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13358144 No.13358144 [Reply] [Original]

I've never had a 10x. What does it feel like bros?

>> No.13358147

Just buy LIT and hold for a couple of weeks

>> No.13358150

Depends. If you 10x $50 then it probably just feels amazing. 10x on 10k and above is like shooting up heroin.

>> No.13358156

Feels like cumin lasganga buy FTM

>> No.13358195
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Mfw had usd 260x on $200 but never realized any of the gains

>> No.13358209


same kek

>> No.13358231

I 10x'd on idex a year ago on some coin. Felt pretty good, I was probably sweating and withdraw 80% back into ETH. Was my first active trade 10x, I used to just arbitrage from idex. Just went back to see if I have any shitcoins left over there, apparently forgot about 500k holo that 4x'd since back then. Checking my wallets now for anything else hiding around.

>> No.13358291

It feels like it's not enough because you really need a 1000x

>> No.13358321

I’m on a 460x.

It feels like getting tromboned off a half time slag

>> No.13358347


This. Feels great while it goes up but then it drops a little and suddenly you feel poor again. I made 20k on a $300 investment, i feel like its nothing now though.

>> No.13358360
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>tromboned off a half time slag
is this british slang or something?

>> No.13358373

getting your anus licked and getting wanked off at the same time by a half time sports cheerleader chick dancing bint

>> No.13358396
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November/December 2017 were fun. +$30K overnight basically every night was insane. Sorry you missed it anon

>> No.13358479 [DELETED] 
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it feals great!

you know you can 10x in a day by margin trading BTC with 100x leverage?

you only need bitcoin to go up or down 10% to go 10X.

It feels like printing money.


>> No.13358486
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>feelings of wonder oher the 10x of your 100 dollars.
You'll never make it anon.

>> No.13358611

>buy EOS first hour of ICO
>first time doing an ICO
>pay them eth
>don't get coins

It was more than a 10x but I didn't get to have it. I blew up their twitter and all contacts about it with screenshots for a week. My first act as a crypto millionaire will be to have those fucking wretched pieces of shit assassinated.

>> No.13358617

This. I would go to sleep, wake up to see I gained 25K while i slept.

Took 15K to 400k..just did not sell unfortunately. But, still in huge profits even after every thing hit bottom. Added more now to let it grow over time and hopefully. It certainly has been climbing again.

>> No.13358630

It feels amazing but you always want more. I 20x'd on Nano in 2017 and held all the way back to below my initial. That feeling is fucking horrible.

>> No.13358634

You put in 50
You sell for 500
Ive had 10xs
Wasn't in with substantial.amount
Waiting on RLC and Link
And EOS will pull up to 50 in a proper bull

>> No.13358647

And that was on a 10k initial. I was over 200k and got greedy. Saw a million in my future and lost it all. Take profits when you get those huge runs.

>> No.13358663

i wenr from 4k to 200k+
jsut remember to cashout :D

>> No.13358725

>Saw a million in my future


>> No.13358754

I 200xed on nano and am still holding.
I'll hold through the next bubble too.

>> No.13358763

lol this is why only accredited investors are allowed to participate in IPOs.

>> No.13358831

I participated in two other ICO's that day (DAO.CASINO and ADSHARES) got my tokens in MEW from those and both of them went to literally zero and delisted.

>> No.13358835

It feels like coitus

>> No.13359314

That was great going but that's exactly it. 20k is amazing but we need a few million to retire lol

>> No.13359340

I hit probably around 100x. It’s addicting, and it makes you greedy as fuck. Take more scheduled profits at different levels, don’t get attached to any of your holdings

>> No.13359360

Best I had where I take profits were a 4x and a 5x, almost 6x.

It’s better than having Miranda Kerr waking you with a blow job. Imagine a 10x or a fucking 100x

>> No.13360484


I rode XRP from 23 cents up to $3.30. It's the purest, cleanest high you can ever experience and you believe it will continue forever. It truly makes you delusional. The comedown lasts as long as the bear market.

>> No.13360529

I 10xed on icon. Went balls deep on 1st day of Binance, went from like 30K to over 300K in 3 weeks.

It was fucking the best feeling ever. But the problem is I held it until it crashed back down to 8k...which is the worst feeling ever.

All that to learn that don't fucking hold any of this bullshit

>> No.13360534

Also this. When I was over 300K, I was like shit I can easily hit a million, it's just getting started.

But that was the top. And it crashed so suddenly I just kept holding. It wasn't til months later I snapped out of it

>> No.13360543

This. The rush is absolute insanity. I, like many anons did, got into REQ at 5 cents in october 2017, when you could actually be hopeful in their future. I rode that to $1 and held like a moron all the way down. Sold at like 14 cents.
The biggest issue is that you think it will keep going on forever. I took a hard lesson but I'm wiser now, and now I have reasonable targets for my shitcoins where I'm starting to take profits at.

>> No.13360546

Bags of sand.

>> No.13360604


What do you hold now anon? What are your targets?

>> No.13360626

>be late 2017 early 2018
>put $15k (life savings) into BTC in october 2017
>holy shit im gonna be rich!
>put some of my money in CND cuz I think its magical or some shit
>all crypto starts crashing
>right before february crash, I put my entire stack into CND
>watched my life savings go down to about $3k
>more stressed out than ever all my life, losing sleep, but still HODL
>palm beach posts CND as their monthly pick
>within a few weeks my $15k is worth $45k in CND
>then everything crashes again and I panic sell back to fiat at $15k

In the end, I didn't lose much money. But I feel like I lost a bit of my soul.

>> No.13360633

20x on BNB

bought in at 1.00

still holding my 3,000 BNB lol

BNB and link were the only coins i bought and held since 2017.

i just wish i bought more.

>> No.13360648


1000x is all that you should be concerned with. And I think the last true 1000x was nano fall-winter ‘17

>> No.13361581

Link because it looks like it will have actual usage. This is a small hold, a suicide stack. I might sell something if it ever gets to $10 but I'm not heavily invested in this.

HOT. I'm selling at 1, 5 and 10 cents.
NKN. at 0.20, 0.50 and 1 USD.
I also have a small BTT bag looking for a quick flip, which I believed this is primed to do.

>> No.13361667

Buy UND and you will know the feeling soon enough.

>> No.13361871

If you buy TVIX in 3 weeks you'll find out

>> No.13361989

had a 20x in NEBL back in dec 2017 i think. I littearly put like 300 bucks and got 6000 in p much 1 night, felt like i was dreaming, immediatelydumped nebl and bought some other shit

>> No.13362000

my close boy bought 1k nano for like 2k in dec, at ath he had 40k and never sold, has like 1.5k today

>> No.13362062
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I remember nebl anon, It was fucking wild...It was in Jan 2018 though...good times anon, good times ....i remember just opening random charts and looking for a bullish wedge on a 15min chart ...It usually took less than 30mins to find one....get in with whole stack, get out with 5-10% peecent profit....ah, happy times ....

>> No.13362070
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Feels like warm apple pie.