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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 2.93 MB, 3120x4160, 15554377716401981444019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13346115 No.13346115[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

9/10 art Thot, nothing in her profile. I am a virgin cringelord

>> No.13346131

would you like to get a drink sometime? my number is +XXXXXXXXXX

>> No.13346141

what this guy said. you've got it bagged up. tf u need help for. make a move dont be a beta bob.

>> No.13346148

Literally this and then don’t text until it’s time to meet up, texting does nothing but give her reasons to not want to meet up.

>> No.13346150
File: 24 KB, 300x300, p-napoleon-dynamite-efren-ramirez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell her you have autism

>> No.13346158

u dun texted too far

>> No.13346164
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I don't fucking drink though

>> No.13346167

1000% 0 overthink 1000% go text message this now go wait relax no tense no need to tense smile smeel fresh art thots are bubbles

>> No.13346177


>> No.13346178
File: 19 KB, 400x294, 1395548343406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

send her this pic

>> No.13346181

You're using Tinder wrong dude. Thots are either down to fuck or

They just want to exchange memes in order to gain meme clout (their currency)

As their entire lives are lived on social media and the interwebs

Have less complex conversations on Tinder like "hey what's up" and download

Tinder Gold. Buy yourself at least 30 Boosts and use them at 7pm, 8:30pm &

9:30pm on W, T, F, S, S. It's really a numbers game. Good convos do not lead to

Smashing. Good convos lead nowhere. The girls has already made a decision about

fucking you or not when she looked @ your profile. Words do not fucking matter

Short conversation, make her laugh a bit. Do not use any jokes or memes

This shit's a business anon

>> No.13346185

way to cockblock yourself in literally one sentence

>> No.13346188

I once did this and ended up getting laid. She thought I was kidding and I kept the spaghetti in my pockets long enough to keep up the deception.

>> No.13346189


>> No.13346193

Fucking cringe

>> No.13346195


>> No.13346198

yeah this

>> No.13346202
File: 114 KB, 1080x1081, 1516266457757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't joking.
He fucking did it anyway but in a much more indirect way. I'm keking my pants here boys.

>> No.13346203

dear lord

>> No.13346205

all you had to do is type what the first reply in this thread was. cmon anon..

>> No.13346207


>> No.13346210

Holy fuck are anons really this autistic?

>> No.13346213


>> No.13346215
File: 3.96 MB, 337x263, giphy (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell her you want to watch her fuck your nigger friend

>> No.13346218



>> No.13346222


>> No.13346225

This has like a .0001 pct chance of working, but if it does I'm sure it will go well unironically. This is like going 100x on bitmex.

>> No.13346226

damn you just fucked it up lmao

>> No.13346233
File: 882 KB, 4160x3120, IMG_20190416_191400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's sent it. I don't drink ever so going to Sainsbury's and trying alcohol.

>> No.13346235

lmfaooo pls post her response

>> No.13346236

Tell her you wanna watch a nigger destroy her womb

>> No.13346248

that means she wants to fuck 100% ur set

>> No.13346252

This... Act like it's just part of what you do..
Maybe text her before you meet up if it's a couple days from now and just say "Hey (use her fucking name), I was just making sure you were still good with (whatever time) we said before?"
This comes off considerate and you can gauge her reaction.

>> No.13346256
File: 22 KB, 443x455, 1552095744314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even the horny pajeets are more alpha than this

>> No.13346262

You're a fucking retard. nm disregard my last post.

>> No.13346273

>art Thot
not gonna make it by interacting with an NPC

>> No.13346285

Nigger, your getting baited lmao

>> No.13346294

Art is the only non-NPC thing on this planet

>> No.13346303


>> No.13346315

Can't wait for you to start shitposting tonight after unlocking One Can Dan

>> No.13346328

OP I am not gonna rest until we get you drunk and laid

>> No.13346346

No pics no care

>> No.13346354
File: 3.07 MB, 480x480, 1518273586611.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just go to the bar and say that you aren't feeling like drinking as you have work tomorrow and use it as a conversation starter. In all honesty through if she gave you her number what you said. Jesus man.

>> No.13346363


>> No.13346397

Bro....you deserve to get gangraped by a gaggle of silverback apes

>> No.13346555
File: 1.07 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20190416_194409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Round 2, different girl. Asian, 6 maybe a 7

>> No.13346586
File: 728 KB, 3120x4160, IMG_20190416_195004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13346610

Is this laughing crying emoji the zoomer version of signing off with x? Jeez

>> No.13346623

Wasting ur time, she just wants to talk. If the answer from girls is

"don't know what I want" or "looking to talk to new people" that means they're

not interesting in banging YOU. A girl that's interested will be like "casual dating bleh blah"

or "seeing where things go def not a one night thing" but you will only learn

through wasting alot of time on Tinder and online dating for that matter

>> No.13346641

That was pretty funny, man. You went all in on 20k BTC and instead of dumping it fucking mooned to 200k.

>> No.13346694

I sure do love Business and Finance

>> No.13346769

>thinking art-thots care about art

>> No.13346810

Pictures you fucking bastard. You should know the rules by now. Pretty good reply btw.

>> No.13346821

bruh, atleast show some pictures... hiding it make me thinking you matched with some mad ugloos

>> No.13346836

If dubs ask her to let you smell her barper

>> No.13346869 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 220x200, 4CEA8847-3F55-4145-895D-32E89587CE30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking Alpha. Don't listen to these walk-around-eggshell PUA faggots. "Oh gosh I don't wanna make her angry and ruin my chance!"

>> No.13346871

Op you're doing great. Textbook form. Got the number quick.

Now hit the bar, arrive later than her. No awkward handshake straight 3 chad kisses on the cheek. Let her get close to giant whos about to rape her.

Keep the date short (two hours max). And cut it off yourself when the convo is actually getting sweeter by the minute. Make up some lame joke; ´still got feed my tiger´ or something.

Kiss the thot and say something blasé like was fun catcha later.

Date 2 you fuck her

>> No.13346898
File: 1.78 MB, 350x255, 1525846758892.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually not bad. Wouldn't be surprised if this anon does pretty well with women.

>> No.13346926

I can see a glimpse and she's a 6/10 at most. 9 my ass LOL. This isn't your blog you fucking autistic loser knobhead. Fuck off.

>> No.13346938


Halberstram? How the hell are ya?

>> No.13346946


You better D.E.N.N.I.S. this thot. Take her whore ass to a bar that you know is closed, feign surprise, hit her with

>Well, I guess we could watch a movie at my place?

then 8::::::::::::::::::::::D~o ~o ~o O:

>> No.13346951 [DELETED] 

>kissing a hoe

>> No.13346967
File: 12 KB, 401x366, 1523702275988.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely splendid buddy, you?

>> No.13346981

actually pretty wise advice i must say

>> No.13346998


No complaints here fren

>> No.13347003

oh anon...

>> No.13347027


decent advice

>> No.13347036
File: 1.71 MB, 270x138, 1551261349447.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is cock blocking yourself to extinction related to this board?

Go back to /r9k/ fucking cringe lord what a fucking retard

>> No.13347050

you guys got it all fucked up. heres the real gameplan for ulta sluts from tinder

>have her meet you at your place
>be like "oops I forgot my wallet lets just go inside and grab it real quick"
>inside offer her a glass of water, show some pictures, make her comfortable (just pretend youre not here to grab a wallet)
>make a move for her and go for the kill
if shes on you dont have to sit through a lame date. if she says "no" at least she knows youre down to bang and the precedent is set PLUS shes seen your room and is more comfortable going back there. the ultra sluts will even give it up right then and there. thank me later faggots.

>> No.13347056

I literally did this on a Tinder date and never heard from her again lmao.

>> No.13347060

Except you missed the part where OP actually got the number. Incel cope.

>> No.13347075

>Date 2 you fuck her

Not really tho man. I know these guys are agreeing but it depends on the girl

These bitches will waste your time.

I have found, that the girls who are actually down to fuck anyway, don't need

to be taken on a date. They will come over to your place and you can skip the

dog and pony show. So a day 1 date is literally a waste of time. Especially

when you have 100's of matches on Tinder and bumble. It's an efficiency thing

But just for interest, where are you taking these girls on day 2? Right to your place

Or somewhere close by and then back home

>> No.13347094

Whatever you did sounds like it worked anon, just go easy on the emojis

>> No.13347113

Disagree. I think thot #1 will use OP as a meme IV drip, if she texts him

In order to squeeze whatever cool internet shit and jokes from him before


>> No.13347136

fuck no do not do this it makes it seem like you are expecting her to flake

>> No.13347187

I'd say do it the day before. If you don't confirm at some point a lot of them won't show up because they think you're flaking/they forget.

>> No.13347240


You could be right. I always do some stupid activity for 2nd date (which i enjoy as well). Have drinks and play minigolf or something like that. More initimate kissing, this time with feeling ass and tits. And the magic ´lets take this elsewhere. Always works

Either i never hear from her after date 1. Or its in the fucking bag on date 2.

Maybe your right and the thots i fuck on second date are also down to fuck on the first.

This way it eliminates the unsuccesfull firsts.

But you gotta go with your game. You obviously pull a smooth game in the house immediately. Wouldnt know if could get that together.

I prefer this raw apporach more in a bar. Dance, make out, take her home.

>> No.13347448

sort of like how if you’re part of the small population dumb enough to buy into
a Nigerian scam it’ll go really well for them

>> No.13347485
File: 414 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20190416-222230_Tinder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


1000USD EOY2020

>> No.13347503

Yeah it can be a real grey area. Some of these girls won't do 1st night...

So you could be more efficient in that way. But Myself, I get upset when

Wasting time and money on drinks and self amusing for a few hours just

to get infinite radio silence. So I'm not knocking the day 1 date, it could just depend

on how attractive she is in order to make the gamble worthwhile. So yeahh..

But the mini put is pretty solid. Anything in close proximity to the pad is perfect IMHO

>> No.13347510

this guy who types like a retard is the most correct. OP-- keep putting in reps and stop wasting your time posting progress pics on 4chan. They want to fuck Chad NOW. There is not a dream Stacy that just needs to be courted with cute words and adorable dates. Just keep tirelessly pretending to be Chad because you are wasting your fucking time being any % beta.

>> No.13347529

I'm not sure if you being serious or joking would be funnier. This reminds me of how I was acting on tinder before i deleted it.