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13344424 No.13344424 [Reply] [Original]

The meth will be operational for the next years and it will remain the drug of choice for all meth users. Since you want to know if I consume the material. Yes I do, I am a functional meth addict. I am more functional than a norma human being because the meth takes me to a new level. the new level is a 100% performance at work, I can put your items in your bag faster than any one on earth, the bag holder that i am is the most functional of themall. When the meth takes me to the new level where I am in the zone and everyone is wondering why I am so focused, you leave the peak, the peak is aderall, aderall will literally pass anything, manager accused me of being on meth said my doctor got me new aderall and I am way too high bro. The meth will make you do new things and will make you also abandon any material that your life will give you, wanna do school on meth gtfo you need money to do that, can't hold af ucking job while going to school so all you do is profit from the new era of meth, the meth is literally the best drug on the market if you are functional because using meth is the best drug on earth

where are you without meth in life ? a 50% performing faggot, get to the new era, meth is clean, control it like a king and become a bag holder because its ez job

welcome to the new era of the meth

>> No.13344439

the bathing suit cut is very unflattering to her figure

>> No.13344448

literal meth head piece of shit junkie giving me advice, the state of biz

>> No.13344492

She could wear a potato sack I'd still fap for 14 hours straight

>> No.13344504


Just reading this post makes me want to advise you to quit doing meth ASAP

>> No.13344508

>t. user for less than 3 months
I see you already did the deed and I hope it works out for you but as a relatively new user with similar intentions as yourself going in I thought I'd chime in on how things have worked out for me so far. Meth is a surprisingly complex drug filled with subtlety and surprises that belie the unassuming simplicity expected from a substance known often simply as "speed". Anything capable of keeping you up for a week straight eating practically nothing and a grin on your face from ear to ear certainly earns the monicker but it is so much more than that.
Here's the devil that was waiting for me in those details. Consider Meth as a productivity solution vis a vis the usual suspects like Adderall Ritalin etc. What I've experienced with the latter stuff was not just the effortless enthusiasm for being engaged but a pronounced boost in creativity, comprehension, verbal acuity, and more. If I could write some ad copy undosed I could do it better on the drug. If I could write mostly error free normally, while high I could delve into the theory of language itself in composing the literary masterpiece that was the email I sent to my boss this morning. It's funny but true. Now meth on the other hand isn't like that. Yes I have the enthusiasm but in no way would this be mistaken with functioning on any kind of higher level. It boils down to this: with the pharmaceuticals, you can point that hyperfocused mental state at any task no matter how complex and everything just becomes easy. You can look at your work after the drug wears off and be suitably impressed. Meth on the other hand? I cringe at some of the mess I put together on the stuff. I'll be doing it later when I read over this I'm sure. Meth makes you think you can handle anything and you'll really believe it right up until you realize six hours into your project that you've spent the last five and a half the paper clips in their little magnetic holster.

>> No.13344522

I suspect it's subconscious that you know there is a threshold to what you can accomplish so your mind idles on trivia to maintain the cognitive dissonance shell game going on. The point is in my experience, after the initial honeymoon Meth is minimally useful for real world productivity unless you are in a desperate situation where your eyes being open is all that really matters. Note how popular the stuff was in world war 2.

I could go on and on about the mass quantities of time I've wasted tweaking but here's something that just happened recently. I was traveling for 6 hours and bought a gallon of distilled water and some plastic cups to sip it from. About 30 minutes into the trip and firmly ensconsed in Meth's thrall I noticed a quantity of water collected in the bottom of one of the cups. Curious about what leftovers I'd from from evaporated distilled water the games was set. For the next 5 and a half hours I did absolutely nothing but fill and then evaporate water from plastic cups. It was so ridiculous I pulled all the cd's out of the side door pockets and the center console so I could have somewhere to put the cups. 3 in each door, 2 in the drink holders, 2 in the center console and two more wedged between the windshield and the cluster hump. Additionally I had the heater on full blast with the windows down trying to get rid of the water. I even dreamed up elaborate narratives of the brave water in a desperate yet romantically quixotic quest for survival. It was utterly absurd but at the time it seemed like the perfectly logical thing to do. That's productivity meth-style my friend.

>> No.13344536

That's enough so I'll just leave it alone but if you are intent on pursuing this despite the infinitesimally small number of people who after having used for a bit actually agree that Meth is a legitimate means to your end here's what I would suggest. First, do not smoke it, do not snort it, and don't even think of any other way of doing it that does not involve it going down your throat first. If you do those things the rush will get you. You can consider the rush as almost a seperate high from the general alertness that comes afterward. And it is the rush that addicts chase. It's kind of like sex except the end goal is the first thing you feel and after that flopping up and down for the next 20 minutes loses some of its luster. Secondly, if you happen to have a shit day or you're worried about something drink a beer or go see a shrink. The very last thing you want to do is get sucked in to soothing your sorrows with Meth even accidentally. The reality is a powerful drug like this will work. Your woes will melt away like whipped cream in a deep fryer. Don't expect the lesser evolved parts of your brain to forget that fact. And definitely don't expect those areas to give a crap about the jibber jabber your frontal lobe calls logic expecting it to sway any votes. And lastly I don't know where you live but in every place I've ever heard of Meth without some hard to get authorization is very illegal. Normally as addicts this wouldn't bear saying but if you're trying to use the stuff in a responsible manner imagine how you might feel after being shoved in the back of a police car. How productive is an arrest and conviction record for Meth possession?

>> No.13344545

Last one

Again, I wish you the best and I'm not completely sour on Meth having some general value for you but I've yet to really see it in my own life and not for lack of trying. Now, excuse me while I go back to making excuses about how I'm just having fun right now and the mega-blast of effective living to put Tony Robbins to shame is coming any minute...

>> No.13344610

Enjoy hearing voices in your head as you slowly lose touch with reality, only to snap out of it at a rehab center, covered in shit with no income and only a desire for more meth. You'll try to get your shit together, but this process will loop until you're a lonely, old, tweaker with a limp, who is on the street because you burned every bridge by stealing from everybody who loves you or everybody who loves you dies. Seen it more times than I can count. It even happened to a childhood friend of mine. I don't usually get preachy about anything, but meth is some crazy shit.

>> No.13344615


Thanks for the interesting read, fren

>> No.13344637

Your welcome, m8. Wrote that years ago and whenever I get tempted to go back, I read it over.

>> No.13344689

figure of a cute girl (male) but no butt and no dick baka

>> No.13344744

looks like a tranny

>> No.13344770


>> No.13344897

I have bacne too

>> No.13344960

Nice story man. I was fucking gripped through the entire thing.

>> No.13345116


Yes thank you. I've had addiction problems with stimulants and this really covers it. Meth is quite a different ball game. Even professionals use Amphetamines. Look up Paul Erdos. His is an inspiration to me that its possible to use reasonably and self judge and maintain productivity.

>> No.13345128

yeah, too much T in the womb for sure

>> No.13345145

Where can I find meth in ny/nj? Its only around in gay clubs here it seems. I hate coke, it's the only stim besides Adderall around

>> No.13345174

drug addicts always pretend it unlocks this higher level of ability in them, but here's the problem: why doesn't anyone other than you ever see it in action?
for example, you talk about writing literary masterpieces, but here we see you struggling to type coherently. it's understandable, but at the same time just highschool level stream of consciousness
likewise, everyone we see in the office or wherever is mostly incompetent. some of them are on drugs, some of them aren't, but nobody behaves like the superhuman junkies insist drugs make them
more likely explanation: your drug addiction warps your perception and makes you think you perform better than you do. perhaps it might help underperformers catch up on skilled people, essentially fixing their deficiencies. but casual observation of the world coupled with basic logic is enough to know there is clearly no greater level of cognition unlocked by drugs

>> No.13345179

No hips. No arse. Is this a twink?

>> No.13345243
File: 87 KB, 1016x1024, 1555421780667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>typing that much to argue with druggies


>> No.13345600

I like the colors

>> No.13345633

what you never unlocked the high levels? thats fucking pathetic. everyone i know knows i did and tries to copy me.

>> No.13345656

I did meth once and now I'm a billionaire. Get on my level kid

>> No.13345730

this girl lacks fertility

>> No.13345748

Smh my gf has exactly this body type. No hips no hourglass figure. I wish she was thicc

>> No.13345781

does she have a pretty face atleast? that is usually the case with these undeveloped females

>> No.13345820
File: 77 KB, 585x685, brookbuff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's her vagina like? Asking to compare experiences with thin women I had.

>> No.13345830


That's always been my problem with them. When you press them for details the only actionable take away from their revelations they seem to be able to offer is that everyone needs to do more drugs.

>> No.13345856

He wrote that for the other people in the thread to read, not the junkie you idiot. You don't argue with fools, you make other people see them as fools.

>> No.13345996

She is actually very pretty. All my friends have said she's way out of my league

It's absolutely beautiful. Looks amazing. Pretty tight but she won't let me smash without condom and I don't want her on BC

>> No.13346010

>won't let me smash without condom
Absolute state of modern roasties.

>> No.13346018

She's taking Chad's unprotected cock regularly

>> No.13346099


>> No.13346332

No way (((they)))'ll legalize meth before psychedelics.

>> No.13346364

Meth is already legal, its schedule 2. Look up desoxyn

>> No.13346374

someone edit in the big gut boomer walking by in a speedo

>> No.13346388

3-FPM is better than meth and you don't go to jail for having it. dumb niggers

>> No.13346400

>meth is the drug of choice for meth users

Huh, you don't say

>> No.13347128

Lol doing health damaging drugs because you want to perform at some faggot fucking job for other people

>> No.13347146

sauce on the thot?

>> No.13347723

kys degenerates
lol describes most new age ppl too