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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 88 KB, 4167x2001, lition_logo_grey_transparent_1-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13356005 No.13356005 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13356081

Whale here, I bought, this will be at least 5x!
Remember VIDT? Don't forget to cash out on the way up, anons!

>> No.13356102

Proud I got into this ICO

>> No.13356123

whale here too. proof: 0xA4Be1cB01866934DdB5e06d0Cb9ad5999FC94Ff1

>> No.13356126
File: 93 KB, 1053x813, Lition HODL Highway.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just going to leave this here.

Who knows, knows.

>> No.13356138

Thanks jeets. Dumped my stack this morning and went all in on Bolt. btfo

>> No.13356175

Hahah, Bolt shill? Whales already dumped on your ass.. just wait and see

>> No.13356204

Biztards never learn

>> No.13356498

You have two options:
1. Invest in Lition.
2. No Lambo for you.

Choose wisely.

>> No.13356900

IDEX listing you say?


>> No.13356925

So that's another IDEX scam coin shilled on biz? awesome

>> No.13357104

fuck this shit. I was going to buy this morning, but for reasons I forgot.
It already almost made x2 ffs stop please

>> No.13357124

Same here if it helps

>> No.13357140

daily reminder that scams pump the best

>> No.13357207

you must look at the fundamentals.. very good propspect and potential

this will moon hard

>> No.13357291

>Remember VIDT? Don't forget to cash out on the way up, anons!
VIDT token is not needed, it was literally a hustle. I warned those retards to get out but didn't listen.

>> No.13357367

Its not like its gone. Its actually heading back up right now.

>> No.13357483

where do I buy this shitcoin?

>> No.13357500

Got listed at Idex and Bibox 12 hours ago.

>> No.13357501


>> No.13357859

should i sell my ftm and go all in

>> No.13357884

for quick bucks only ofc

>> No.13357898


That's lit. Got a massive stack. Ahh comfy af.

>> No.13357902

You’re beginning to understand now I see

>> No.13357948

im drunk, i think its too risky
ahhh i hate this gameeeee

>> No.13357973

Don't fucking wait. This could easily go to 10m cap this weekend.

>> No.13357997

dont want to loose more money :(
i would be safe if i invested this morning but i didnt so yeah...

>> No.13357998

This thing is taking off harder than LTO. Get in before the wagies

>> No.13358006

Idk if you guys are pajeets or not but I should have bought this last night at .007 but refused since I was getting burned in ftm. I woke up this morning and fomo’d at .0085. The guy in the interview is really from SAP which is a huge company in the US. Found this https://youtu.be/lXpBRHptyKk

>> No.13358013

It is going to 10m at some point don't worry about that. You have to get on the hype train before it hits full speed. Project is unfuddable. Price is low. It's easy at this point.

>> No.13358039


Buy in now or pay 2/3x in a weeks time its up to you goy

>> No.13358049

no way. itll drop back to at least 09 if not 10. i wouldnt buy now its in the initial idex pump

>> No.13358058
File: 16 KB, 486x81, shill1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13358091

>implying that this means anything.

Ico buyers are literally incentivized to hold this coin lol. This is like Fantom but with realistic goals working with a $135 billion company in SAP. Make of it what you will

>> No.13358164

this goy is right
it happened everytime

>> No.13358180

It is at .001 right now anon...

>> No.13358214


Exactly. Its not even 2x its ICO price. ICO price was .007. It's gonna dip down here and there but over the next week weeks it's gonna pump like crazy. Shit like LTO went 10x, Xbase 5x, VIDT is still 7x up from its listing price..Why wouldn't an actually legit project like this pump? No ones selling apart from a few swing traders

>> No.13358229

Btfo samefag don’t ruin this coin for us. It doesn’t need a whole lot of shilling. SAP is behind it, let them do their job Ranjeesh. You don’t always have to be so pressing.

>> No.13358236

it's dumping AAAAAAAAAAAAH

>> No.13358237

i know but i missed the point to fomo in and get out with a profit
if i buy now its just a hard gamble, if i stay with my ftm its safer
also im drunk and too emotional i just want to forget this shitcoin and wait for it to dump

>> No.13358305


lol my bad, I actually meant to quote your post not mine

>> No.13358655

Ok this shit is really taking off

>> No.13358709

See you in 2 days at ico price

>> No.13358739

okay fomod in with half my stack

>> No.13358749

>i know but i missed the point to fomo in
>okay fomod in with half my stack


>> No.13358769


>> No.13358798
File: 155 KB, 400x700, 1525893493094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

threw in 33% of my stack around 0.001. if it fills cool. otherwise oh well as im still comfy in pic related

>> No.13358802


>> No.13358828

perfect time for cmc listing
now the normies will pump this shit

>> No.13358833

Ico holders are incentivized to hold. do some more research.

>> No.13358994

>he does know
t. Knowing

>> No.13359061

how does this happen?

>> No.13359072

it reeks of pajeet in here

>> No.13359085

wtf how does me asking how does this happen reek of pajeet? fucking hell you'll turn anything into anything

>> No.13359153
File: 784 KB, 768x767, Cereneum_Airdrop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The next 10x is Cereneum

>> No.13359970

Oh look the next pajeet PND. It's time to buy.

>> No.13359974

it's fucking dumping. i fucking lost everything.

>> No.13360195

No larp or shill, is now a good time to buy? Or will it correct before going up again?

>> No.13360271

It's hard to say. It's a legit project, but you might be able to catch a dip. I decided to just buy because it's not going to stay below $0.20 for long

>> No.13360275

This is the correction nigger