids to support that whole time. Idiot if he fucking drank it all.

>> No.13360346

>fights kike wars
>comes home a good goy no one wants
Never gonna make it anon

>> No.13361152
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>risking your life for others

>> No.13361399

>spend a year backpacking
>move in with boomer dad and his roastie straight after
>instant problems
Think I found the problem, fren. After you finish backpacking you're supposed to shower

>> No.13361740

Boomers are fucking garbage

>> No.13361779

Are you FUCKING kidding me?! Become a mercenary.

>> No.13361889

Use your GI Bill, OP. Enjoy 4 years of getting paid to go to college. Look for an income based apartment. Your income is very little, you're a student and a vet. Should get you to the top of any list. I did it. Partied my ass off all 4 years.

>> No.13361936
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meanwhile in China

The ‘Four-Generation Challenge’ is taking the internet by storm

I know alot of people are going to hate this but thank god we only have 20 years left of boomers. They have been a massive waste on our society. At least the new immigrants coming into america dont have the same value system as boomer americans.

OP anon when your parents are old, find the dirtiest nigger filled old people home and stick them in there.

>> No.13362117

>You're his heir
>he thinks he's in some ruling royal family and the same concerns they'd have apply to your pleb one
Delusions of grandeur.

>> No.13362138

lmao ok wagie

>> No.13362194

Are you in the US, cant you go to school with the gi bill?

>> No.13362206

take her out, make her disappear

>> No.13362215

This. Arn't you supposed to get some sort of veterans benefits?

>> No.13362303

Im sorry anon that ur parents are not there for you. maybe you should give ur step mom some rent money

>> No.13362705
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>Now they want to kick me out because she wants her space
Fucking roasties

>> No.13362736

You are the heir to his money

>> No.13362759

so you're parents don't love you? weird that you would share that on a Nigerian basket weaving forum

>> No.13362760

Live in a van and stealth camp. There are like hundreds of YouTube videos telling you how.

>> No.13362789

>genetic legacy isn't the most important thing for any lifeform that ever existed
Stupidity, legacy is the only think that matters.

>> No.13362790

His dad is the one starting the pleb cycle

>> No.13362922

Serious reply for you here OP, no judgement here.

Firstly, thank you for your service. I'll never diss anyone who has worked in armed forces. They sacrifice a lot.

Secondly, always remember: there are no such things as problems, only issues. A problem is stage 4 cancer; you have an issue (this is a saying that comes from my friend who served in the SAS).

Look at it as a bold move; literally and figuratively. Your dad and his wife have blessed you with an opportunity to challenge yourself and become uncomfortable again in the uncertainty of your next chapter. Your job is to embrace the uncertain and make it tangible. Go and research places to rent within your budget. Negotiate a deadline with your dad by which you can both agree you will vacate premises. Is he happy for you to keep your old room there for stuff you don't need to move? Things like that.

Go out there and do it. You don't need much to get started. DOn't be afraid to take any work you can find if you need to save up, and pay the rent and bills.

It's easier to move on to other forms of gainful employment if you're already employed. Or, decide whether you'd like to study. It's up to you. Make a start today and the momentum will grow, believe me.

In 3 to 6 months, you'll be in your own place, or shared house, or wherever, and you can reflect and see how far you've came.

These are life's challenges. Don't get down on your dad, and don't judge him for it. He wants you to grow into the man you can be. It's the "push" a lot of millennials don't fathom ...it's hard because life is hard and that's it. Embrace the uncomfortable and build that resilience.

>> No.13362966
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Being ex military in the USA and UK is a golden ticket to getting decent jobs generally unattainable to non service leavers. If you're in the UK research the armed forces covenant and look at employers with the gold award, the majority of the time gold means you're guaranteed an interview, if you don't get a position you can contact their HR positions and say that you're ex military and ask for a reason, they may even reinterview or award you the job so they keep the certification.
In the US, military worship is obsessive, just put it on your CV and you can expect loads of replies. Government jobs usually have quotas and military is one of them.
Law enforcement love ex military and it pays well once you get promoted.
Defence companies (BAE, Raytheon, General Dynamics etc) all love ex military as well.
You can even consider going into private military work and earning a considerable amount of money until you find an actual career.

>> No.13363060

Not op but I'm saving up to be able to take off for a year or two and travel/spend time to myself while I'm young before I wage slave all my life. How would I explain that when trying to get back in the work force?

>> No.13363079

Too soon

>> No.13363091

Kill her

>> No.13363094

In this globalised world you could say to prospective employers that you wanted to experience other cultures and learn their customs, way of life, and meet people outside of your culture etc.
If you're also travelling to do volunteer work or help in animal sanctuaries etc. that shows a commitment to helping decent humanitarian causes. You could definitely put that in your CV.
I believe a travelled man is a knowledgeable man. After all, knowledge without mileage equals bullshit.
Safe travels!

>> No.13363113

Thanks fren. Yeah I always wanted to do it and knew a few people from high school who did that digital nomad scum life but they did it like right outta college and have shit careers. I always hesitated because I didn't wanna fuck my employment opportunities but im already 4 years in my industry with a current position in a huge pharma manufacturer so i already have a decent resume established to pull myself out of the gap

>> No.13363157

It sounds like you know what you want to do and are taking aim. Very cool anon.
I think travel enriches the spirit and makes for a well-rounded person. You sound like you know what you're doing, I say go for it and experience the world. The great thing is, you can do it throughout your lifetime. Those people that say to only travel early in life? Forget that, it gets better as you grow older.

>> No.13363213

Fucking homewreckers

>> No.13363219

Thanks again fren, I'll definitely be thinking about this conversation when I get there. Best of luck on your adventures as well! Cheers!

>> No.13363282

Awesome! Screencap it if need be.

Who knows ...we may even bump into one another somewhere in this world without even realising.
Thank you bud! Yep, I'm at the proverbial fork-in-the-road and determining what's out there for travel/career/life. All the best to you too. :)