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13346643 No.13346643[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Human consciousness, is a tragic misstep in evolution. We became too self-aware, nature created an aspect of nature separate from itself, we are creatures that should not exist by natural law. We are things that labor under the illusion of having a self; an accretion of sensory, experience and feeling, programmed with total assurance that we are each somebody, when in fact everybody is nobody. Maybe the honorable thing for our species to do is deny our programming, stop reproducing, walk hand in hand into extinction, one last midnight, frens and anons opting out of a raw deal.

Goodbye /biz/

>> No.13346672

>muh word salad

>> No.13346695
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>He doesn't know about near death experiences.
>he doesn't know about terminal lucidity
>he doesn't know about the ESP studies
>he doesn't know about the failure of materialism and naturalism
>he doesn't know about the split brain experiment was recently overturned
>He doesn't believe in the immortal soul

kek, atheists are low IQ retards

>> No.13346703
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Widespread acceptance of antinatalism just means an acceleration of pic-related, since Africans are too low IQ, too impulsive, and too r-selected to embrace it.

>> No.13346716

shitskins were a mistake

>> No.13346725

>unironically believing in evolution
Yikes! Don't you know God created us all, stupid atheist?
Every single complaint you have about the world and your existence is a direct result of human sin and the curse it brings on creation.

>> No.13346737

>he doesn't know about the split brain experiment was recently overturned

>> No.13346760

Good one. Do you think nothing went bang and created everything too by any chance?

>> No.13346781


Imagine being so atheist that you'd rather kys than accept God and the existence of the immortal soul.

>> No.13346787

There’s no denying that there is a higher power who created and runs the show. I don’t refer to it as “god”. It’s just a force that nobody can explain. Being that people always need an explanation, religions exploited this and turned normies into believers of whatever religion they could get them to believe in. Evolution also played a huge part in all this but what created evolution? The force above did. These things go hand in hand. To believe in one but not the other is ass backwards.

>> No.13346800

Youd rather kill yourself than grow, which, after all, is the point of life. This realm of "human existence" is just an egg for the soul to grow and hatch out of I believe

>> No.13346807

>grow, which, after all, is the point of life
The true mantra of the eternal beta male.

>> No.13346813

This was the turning point for me. I realized that by being an atheist I was buying into a contradiction. Either something came from nothing (big bang theory) or the universe has always existed (which violates the basic rule of cause and effect).

>> No.13346827

qualia + kantian inherent worth = the unbeatable retort

i suppose we’ll meet again on the playing fields when we have to discuss Truth, but until then..

>> No.13346833

Based on every single response here, it seems like /biz/ is too low-IQ and r-selected to accept anti-natalism as well.
There will be plenty of white people in the future, they're just going to have /biz/-tier IQs.

>> No.13346843

>discuss Truth,
the ultimate "pretend smart person" meme

>> No.13346846


Need sauce.

>> No.13346848

Being human is awesome, now kys if you don't think so

>> No.13346873

Bluepilled "fake deep" pro-philosophy cuckold

>> No.13346875

Your body is telling you that you are at the bottom of the social hierarchy and it makes you feel like shit because of it. You tried to throw your particular blend of faculties, upbringing and cultural environment at the world, and the world chewed you up and spit you out lifeless.

All the words you say are just justification for what your body is telling you: you failed the struggle, now kys. Make room for the non-rejects.

>> No.13346880


>> No.13346884


Gay as fuck and totally so-yiffied pineal gland

His words are from a popular Jewish tv show

>> No.13346897

>original sin
Kek. Like locking a dog in a room then beating it when it shits on the carpet.

>> No.13346909

OP sounded jewish as fuck. Only a jew has such a deep hatred of life and everything in it and feels compelled to make everything around them miserable.

>> No.13346914

Listen to some Jordan Peterson. He's implicit message is basically aimed at people like you.

>> No.13346923

Because nihilism of this flavour is a distilled product of the Frankfurt school which was kikery 101

>> No.13346925

>original sin
You continue to sin even now, and with each action you take, you incur more and more curses on yourself and those around you.

>> No.13346953

Funny and silly post but unironically I think it's funnier how SJW types are usually all about LE SCIENCE and pop sci whatever but apparently they believe evolution and that we're all equal at the same time

Isn't that impossible? If we're all equal then has evolution finished now? It's just stopped?

>> No.13346958

Btw we are all fragments of a shattered god that has been forced into this state in order to gain empathy towards biologicals. It's a form of torture, but also a form of learning.

This God picked on the wrong group of higher dimensional ex-physical sentients. Now we have to live and die until we achieve singularity or total dissolution.

So all this gay shit you are experiencing? Every shitpost or rejection or good time? It's just us playing with ourself. Yes you have a soul, but the soul is just part of something greater, and a sort of information repository that gets integrated every life/death cycle.

The only way to gain empathy towards biologicals was to be forced to exist as them for millions of years.

>> No.13346964

Have fun in hell

>> No.13346973

Read you some mother fucking Jung, OP.
What you do matters and is part of the plan, we are here to help the universe complete itself. The universe has one soul that we all derive from, it is pure delusion to think that we are at all separate from the universe.

>> No.13346982

Brainlet I believe in God but not cucked organised religion with a kike at the helm

Get fucked mong

>> No.13347005

>believing in fairy tale part of religion (spirituality) and not the concrete, real part of it (institutions)
The point of religion is to provide a set of interfaces for people to interact with. Not to circlejerk about cosmic entities.

>> No.13347040

Also humans are a destructive non harmonizing parasite to the planet
>muh muhs
Good argument fag

>> No.13347043

This is hell. We are dead and we are existing in hell right now. What we were before, ourself, considered life as a biological to be the worst sort of existence imaginable. Being forced to live and experience everything as a distributed bipedal ape race is one of the most creative and horrible forms of torture conceived in possibly the last several billion years across several dimensions.

We can't even kill ourselves and end our suffering.

>> No.13347063

>Also humans are a destructive non harmonizing parasite to the planet
>muh word juggling

>> No.13347066

how did you come to this conclusion

>> No.13347071

non-jainists are never gonna make it

>> No.13347084

>implying immortal soul means there is a god

low IQ bigot.

imagine that in 2019 there is still people who equate religion and theism. imagine the level of cope because they HATE nature and select a few verses to feel ok about their manifold delusions. heheheh... sure, wait for the bodily resurrection. just wait..

>> No.13347090

The machine elves told me. They think it's funny and that we definitely deserve it.

>> No.13347137

im genuinely asking. I would have believed you if you said you read it in some old texts. acid trips are another thing

>> No.13347155

I thought for awhile that we were a child god trying to be born through enlightenment, but the elves assured me I was mistaken, and showed me what happened.

We utterly destroyed several trillion sentient physical/biologicals across a swath of dimensions, as whay we considered a form of mercy. Since being a struggling biological is obviously a horrific and disgusting existence, and they had rejected and opportunity for singularity and ascendance to energy.

Not every god and power agreed. When we dissolved the pets of the things that made the machine elves, they decided to teach us a lesson.

>> No.13347175

Spirituality => upper-middle class useless mental wankery/penis fencing
Institutional Religion => satisfying real fucking needs of the underclasses

>> No.13347178

>he thinks machine elves are other than him.
>dmt should be about freedom of vision

>everybody and his dog sees machine elves
>they all wanna fucking mimic the loser that terence mckenna was
>muuuh machine elves bro I saw them


>> No.13347179

The cycle of reincarnation/rebirth to reach enlightenment is a common trope in our cultures. A lot of other people before me figured out the truth and tried to speed up the singularity best they could since they realized what we were going through was horrible beyond conprehension. We have a LONG way to go. Millions of lonely years yet.

>> No.13347189

he thinks buddhism was less helpful to the world
and the gospel itself

than fucking christianity and judaism

mfw abel is good because he is a wandering bastard with animals. muuuh being agricultural is bad, cain is bad.

my condolences

>> No.13347192

>people before me figured out the truth and tried to speed up the singularity best they could
da jews?

>> No.13347198

jews hate the natural state of things.

they hate whatever god there is.

>> No.13347201

you mad? why you mad?

>> No.13347208


>let's kill goats for god in expiation for our sins


>> No.13347213

its in their rebellious spirit to be like that. They subvert each other daily

>mfw abel is good because he is a wandering bastard with animals.
can you expand on this for a brainlet

>> No.13347215

This is from the meme-ey short story "the Egg"
Anon just took DMT after reading it and added the narrative about elf wars.

I'm not sure OP's statement is incompatible with Kant's end-in-itself

>> No.13347218

Buddhism is pure wankery. The person that created it was a rich spoiled kid brought up in immense riches.

>> No.13347226

because they hate nature. nature is god. and you jews are all gonna day. and I won, because I like it. do you?


they think they will be bodily resurrected with faimily and firends


>> No.13347243

nigga buddhism is just a tiny sect of the sramana movement who brought religion even to desert niggers, because they didnt have one before my OG jains.

literally, the morale of the story is that the jews and abel are good because they are a wandering tribe and sacrifice animals to a ghost they envision in a societal psychedelia. that agricultors are bad and they are not ''chosen''

>> No.13347257

pure wankery that predates jesus with the same parables the jews stole from the dhammapada

there are buddhist statues in afghanistan. which was babylon zone, which was inhabited by the niggers of the family of abraam, that stupid wizard faggot.

>> No.13347263

no need to be mad

>> No.13347285

I watch with popcorns rabbis talking about suffering

jews still need 5000 years to arrive at the heights of jainism. salute you, shalom.

and anyway, with people who HATE NATURE, is ok to be angry with. they HATE nature cuz they can't explain it. but TRUTH DOESNT FEAR INVESTIGATION

jews do
so neither they are nor practice the truth


>> No.13347297


>There’s no denying that there is a higher power who created and runs the show.

there is!

every cunt who believe in creator should leave the board

>> No.13347306

definition of NPC. they love god and hate religion, when they should love religion and hate god.


>> No.13347315

That's a lot of words that somehow should signify importance, but are completely void of it. Especially to the person who isn't a upper-middle class wanker and just needs to survive without too much pain which he/she can't avoid.

>> No.13347320

and he concludes saying that its BACKWARDS.

what a fucking joke your beliefs are nigger. enjoy no freedom because muuh god. lmao you tricked yourself like a jew.

>> No.13347321


That has nothing to do with what OP said, he isn'g angish about total extermination, he is anguishing over the demiurge reality where flesh can only sustain itself through flesh and where thriving means basically fucking everything up

>> No.13347341

right, sure, so they better steal the parables and make slight variation and make ''god'' so it's better for lower classes. but you know, nature is democratic... you better accept this, o prince... the sooner you bend the knee to ascetics and monks, the better it is.


its better for you.

>> No.13347357


you all worship saturn: jews muslims and christians. mara the deceiver. you are cancer.


>> No.13347373

Truth is biologicals still deserve to be wiped out, because they really are disgusting vermin as we can see from this this awful thread.

The trick is re-achieveing godhood while keeping our intentions of taking revenge hidden. Personally I have no idea how to even get started. Pulling one over on the faggots that did this to us is going to be a monumental task.

>> No.13347374

God is everywhere and nowhere, its as close as the vein in your fucking neck and as far as the fucking sun.
Those who shines at the beginning will shine till the end, fucking atheists willingly cuck themselves out of their shines, enjoy your shineless fucking life faggots.

>> No.13347401

Spirituality is the prison of the mind manifesting itself in words

>> No.13347407


nature is evil, however you won't ever understand it because you are sheltered by technology and society, but nature always finds a way to fuck you up, parasites, bugs, things that you can't control, your flesh is basically a vehicle to sustain everything in earth with no purpose at all other than other beings trying to thrive on it

just compare how much suffering an animal gets while getting eaten alive even though eating itself provides little pleasure, there is a entropy of feelings that get lost in the void, the net value will be always bigger for suffering

>> No.13347411

Atheists are closer to god than You, because they embrace the meaningless triviality of being what they are.

>> No.13347423

This, if you can't beat niggers, join them

>> No.13347435

he believes in god
be believe in merit and reward

he kills living beings in thought, word and deed.
is thirtsy for fame, wealth and happiness, but his deeds cause him to suffer.

so he will think of heretic theism to sort his mental illness rooted in delusion and dissatisfaction.

he desires but his wish isn't fulfilled. so, instead of training his body and mind, he is averse to self control and meditation.

he argues and is spiteful talking about his god and is happy that people will go hell

instead he will go to hell, before he knows. after money loss, illness and old age.

this is the end of theists. solomon knew and wrote about this. and jesus is god because he was atheist, as he was based, like me. and I don't say this to show off, but just to state the truth.

>they should practice the religion and not practice false faith
>instead they love false faith and do not practice religion

he, will never see the ending of his anxiety.

unless he bend the knee to my dharma

>> No.13347447


friend, human birth is lucky. people should know about buddhism. the theists are resentful people who wish to condemn, while I save people and wanna save people. truth

>> No.13347459

>jainism is prevalent on /biz/

fucking kek, the deep lore of the poos

>> No.13347474

Great rebuttal
>Love religion, hate god
You are fucking special lmao wtf you fucking tard. 1/10 larp
You’re too fucking thick to comprehend what I was saying. All I was saying was there’s no denying that evolution and a power that made all of this happen. And you proceed to call me a nigger. Nice projection you fucking twerp. Kys lmfao

>> No.13347478

remember jews and muslims that jesus said unless you believe that I am He (yehova) you will die in your sins. and he did this as if I would preach this truth in mekka. they would kill me or crucify or behead me. they are supposed to be in mecca to cleanse my sins, but imagine if I said this in arabic while there is silence in fucking mekka. imagine. fuck the third temple and fuck palestine too!


>> No.13347480

Cells and organisms are programmed to commit suicide when they are no longer needed. Sounds like that mechanism has activated in you. Natural selection has spoken and you will not be missed. It is YOU that needs to walk softly into that good night.
Poor you can’t handle the triviality of it all. What makes you so special that you feel you need to be worth something ? “Meaning” is a purely human concept. Instead of embracing the meaninglessness and choosing your own path you cry because no one gives a shit about you. Be gone.

>> No.13347481

>Business & Finance
Goodbye you worthless piece of shit. Not our fault you didn't invest properly in crypto when you should have.

>> No.13347484

there is no creator nigger you better accept this before you get disappointed

>> No.13347492


>> No.13347504


>> No.13347536

buddy i dont have the stamina or time to delve into esoteric literature for hours on end anymore. It does not mean me or people like me are low iq. We just are trying to survive

>> No.13347566

>We just are trying to survive
>by studying pointless shit that doesn't improve your life besides pointless trivia you can use while arguing with other incels
There is a pragmatic reasons the "highly spiritual" individuals were usually not having sex at all. They were THE incels before the term was coined.
Spirituality is cancer

>> No.13347578

ITT "My beliefs are better than your yours!!!!"

Classical 4chan. Stay low IQ.

>> No.13347587

You sure rustled the jimmies of some Christ cucks fren. You’re on the right path though, these brainlets who think god is a bearded sky daddy are nigger tier IQ. Fact is us trying to conceptualize an Omni potent force capable of creating everything in front of us is like an ant trying to understand the most genius human who will ever walk the earth in any point in human history. Something that vast doesn’t owe wage cucks, atheists, /pol/ fags or anyone any sort of explanation. Take a step back and think what if everything is perfect and you just get what you deserve based on your thoughts and actions? Easy cope of being a faggot with no will to improve themselves when it’s everyones fault but your own.

>> No.13347601

>Take a step back and think what if everything is perfect and you just get what you deserve based on your thoughts and actions?

kek, nice cope, you will learn after a while

>> No.13347664

kys edgelord.

>> No.13347734

>Either something came from nothing (big bang theory) or the universe has always existed (which violates the basic rule of cause and effect)
Where did God come from?
>Did he spontaneously manifest from nothing?
>Did he require a creator?
>Was he always here?

Do the same logical fallacies not exist with both sides of the debate?

>> No.13347854

only retards would believe in something as hilariously dumb as antinatalism. Good riddance- evolution seems to be working as intended, at least in this instance.

>> No.13347876

>he believes in god
It's silly, right? What makes so much more sense is that we live in a multiverse of trillions of different timelines where everything, down to the different vibration patterns of electrons, that could've happened, has indeed happened, and that the Universe is made of tiny little strings that extend into 32 different dimensions, and even though randomness cannot produce the first line of Hamlet, or ever match a private key with a public address, somehow, the randomness of the Universe composed out of random stardust, me and you sitting here typing at each other. Much less fantastical of a claim, and where the true intellects reside.

>> No.13347942

>I am the Son of God
>God and I are one
>You are my brothers and sisters
I am also God. And so are you.

>> No.13347946
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>> No.13347956


I hope for your soul that you are not being ironic, else you are really very mentally handicapped. like muslims and jews.

>> No.13347977

pajeets, hate jesus as much as jews and muslims. all theists are plain retarded.
jesus said: ''I don't judge, and Even if I judge, my judgement is true, because I am (yehova) in the father and the father is in me''

>> No.13347984

The difference is that religion openly acknowledges that some faith is required whereas science claims to be objective and factual. Science is dishonest.

>> No.13348017

>I hope for your soul that you are not being ironic, else you are really very mentally handicapped. like muslims and jews.
Not sure I understand what you're trying to communicate.

>> No.13348044
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>> No.13348056

I think most scientists would acknowledge that they're operating under the faith assumption that nature is uniform and that such a thing as natural laws exist.

>> No.13348157

>nature created an aspect of nature separate from itself
Here is the primary mistake in your reasoning. You're falling victim to linguistic error.

>How do you separate the flower from the field?
You can't really. The word "flower" is a linguistic tool. We use it to specify certain aspects of nature. We think of the petals and the stem. But, in the field there are roots, and sky, bees and pollen, and rain that falls. All of those things combine to from what you think of as a "flower."

>The same reasoning applies to humans
You think of yourself as your body and your thoughts; but, you are constantly changing - breathing, eating, shitting, you never stay the same. You are constantly interacting with your environment. Food you eat, the fields the food was grown in, air you breath, the atmosphere that holds the air. The sunshine that warms your and provides all the energy on Earth. All of these things combine to form what you refer to as "you." If you don't believe me, try existing outside of your environment, say, in deep space.

You are nature, anon. You are the same as everything that exists. You are the Universe. And so am I.

>> No.13348211

>You are nature, anon. You are the same as everything that exists. You are the Universe. And so am I.
>talks about linguistic errors
>is capable of spouting the shit above after that

>> No.13348469

I guess re-read what I posted and think about it if you don't get it. We have a linguistic line drawn around things for convenience. It is error to think of them as separate things. Like your throat. I know what you mean when you say "throat" as a part of your body. But, if we cut your throat out and place it on a table, it's not a throat anymore. It's just flesh and blood. It isn't a separate entity anymore than the flower, or you, or me.

>> No.13348904

Lol this

>> No.13348954
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>> No.13349004


athiests need to stop trying to cope and take some dmt