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1335586 No.1335586 [Reply] [Original]

Just noticed for the first time in months not one single shill on this page for/against the greatest crypto of all time.

>> No.1335597

Buy ethereum

>> No.1336319
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Buy ethereum

>> No.1336326


What is the appeal of ETH? I had about a G tied up in it but sold 90% of it last night because of BTC flipping the fuck out.

>> No.1336335

how, do I buy ethereum in Canada

>> No.1336411

it is blockchain technology like bitcoin but instead of the blockchain just being comprised of the transaction ledgers, the Ethereum Virtual Machine platform is a chain of blockchains where you can run actual programs on the the blockchain as well.

so instead of just verifying the transaction ledger, the miners' computer power and electricity goes to running the programs as well.

the downsides are if you write a bad smart contract (program) with security vulnerabilities, that could be exploited. like with the hack of the DAO.

they call it the decentralized world computer or i've even heard it called the 4th industrial revolution. it should eventually speed up and facilitate automation in our daily lives instead of just mostly having that happen in factories and grocery stores and the like.

here is a list of some smart contracts that are on the ethereum blockchain: http://dapps.ethercasts.com

>> No.1336543


Why would you pick BTC instead of ETH if you only have 1k to invest?

If BTC gets to 1k/coin you'd make $400

If ETH gets to 1k/coin you'd make $71,000

>> No.1336571

but BTC is slowly released to the market 12,5 coins at a time by expensive machines
Meanwhile ETH is produced easily, cheaply and fast minute by minute

>> No.1336575

There is a literally unlimited amount of ETH, there will only EVER be 21m buttcoins.

>> No.1336844
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So will Ethereum go to da mooon or no?

>> No.1336855

yeah that was my point... one coin of ETH can never be worth 1k/coin because it is unlimited. Even if it switches to proof of stake, it will never be as proportionally rare as BTC

>> No.1337026

Eth will switch from pow to pos sometime in the future meaning limited ether

>> No.1337030



>> No.1337045

Doesn't matter. Bitcoin inflation will be higher than eth inflation in 1 year, and will remain higher for over 1000 years.

>> No.1338010

I havent heard of anything bitcoin does that ethereum doesn't do. There is plenty that the modern cryptocurrency that matches where the blockchain has evolved to does that bitcoin doesn't and can't do.

>> No.1338022

how profitable is etherium mining right now? what's the ROI?

>> No.1338092

I read a post that a solid rig costs about $1000 to build and it will pay for itself in 3 months. I'm tempted to invest in one, but I don't have the patience to learn all the nerd shit and know how to fix and update things.

>> No.1338160

3 months? that's if the price stays stable, if it doubles then it'll be 6 weeks

>> No.1339115

I wish I could buy ether right now. I can't even make a loan to a bank atm.

I'm poor with cash so I should have bought back when it was under 10 dollars a pop.

>> No.1339121

you should get en ethereum tshirt with a QR code for donations and make a different person in your family wear it each day. advertise it and collect donations through the shirt.

eth is the future

>> No.1339264

Once this halving madness is over and people get there brains back ether going to $25

>> No.1339458
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Is anybody taking advantage of the ease of GDAX and their btc/eth trading? Seems like an easy way to increase a holding of either preference coin.

>> No.1339840

maybe sooner than that because people trying to get away from the halving effects will most likely go into ETH

>> No.1340046
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Dear DAO hacker,

I know you browse /biz/, please send me some already *owned* (before DAO) ETH because soon you will be rich anyway. ;)

Thank you.
>mfw he actually delivers

>> No.1340064

The Ethereum miners soft forked today. The fork starts at block 1,800,000. The DAO hacker won't be able to sell his ether.

Now they're debating whether to burn the ether or return it to the DAO investors with a hard fork.

>> No.1340098

bum it usually means to mooch it, to take it like bumming a cig. i think they're thinking about just blacklisting it and burying it in a hole with that sf.

that seems like the overall current supply can will drop. maybe it will help it make it back up over that 14/15usd marks soon.

>> No.1340170

I'm sure the thief made plenty when he shorted DAO and ETH.
No matter what all the library assholes say. I am fucking stoked that they at least didn't give away 50 million ETH on principle! Alpha move Vitalyk.

>> No.1340250
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shorted pre-attack you must mean. sf was the right move. hopefully ethereum can put this dao thing behind it.

eth leaves a sour taste in peoples' mouths too much for them to look into what it is and discover that it is actually legitimate enough declaration when people say it could be the 4th industrial revolution.

seamless integration of the financial security of the blockchain and the near turing-complete functionality crowdsourcing the processing power from miners' computers for eth gas.

the decentralized world computer. no downloading the program nor needing a hosting server to run it. just facilitating payments after agreements for actions and with different commands instantly. automated. no bank or card middle man and now no middle man for the whole process of facilitating your service or disseminating rights to use your service made easy.

sour taste public sentiment from speculators is keeping eth staying/going over 14$ or 15$ threshold each time it gets close but once this DAO mess is over, people will be able to go back to learning about ether and the evm voluntarily.

>> No.1340410

I know I have 13k at 15.5 - God would love to see 20 soon.

>> No.1340840
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Daily reminder to buy ether:


>> No.1341760

He said "burn" not "bum", you idiot.

The soft fork was a mistake. Fuck these diiots that invested in DAO.

>> No.1341771
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>There is a literally unlimited amount of ETH
>therefore this makes it a good currency
Am I missing something ? Are we being trolled here ?

>> No.1341831

You sir are a moron

>> No.1342902

the dao ruined eth's reputation. still the best blockchain tech out there but this dao thing is ridiculous.