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13355845 No.13355845 [Reply] [Original]

Has consumer culture met its utter end?

How many faggots do you know driving cars they cannot afford to look like they can in a (useless) attempt to get laid?

In the UK this is pretty much everyone

>> No.13355860
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You end up with shit like this in the states


>> No.13355861

It's always poverty spec Audis, BMWs and Mercs, driven by people with a real stick up their ass or air of self importance.

I usually end up with them a few inches from my bumper, always something to prove with these people, suppose they have to justify not eating for their car choice..

>> No.13355879

hahahahah I just laugh at this from my paid for in cash £4000 electric car, I pay nothing EVER for fuel by going to free chargers

>> No.13355885

car dealing is a huge racket imo, really slimy shit. Someone recently told me that whenever you purchase a new car it is designed to lose 60% of its value in the first year.

>> No.13355898

Deano is a massive lad, and a legend to his mates.
At 5.30pm, he drives his Audi A5 home, careful not to scratch it 'cause it's on a really expensive lease. But it's worth it 'cause checkout the bluetooth capabilites.
He opens the door (which still has the film on the windows) of his new build in suburbia. He drops his M&S carrier bag on the floor; he'll save the percy pigs for later.
His girlfriend looks up from her phone, quickly closing tindr.
>Hey babe, how was your day?
>Hey babe, great cheers, me and Danny had a right laff on one of the viewings and I'm in line to get a 2k raise if I keep these sales figures up.
His girlfriend looks away disinterestedly, thinking of the Chad from tindr she's chatting up. Deano is glad she bought this barefaced lie and hopes his lie was good enough to cover his affar with Tina, some slut from the estate agents.
Deano swanks into the pristine kitchen, opens his bare cupboards, pulls out the only item in the cupboard - worcester sauce. He douses his ready meal and chucks it into the pristine oven (still with film on the window).
Deano swings into the back room, a bare beige room that stinks of new carpet. It has a 65" TV in the corner with a slimline ps4 sat beside.
>Deano is a master at fifa.
All his mates agree he's the don, especially at long shots and especially after a couple of stellas. Deano the don.
>Deano the don!
Shouts one of his mates as deano logs on
>Fucking Danny!
Shouts deano back, his girlfriend in the next room rolls her eyes as she sends another suggestive snapchat to all contacts.
Deano goes on to win the match 17-10 and his league chances are looking great.
The oven timer goes off and deano sprints back to the kitchen, he pours the sludge onto a pristine plate (still has sticker on the bottom).
He pokes his head into the lounge and offers his gf some, knowing she'll refuse.
>No thanks, I'm eating out with the girls
>She's off to meet Ngubu, the one all the slags told her about.

>> No.13355936

These are some of the most evocative pasta's out there.
We've all seen, or know a Deano and it fucking depresses me.

>> No.13355944


>> No.13355956

You're not getting laid for having a car, but that frown that some girls send me when i tell them i don't have one makes me die inside everytime.

I knew dudes on the internet always say that i shouldn't care about what they think or whatever. Tbh i would be perfectly fine with just a small apartment and living the neet life if it wasn't for the fact that my animal brain keeps demanding every day that i should get laid. Even though the actual act of sex itself is no way nearly rewarding enough to compensate for the work and drama you have to grind through.

Damned if you do damned if you don't. My entire life consists of just as many barts as crypto.

>> No.13355981


what car?

>> No.13355999

you just don't have an expensive enough car.

But that attracts the wrong kind of women anyway so don't worry about it.

>> No.13356028

60% of white British people.

>> No.13356029

yo was actually thinking this pasta has a definite artiness about it, a bit like some spoken word stuff

>> No.13356061


Ofc not. But former sluts looking for a bucks boi will pay attention to the financed bmw.
Deano gets laid from sarah once a week in exchange for providing it all for her. Then she fucks chad on the side who is on drugs on doesnt even drive anything nice.

All these keeping up appearances are pointless. Guys doing it to get laid mostly but in reality they are just ending up cucked, or their chick rarely puts out while slowly getting fat, while bragging about how much she loves cheese and wine. Yup. Made it. That financed bmw was worth it boyssss


This is fucking legit lmao. Trying hard to avoid this trap.
Never settle down with a woman, and be smart with your cash.

>> No.13356100

my own opinion are that cars are fucking shit, you pay a fuck load for something that is immediately depreciating in value, and on top of that you have to pay reoccuring fuel, insurance and tax expenses, AND EVEN THEN you still need to worry about scratching it or WORSE STILL getting in a fucking car crash, once you’re done with all that you’ve just about outlived the car and you’re starting to develop an itch for a newer and better model. Just live as close to the city centre as possible and just use public transportation. The only advantage i can see for having a car is being able to get as far away as possible from civilisation as quickly as possible, and i think that speaks volumes about the state of civilisation more so than the utility of a personal combustion engine.

>> No.13356131

This only really applies to mass market cars/cuckmobiles. If you buy something that's prestige you'll lose far less money. But you have to be able to afford to do so in the first place.

>> No.13356156

It is ridiculous how little people understand how much they are losing by financing shit they can't afford. No one should buy a car that costs more than 10-15% of their annual gross income. And if you can't scrape together 10-15% of your annual income in cash, you should probably just take the bus.

>> No.13356162


It's 6.10pm.Deano's been queueing on the A76 for over half an hour.He can literally see his house across the ploughed field to his left.He's sure he can see shapes moving in the bedroom window, probably just the gf tidying.He checks his betyid account on his phone, his accumulator is racking up.He's up £14.65 on the championship results, maybe he should cash out. Nah they put that big button there to rob pussies, real legends hold their bets to the bitter end. Besides, that final bet on Mpogbe is guaranteed to come off and he's set to win £420 by 7pm. He turns up the radio as his favorite chart number comes on. He loves this fackin tune and sings his heart out alone in the car, barely keeping up with the lyrics. He stops singing abruptly as he makes eye contact with a lorry driver and resumes a manly pout. Luckily his shades hide his eyes so nobody can see the shame. Finally he swings round the huge empty roundabout and enters his road. He parks his audi up on the drive, making sure it doesn't grind on the bit of kerb again. cost a fucking bombshell to get that side-trim replaced at the dealership but it looks fucking peng now.Deano, still staring at his phone screen, doesn't notice the figures upstairs hurriedly moving about. He opens his pristene PVC doble glazed front door unit into his waste of space porch. His pointy as fuck shoes tread on pizza menus and tv liscencing letters. He picks up the tv license letter and thinks he should probably pay it. Deano's tv is so big you could probably see it from at A76 so he'd better be careful.He drops his keys loudly on the side and opens the fridge. Thank fuck! He has a can leftover from the weekend. Still glued to his phone, he shuffles to the back room. The space is bare except for his 65" TV and a large christmas tree that fills half the room. It has 4 baubles on one side as decoration, Deano is proud that he has finally made it.
He turns on his ps4 slim edition and finds that Daz is already logged in...

>> No.13356198

I honestly wish I knew the type of car you drive is not useless in terms of getting laid a long time ago. Even just driving a 2018 doge charger rental upgrade I was given by chance I get looks from drive thru girls all the time now.

>> No.13356214

yeah this i agree with, especially if you’re into car collecting and stuff, which i’m not really against, everyone has their thing, as long as you’re not flexing on fags because they dont have a 1940’s limited run concept car with a mint red leather interior, but at that point i doubt those kind of people really buy a car like that to drive it around all the time, normally they just chuck it in the garage and save it for a weekly or monthly or yearly joy cruise, they view it more as an art object than an object with utility and i suppose that’s an entirely personal thing

>> No.13356585

Except you would lose even more money through insurance payments. At least depreciation has an upper limit (100% loss). Insurance never ends.

>> No.13356769

Cars can appreciate too.

>> No.13356809

Spoiled it at the end.

>> No.13356880

>If you buy something that's prestige you'll lose far less money
it's the opposite, higher price, less reliable, more deprecation

there's still taxes, insurance, registration, risk of vandalism or accident, etc

it's a rolling liability for when you have money to blow

>> No.13357190

It's a hobby, a hobby doesn't have to make financial sense, but I know plenty of people (myself included) who've bought cars and made money on them. Prestige cars of a higher build quality are more reliable too...

Christ, a guy I know flipped a GT3RS for ~100k profit.

>> No.13357308


You need a nice car to get laid?

>> No.13357416

Bought a mazda 3 GT 2018 in cash the other day

shit was cash