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13348836 No.13348836 [Reply] [Original]

None of us are ever going to make it, because we're on this website. If we were going to make it, we'd have better things to do.

>> No.13349114

i glitched life for my benefit nigga i come here daily. fuck you

>> No.13349122
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>> No.13349123

ive already made it made it so you can suck my dong

>> No.13349145

i just got home from work, they pay me $250k year. i come here to shit on others to make myself feel better.

i already made it, but i continue to torture myself out of fear of boredom

>> No.13349180

Heh same here. 500k take home from my SaaS business. Fucking wagelets, when will they learn?

>> No.13349383

>i come here to shit on others to make myself feel better.

What's bothering you anon?

>> No.13349415
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men like this usually have tiny pee pees and so have to over compensate.
Think Genghis Khan, bet that chink mongoloid had a tiny pee pee yet had the largest contiguous empire in history.

>> No.13349423

bonus alone was 750k last year. stay mad and poor

>> No.13349445

>bonus alone was 750k last year.

I don't care about how much money you make anon. What is bothering you personally?

>> No.13349468

Not true. I made a killing last year from biz tips. Already made it. Gonna make more this year too.

>> No.13349475

This is the final redpill

>> No.13349601


Sounds like tiny peepee is the real secret to success.

>> No.13349645

nothing. the 750k comment was obviously satire like the other two faggots.

>> No.13349695

>i come here to shit on others to make myself feel better.

But what is troubling you anon?

>> No.13349704

my mother had a debilitating stroke and it's ruined my family, i've been pretty down ever since. also tiny pp

>> No.13349759

>my mother had a debilitating stroke and it's ruined my family

Sorry to hear that anon. That is a life changer. You're not alone. We are here.

>> No.13349844

How can I make mine smaller senpai?

>> No.13349895


Castration of one sort or another might do the trick, eunuchs have a pretty long history of being able to capitalize on leveraging tiny peepee power.

>> No.13350007


Date a fat girl or ugly girl. Your penor will naturally pull half of it's length inside your body all the time because it will be so uninterested in sex.

>> No.13350104


Not gonna lie, i have thought of eunuching myself, i wonder what would happen, not sex change shit btw, maybe i will do a vasectomy or something

>> No.13350116

You need to take you crypto knowledge and apply it

>find project in early stage
>be active
>help a bit
>contiue to do this
>find new projects
>suddenly you are community managers or ambassadors
>NETWORK you cucks
>wtf are you doing
why have you not done this yet

>> No.13350139

Dude what. Go into more detail.

>> No.13350163


>take a skill you have
>add your crypto knowledge to it
>be active in a project you believe in
There are ambassador programs and other similar opportunities out there.

Go on linkden senpai

I am connected with some well known crypto people and networking slowly builds up

>ive talked to the heads of bitmart on video chat
>bancor phone calls
>and others
Soon enough I'll be getting drunk with some of these people

You think im kidding but i am not

>> No.13350171

>You think im kidding but i am not
Arent they just entertaining you because they want you to buy/shill their product? What are you getting out of it?

>> No.13350193

I'm not shilling anything

Some of them pay for things like community management on telegram, or graphics, telegram bots. You just have to go for it.

>> No.13350207

also it helps to learn how to run your own blockchain, create erc-20 m and smart contract dev

>> No.13350225


isn't that what all human interaction boils down to? Socializing, dating, networking... it's all shrewd shilling in one way or another. You have to sell what they want to buy and v/v

>> No.13350228
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perhaps "making it" is simply all the good times we've had together along the way

>> No.13350232

That's actually true

>> No.13350253

He must got the baby dick
-lamar from gta 5

>> No.13350254


real/unconditional friends/lovers that you can trust with your life and most intimate confidence that will have your back no matter what are very, very rare, and are worth more than anything if you are ever lucky enough to happen upon them

>> No.13350266
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We would all make it if 4chan gathered together to claim Cereneum, stake it early and shill it.

But you cunts are too busy jacking off to hentai inbetween video game sessions to work together to make money

>> No.13350280

>he only makes 250k
When will poorfags learn? I’m literally LMAOing at your life right now faggot.

>> No.13350300

Meh if you can avoid the crab bucket loser incel negative mindset that permeates this place its really not that bad. Just don’t spend 8+ hours a day on here and take things to seriously. It’s cool being able to discuss things beyond the scope of the typical niggerball loving normies anonymously.

>> No.13350323
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>None of us are ever going to make it
Glad to see you faggots admit it.

>> No.13350338


I got a vasectomy 5 years ago anon. It doesn't help you make money, but it definitely helps you not lose money. It all helps with stress/anxiety due to no more pregnancy scares. Also, chicks you just met will let you bang them without a condom if you want if you tell them about your vasectomy.