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13343510 No.13343510 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw neet
>tfw 26
>tfw never had a job
>tfw refuse to slave for the state
>tfw don't care if i die in ""poverty"" because i dont care about the material the only winning move is not to play.
i mean, sure, i wouldn't mind having a high net worth of like a couple of hundred million.. it might be nice to be able to do things (even if i dont do them, but just being ABLE to do them if i wanted to) but at the same time i don't care if i don't either. who here /comfy/?

>> No.13343536
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I agree. What's important is your time, and you never get it back.
Don't waste your life thinking, "I'll just work for 90% of my time, and maybe someday I'll win the lottery and my real life can start."

>> No.13343545

neets will have a similar suicide rate as transgender people do. in a few years time, which will go by in a blink, you'll realize your failure in life and most likely be there without gf or friends. the problem with neet life is that it leads nowhere.

>> No.13343552

Projection. Most people are idiots so of course most NEETS will be idiots too. Suicidal people are also idiots.
I don't care about keeping up appearances at all

>> No.13343586

used to think like you at 26
unfortunately you're on a clock even if you don't know it, as your biology will soon rebel
ask yourself why neet numbers seem to dwindle in their 30s and fall off the map in their 40s
(hint: it's not suicide)

>> No.13343623

well why then? i don't mind working anyway i just dont do it, but i either make money somehow or i die poor, thats how i see it.

whats so bad about not having the latest consumer electronic anyway? im just not motivated by money and live in a country where i dont need to work

>> No.13343624

Lmao you think wage slaving leads you anywhere but massive debt? I work in an office let me tell you how exciting all the wagies are. “Yea that niggerball game sure was a doozy! Can you believe Karen made me clean the gutters again this weekend while she had a girls night out? Heh women can’t live with em or without em eh? I only owe another 300k on my house and cars, living the dream eh buddy?” Cool, that’s awesome. Meanwhile the NEETs and people that don’t work 40+ hours a week I know actually do cool shit like sell weed, travel the country, make art etc. is it just wagie Cope or conditioning that thinking slaving away 80% of your life for 40-100k means your successful even if your debt will take 30+ years to pay off?

>> No.13343672

Have you slept ?

>> No.13343699

>I don't care about keeping up appearances at all
i think you will care. wageslaving is a treadmill in most cases but even then you at least have a purpose and you just don't know yet how important that is.
>travel the country, make art etc.
sure if you do cool things in your life but in reality most of you guys likely just sit on teh web and play videogames all day.

>> No.13343713

Yea 3-4 hours thanks to wage cuckoldry bright and early M-F. I have a good job and honestly I’m grateful for it but it just irks me wasting 40 hours a week sitting in an office when I could get the same amount of work done in 1-2 hours each day considering salaries have barely budged in 20 years while housing and everything else has sky rocketed. If our society actually made having kids feasible and our women weren’t such a mess I might still share your views.

>> No.13343719

I have a purpose without working for another man to keep up appearances. Strip away everything and it's all vanity desu
I simply am not motivated by money. Sometimes I wish I was

>> No.13343731

>most just play vidya
You’re right a lot of NEETs are stupid losers that waste their time, however I’m just assuming NEETs and potential/wannabe NEETs such as myself would recognize how valuable time is and actually have some drive and goals/aspirations beyond sitting in a cubicle for shit pay.

>> No.13343928
File: 13 KB, 275x183, E044A1F5-1248-47D9-B99F-65B422570A6B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started my own buisness and I was technically a NEET. I also exercised 3 hours a day and slept in without an alarm clock. I got shamed by everyone I knew for trying to start my own company and ending the wagie life. wagie shaming is crab in a bucket mentality

>> No.13344156

how are you now?

>> No.13344212

everyone is driven to reproduction. it's just a question of time and magnitude
if you're not having sex on the regular, within a few years you'll start feeling an urge to do something meaningful with your life - a civilized filter on the REPRODUCE imperative encoded into your genes
you can of course trick yourself into thinking you're above that, it just gets harder and harder as the pleasure you get from artificial passions dwindles with age
stupid people unironically have it easier, because they derive more pleasure from basic physicalities and never really peek behind the curtain no matter their accumulated experiences. but you don't sound stupid anon, so brace yourself

>> No.13344219

Most people are submissive betas that don’t like to think for themselves so being a slave comes naturally to them.

>> No.13344239

i am having sex on the regular but i don't disagree with you. there was times when i wasnt and things did grind to a halt in some ways. i disagree about artificial passions though, because thats assuming they're artificial. how does working make something authentic anyway? imo it doesnt, thats unironically just cultural hegemony or w.e making you say that

and i don't disagree with the last part either as a great writer once said: “Most men will not swim before they are able to.” Is that not witty? Naturally, they won't swim! They are born for the solid earth, not for the water. And naturally they wont think. They are made for life, not for thought. Yes, and he who thinks, what’s more, he who makes thought his business, he may go far in it, but he has bartered the solid earth for the water all the same, and one day he will drown.”

>> No.13344240

>wagie shaming is crab in a bucket mentality
yup. fuck envy

>> No.13344244

So what are you doing with this precious time?

>> No.13344274

The relativist marxist shows his stripes

At least its intellectually consistent with parasitizing others labor so you can loaf around

>> No.13344295

im no marxist and nothing in my thought is
i believe in fate, desu. just determinist to the point i went back to belief in god again

>> No.13344310

capitalism is a method of transfering time from the poor to the rich. because money is basically just represents units of time.

>> No.13344336

So you either live with your parents with no knowledge of how to survive in the world, exploit the government which will inevitably leave you in ghetto public housing, or committed some kind of fraud? Congrats I guess

Wageslaving absolutely sucks but every neet i know is miserable and has no idea what to do one step outside of their comfort zone. Youd be a hypocrite to mock anyone else for dependency

>> No.13344339


My suicide rate would definitely be higher if I had to spend most of my life doing a job I hate doing.

>> No.13344361

28 here, living the good neetbucks life. Never had a job either.

>> No.13344365

im a neet exploiting the government. it works until it doesnt. when it doesnt then i'll adapt to that

slaving away 50 hours a week to make similar money and live with a similar quality of life? why do it? wagies tell themselves because they're "contributing" or maybe they genuinely convince themselves that they are building something or being useful or productive, but are they really? most wagie jobs are pointless jobs that shouldn't exist to begin with. we're talking managers of managers of managers. jobs that were created solely to add to some statistic so the government can say "we created X more jobs"

>wow, you work in marketing and created that one soap advert? you're really contributing to society, you should be proud, your grandchildren will be proud of your legacy of soap advert making.
and they did this ultimately just so they can purchase consumer goods and keep up appearances

wagie life is emptier than neet life whom are arguably semi-forced to live an ascetic life and waste little

>> No.13344370

Not taking the bait of moral relativism, social darwinism, and service to self material hierarchicalism, is to know Joy and Grace, especially if one conducts right speech.

Wagies are so "privelaged" with "benefits" by these the Satanic ideologies, so bereft they are as Order Followers... That they prefer violence on the meek to confronting their dissonant idolatry of (((The World))). Challenge a wagie about the illusion of time, and he retorts with 'well what about Precious-Time!
He drools. This is hatred without cause! Such Ones are not of the heavenly father, The Lord God El. Dead sheep are conquered as food for The Queen of The Pit, the earthly father.

>> No.13344374

‘Cultural hegemony’ is doctrinally a marxist phrase, developed by I believe Gramsci.

You certainly have bought into the socialist lifestyle of letting others support you while you do...what, exactly?

>> No.13344395

One is IN the world, not OF it. Knowledge of (((The World))) is an idol of an idol. Compounding idols to make new nouns and praising them as novel is the sole 'correct' discursive tool of the plebian, lay Satanist.

>> No.13344402

yeah i know its gramsci and hes a marxist but i was using it purely from a distance if you will, it's an accurate and fitting term. to use it doesn't make you a marxist, whatever you want to call it...its happening just like that anyway isnt it? he wasnt wrong
this but less schizo-esque

>> No.13344430

>wagies tell themselves because they're "contributing" or maybe they genuinely convince themselves that they are building something or being useful or productive, but are they really?

What's the point anyway. Contributing so people can eat, move, communicate, entertain themselves, live longer, and then die anyway. Keeping the machine going, so they can have children keeping the machine going, so they can have children keeping the machine going. People entertain themselves and have children because there is nothing else to do before death.

>> No.13344444

I'm not a NEET, but I agree with your sentiment. I realized that money doesn't matter much (to me) when I made to high 6 figure net worth in my early twenties. I always thought money would make my life a lot better, but it really hasn't changed much. I bought a decent apartment, a nice computer, a good flat screen, some nice speakers, some decent clothes and... nothing else. Those were all the materialistic things I really wanted. As long as you have enough money to be comfy then money is a bit of meme.

>> No.13344451

highly fucking redpilled

>> No.13344487

We're all only keeping ourselves busy before we die aren't we, there's nothing more to life than this.

>> No.13344518

>tfw 24
>sheltered babby and didn't practice self-responsibility and learn any valuable skills that would allow me to work from home/for myself
>parents kicked me out of the house 2 years ago and didn't leave me shit

And that's the story of how I became a wage slave. It's only been a few years now but I see the writing on the wall. I'll either work until I die or commit suicide at some point.

All you teens reading this, it's not too late son's. You can make it, but please, do it now. When you're in your mid twenties it will already have been to late.

>> No.13344527

THIS, unless you have 3 mill any dollar amount under that once you are making 70K+ a week doesn’t really matter. Yea it’s def nicer having more money but I’m in the same boat I’ve bought everything I’ve ever wanted besides a house. I’ve got big TV, a wardrobe most wagies would kill for, a nice new Car that’s completely paid off and you know what? None of that shit fills the void you just want nicer and nicer things. Knowledge and spirituality is what makes me feel whole. I guess it’s nice being able to read ebooks while waging.

>> No.13344529
File: 64 KB, 725x640, wagie horseshoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the wagie horseshoe

100% highyl accurate

>> No.13344537

[citation needed]

>> No.13344571

unironically this but communism sucks even harder.

>> No.13344572

Job is the story of suffering in faith.
A Jobbe is a peice of work.
A title is an idol.

The economy today is mostly welfare for women, muds, basedboys, and bugs. For glorification of the Serpent Seed and the Synagogue of Satan. The real wartime economy is practically entirely dissociated and is anticapitalist in acheiving 'exotic' autarchy. They don't need or want the most intelligent men anymore for anything. Only Actors, which is to be a hypocrite.

>> No.13344577

>no friends&gf
step outside for once. There are entire clans living the neet life and all that free time is spend maximizing gibs. I've seen some elaborate planned shit executed collectively like intentionally failing startups to increase gibs. They are working the welfare system instead of a regular job in a way.

>> No.13344597

Post more m8

>> No.13344598

>>just imagine the smell of those quints

>> No.13344604


>> No.13344605

>I've seen some elaborate planned shit executed collectively like intentionally failing startups to increase gibs.

>> No.13344612

can I be a neetbro if student doing fuck all?
I get government bux and just keep it all in the bank and crypto and have no intention of ever working because my expenses are zero and my only hobbies are anime and dating cosplay chicks

>> No.13344640

Selling weed invalidates being a NEET. If you make art you are likely to eventually sell it to garner some kind of profit. Be it via black market or self employment, work is still work.

>> No.13344661

Fair enough, although damn near every wage cuck I’ve met would consider a pot dealer a NEET because it’s a much better living than being a cubicle drone.

>> No.13344676

Yeah life sucks if ur a faggy materialistic atheist.
Children are necessary to maintain our spiritual path upwards.

>> No.13344686

lmao this nibbas purpose in life is his work, straight from the horses mouth. i don't wanna glamorize the neet life but that is bluepilled beyond belief. i hope you own your own business otherwise you need to take some time out for your monday to friday 9-5 to read some the genealogy of morals or something and lose that beta ass slave mentality

>> No.13344725

need a guide on this, my unemployment gibs are going to be taken away soon but still can't find work

>> No.13344731

I hold to the point that being a NEET is just staving off suicide. Many consider not working for a wage to be enough to be a NEET, but in reality you are just self employed if you are garnering an income. Otherwise everyone who is self employed or owns a private business would be a NEET as well. True NEET must rely on others for sustenance on at least a basic level. Those who draw disability are able to put forward a nice face for the internet but they are not normal, they would have been on aid regardless and at best would have been assigned some minor task as a wage employee as part of a equal opportunity program. Once reduces the self employed and those on government aid due to mental illness or other physical disability you are left with true NEETs, those capable of being productive members of society but choose not to be for a variety of reasons. The issue is that except for a few trust fund babies most of these individuals are on a ticking time bomb. They must be able to produce some sort of income by their late thirties to forties due to their main source of income, their parents, becoming too old to support them. Unable to provide even basic sustenance they face homelessness or death by suicide. You cannot judge this lifestyle by the outliers of the mentally and physically unfit, independently wealthy, or self employed. What this lifestyle means for the majority of people is a short and wasted life, the mistakes of youth ending early what could have been a long and eventful life.

>> No.13344732

Self-employed > employed/neet dualistic suffering

Ill gladly write my books and tend my bees, and that is what ill do

>> No.13344746

Won't lie I was suicidal when I worked 9-5. Being made redundant was the best thing for me.

>> No.13344752

All of those things are temporary but generally speaking the average neet probably is suicidal because the average person is probably somewhat suicidal

>> No.13344754

It doesn't matter what they consider, drug dealing is still work. Dangerous work that puts one at risk of losing your freedom to imprisonment but hence the high reward. Still, even others may not consider it a normal job it is STILL a form of work, just not normal employment.

>> No.13344759 [DELETED] 

That's what most people do. Money is just another false God that people use to justify their meaningless/miserable lives.
> "I fucking hate my job as a an accountant working 10 hours/day.."
> "but hey, I make $200k/year!!"
> "That's WAY more money than most people make!!"
> "I shouldn't complain lols, my life must be so much better than most people!!"
> "I can't wait to buy that $80k Mercedes next year, it will make me really happy"
> *another year of meaningless slavery*
> "finally I can afford my dream car!!"
> "fuck... I really hate this shitty job.. I'm spending all day every day doing something I don't enjoy.. What am I doing with my life.."
> "HAHA what am I talking about!! I got my dream car, 300k in stocks and a nice house!! I'm living the dream!!"
> "Of course I won't quit my job!! That would be retarded with a promotion lined up in 2 years!! After I get that promotion I'm sure life will be great!!"
> "Maybe I will splurge a bit and buy that $20k watch I was looking at as a reward for myself"
> "I bet it will make me look like a multi millionaire!! I can't wait to see the guys at work's faces when I show it to them haha!!"
> *20 more years of meaningless slavery*
> "fuck... I hate this job so much.. I wish I had time to just enjoy life.. Do the things I love.."
> "But hey, retirement is only 5 yearrs away!! THEN I will be able to truly enjoy life!!"
> "And to think there are people who have less than 7 figures when they retire.. Man their lives must be miserable"
> "I'm living the dream!!!!!"

>> No.13344772

That is fine, but unless one is able to meek out some form of income from diagnosed disability, self employment, or outside assistance you are facing at best 30-40 years before it all comes crashing down. Being a true NEET is unsustainable.

>> No.13344780

>Being a true NEET is unsustainable.
Unsustainable temporarily

>> No.13344785

If you make more than 50K and are in debt aftet even 15 years, you did it to yourself. That's $750K.

>> No.13344793

Immediate existential dread of starvation is a pretty good way to force one into work or suicide. There is nothing temporary about it. As well, the ennui of existence is another argument but your likelihood drives up dramatically once those base line of the hierarchy of needs isn't being met.

>> No.13344810
File: 51 KB, 704x398, degenerate suicidal manchildren.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>neets will have a similar suicide rate as transgender people do.
True. On the other hand, I can't blame them.

They spend their life in a bubble of unearthly, phantasmagoric delusions and in the end they just want to cheat their way out just like they've always done.

>> No.13344812

Please explain. What part is temporary and what would alleviate it?

>> No.13344818

You won't starve in a first world country
You could literally walk around shop to shop stealing and not be imprisoned for it if you were starving

It is literally temporarily not stable and then back to being stable, back and forth between the two every so often

You're being too specific because that probably doesn't happen to neets in most cases because the government pays neets to do nothing. In fact, it's like classical conditioning to be "unproductive", they're being conditioned to not get a job

>> No.13344827

Unironically cope

>> No.13344846

That's what most people do. Money is just another false God that people use to justify their meaningless/miserable lives.
> "I fucking hate my job as a an accountant working 10 hours/day.."
> "but hey, I make $200k/year!!"
> "That's WAY more money than most people make!!"
> "I shouldn't complain lols, my life must be so much better than most people!!"
> "I can't wait to buy that $80k Mercedes next year, it will make me really happy!!"
*1 year later*
> "finally I can afford my dream car!!"
> "fuck... I really hate this shitty job.. I'm spending all day every day doing something I don't enjoy.. What am I doing with my life.."
> "HAHA what am I talking about!! I got my dream car, 300k in stocks and a nice house!! I'm living the dream!!"
> "Of course I won't quit my job!! That would be retarded with a promotion lined up in 2 years!! After I get that promotion I'm sure life will be great!!"
> "Maybe I will splurge a bit and buy that $20k watch I've always dreamed about!! :) :)"
*20 years later*
> "fuck... I hate this job so much.. I'm so tired of it.. I wish I had time to just enjoy life.. Do the things I love.."
> "But hey, retirement is only 10 yearrs away!! THEN I will be able to enjoy life!!"
> "And to think there are people who have less than 7 figures when they retire.. I bet their lives are miserable haha"
> "I'm living the dream!!!!!"

>> No.13344877

That is STILL work. Being a professional thief may be black market and illegal but it is a form of work. As well what you are describing is temporary employment, which happens to those to ascribe to a NEET lifestyle or not. What is being discussed is a life without work of any kind. Until the existence of a long standing UBI, this is nonviable in most places on the planet. As also stated earlier, most who receive payment from the government are also diagnosed with some form of mental or physical disability. Their ability to produce was going to be limited regardless. As example, a heavily autistic individual is unlikely to be able to produce labor of major use beyond a job tailored for them to meet a equal opportunity quote or out of pity by an employer. Any income they receive would have been as supplement to government assistance. They cannot be considered a true NEET as they are not of sound mind or body.

>> No.13344878

Lol, get a job it’s not that bad
>the only winning move is not to play

>> No.13344893

What I'm trying to say here is: All of your basic needs will be met in the West, even if you don't work ever. You will never starve to death. The only carrot on the stick they have left is dangling material goods in front of you in hopes you're enticed by them and moved to work for them (which benefits them)

No one is saying being a professional thief, you're misunderstanding my argument
You don't seem to understand that neets get paid for doing absolutely NOTHING, paid enough to survive and reproduce (they'll be paid more if they reproduce, even)

>> No.13344898

But also, this system can't work for everyone but nothing can*
So not everyone could just become a neet because then it will work for no one

>> No.13344901
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>Lol, get a job it’s not that bad
yeah a job makes you free lmao

>> No.13344911

In my family “NEETS” are called “niggers”. If you live your life this way with white skin, you are a “white nigger”. We even have some in our family

>> No.13344913

You're a good goy aren't you? Work harder slave

>> No.13344940

I guess so. But, I am going to Australia next month. Getting paid to mix a band on a short tour. Have fun getting (((bribed))) into staying at home and never meeting your potential. I wish you luck in overcoming niggerdom

>> No.13344945

I can go to Australia on a working visa too as a NEET. In fact I already have. What's your point? Lmao

>> No.13344971

Except for most counties you cannot receive non stop benefits. Without a, as per your own statement, child the most you can receive in America for example is three months out of thirty six months if one is not working. Once and if UBI becomes implemented this may change. Children do offer more benefits but you also face the risk of losing them to child protective services if a proper level of care is not kept and this happens more often than one would think in very low income/no income households. What you seem to be arguing is that society benefits ultra low income, of which it does handily. But without mental or physical disability it currently does not have much net for those who simply refuse to work ever. At some point SOME effort of bringing in some form of income via traditional, self employed, or black market forces must be done in at least the temporary to meet quotas for other aid. Otherwise you have to just add in the 5% of the workforce who are temporary workers anyways.

>> No.13344981

Can you restate this in a manner that actually makes sense?

>> No.13344987

The point is that someone needs me in Australia, so when I go it is my decision and it is to my employer’s benefit as well, as my own. While is suspect I will enjoy some of the the frivolities it has to offer, I am there to participate in two different economies, provide myself a comfortable living with my techical abilities, help people who are my friends make their living and feed their families, and provide consumers with a service that enriches their lives enough for them to spend their hard earned money on. You are going to do what? Breath oxygen and look at kangaroos?

>> No.13345016

ok so how does this shit work, where do you get money for food and housing? are you homeless?
I dont want to wage slave thats why I'm working towards financial independence. Im frugal but I still need something to live off of. I wouldnt want to live in my parents house till they die.

>> No.13345028

You tell the government that you are too retarded to work or something and then you live a meager and prideless life taking forced tithing from working people

>> No.13345037

Read through the posts, it doesn't. You become diagnosed with some kind of handicap and receive government aid till you die, become a temporary worker, or become self employed via normal or black market means. Frugality means nothing, at some point if you do not follow these guidelines or UBI becomes a thing you will be forced to work. The level of that work is up to you, but there is no avoiding it altogether.

>> No.13345045

Goodluck lol USA will be too brown in 10 years, your programs will crash.

>> No.13345058

Lmao yea let me know how you do if you have a family of 3+, student loans, a mortgage and the other expenses of your typical wagie materialist trying to play keeping up with the (((jones’s))) on social media. You’re right they do it to themselves but that’s 80% of the population roughly, if not more.>>13344846
Be quiet goy our (((system))) depends on the wagie shabbos goyim
I guess you’re right, I’m just saying most people view weed dealers as worse than NEETs because they get to live a NEET life while making just as much if not more money than you’re average wagie KEK. It truly is a crab bucket mentality amongst them.

>> No.13345073

You're there to slave but you convinced yourself you're doing good work so keep it up. It makes the drop to deep regret all the more harsh in later life when you realise you wasted your prime years working for nothing

>> No.13345077

tell me more
so should I just not go to college and spend my time studying CS?

>> No.13345080

If UBI ever becomes a thing then it's game set and match for the billionaire elite anyway. You will be permanently levelled to the level of the NEETs you are criticising for all eternity or until war or natural disaster, lmao. UBI would be a godsend for a billionaire elite hence many of them advocating for it already

>> No.13345088

t. LARPing wagie

>> No.13345104

the only winning move is to WIN.

you have no excuse after TEN YEARS of bitcoin not to have won already.

>> No.13345107

I really am a NEET, bro.
It's not as simple as just not doing anything no but nevertheless it's basically not much more complicated than that either. I don't know about your specific country but in mine you basically do nothing. You will never starve and always have your basic needs met. You contribute to the system meanwhile I refuse to play. You have blood on your hands

>> No.13345117

A side argument but the terrifying concept is that given the possible future of automation and AI that a world of NEETS may be the best end result. Otherwise there would need to be a resource boom, likely through private space exploration, or a mass reduction human life. All rather grim unless predictions are far off which we can all just hope for.

>> No.13345124

Why not? Most businesses based around Bitcoin are based on exploitation as well just like the normal wagie job. It's the same paradigm. Unless you were an early adopter and just held since 2010 then chances are you created a business around Bitocoin applying the same rules as a normal business. You just became the toilstein instead of beating the system... you just brought the old system into Bitcoin. That's why it's funny to see Eric Vorhees and so on LARP about libertarian ideals and all of that when they got rich in crypto through gambling and so on, which is literally kike 101 - yet they pretend they have the moral highground still

>> No.13345127

AI software could potentially get rid of a lot of jobs like accountants and admin work but who the fuck can afford robots?

>> No.13345133

Is everyone in this thread a teen from a broken home or something? It is as if you were all raised by single moms or had cuckholded fathers.

Some people actually enjoy working and find meaning through their trade. You choose to see the world through a subjugated lens and it makes you weak, ineffective and incapable. No one is jealous of you for being a loner whose only escape is video games, drugs, 4chan and your "freedom" to "study". Your entire basis for existence is a justification of being a complete parasite, because muh billionaires and muh roasties make life just not worth it.

You get to live once faggots go have some experiences and hardships or remain a useless puddle of too dependent on gibs. Worse than niggers because most of you have brains, but lack guts and balls

>> No.13345147

True. Me, personally? Think the global population should be capped at 500k to 1 million anyway. Paradise on Earth, bro.

But anyway the elite (mostly Jewish, let's be honest here) have big plans for the year 6000 (Hebrew calendar) anyway, since if no messiah turns up then they'll probably nuke everyone to dust anyway, I mean it's not like they're not willing to do it just look at the 'Samson option' they already have now

>> No.13345157

Most countries do not have a no question asked lifelong welfare system. Some level of temporary work, diagnoses of mental or physical disability, or need to enter the black market is necessary. To be a true NEET is very difficult and impossible long term. To be unfit for work, work temporarily or self employed, or entering the black market is not impossibly difficult either. But we aren't arguing about being handicapped, underemployed, or a criminal...we are talking about not working for the remainder of your life.

>> No.13345161

have you read the 4 hour workweek? Maybe you could try asking your boss to let you work from home for one day (perhaps a day when you're sick and wouldn't have come in anyway), and then leverage the increased productivity when you work from home into something more permanent.

>> No.13345172

It is indeed foolish to work for no gain. Personally, waging helped me lose 130 lbs, learn how to socialize and make plenty of friends from shit jobs I quit years ago, learn how to at least get by on my own, and gave me the push I needed to work towards financial freedom. Where I was lost a few years back, I have clear goals to obtain it now.

It is foolish to identify with it, foolish to rely on it for life and live paycheck to paycheck, and equally foolish to discount the merits it gives to those who long for true freedom and autonomy when they dont have any other immediately available opportunities open to them.

It certainly has the potential to elevate someone beyond posting very obviously desperate ploys for attention in the manner that single roasties post about how they dont need a man everyday on facebook and then cry themselves to sleep every night.

Go to the ant, thou sluggard.

>> No.13345178

The tech will become increasingly cheap due to economies of scale. The issue will not be a shrinking of the economy so much as participation rate. You will see just a heightened version of what is going on now, a select few trading the majority of wealth and dealing in goods and services with the majority of humanity providing no real input. With no viable means to "trickle down" wealth via valued labor the trick is figuring out what to do with the rest of humanity.

>> No.13345184

Yeah I see where you are coming from but it's not difficult to qualify for any of those things. "Depression" is good enough of an excuse these days. My overall point is that for NEETs (providing not too many people become neet), they will have all of their needs met for sustenance until the system no longer words. They won't die. The only perk of working as a full time toil slave is that you get to purchase epxeriences, trvalleing, consumer goods, etc, while at the same time convincing yourself that all of this work was contributing to something good, or was a positive, or has value, or whatever... but it really just doesn't except in rare cases.

>> No.13345194

You could have learned all of that without working
Premise of your argument > Binned

>> No.13345208

The rest of humanity will be killed, bro. This isn't even exaggeration or schizo babble. The fat will be trimmed, desu

>> No.13345216

Part of the point I am making is that is if you qualify, you likely were not going to be a productive member of society anyways. You would have been shoveled into some form of low need job for equal opportunity political reasons or just pity. Your actual economic output would be negligible. Work in these cases is viable but unnecessary as you would provide little actual value beyond being a proverbial robot digging holes and refilling them. You can very readily make the case that we producing this anyways and that a good chunk of humanity may even be utterly unemployable, but that is an argument for another day.

>> No.13345246

What is the evidence for such a claim? Someone putting two and two together and using the system for their own gain to live a more efficient life would mean they'd have been a terrible worker to begin with? How does that work? What kind of logic? Isn't it actually the opposite?
I doubt many people with 85-95 IQ are NEET, and definitely not for the same reasons another neet might be. I mean generally speaking you might be right but then if we're speaking generally, generally speaking the average wagie is a fucking brainless robot too

>> No.13345248

I don't know, call me a idealist but I still believe that although things will be bad and ultimately there will be strife, war, and loss of life before this becomes resolved that humanity will end up making the breakthrough and privatizing space travel fully and begin the work mining the asteroid belt for resources. At which point a human beings life may be of high risk but the resource boom will carry humanity for millennia, plenty of time for humanity to spread out. Nothing will end human suffering but it will at least be spread out.

>> No.13345272

Any problems that exist within our society on Earth will also exist on any other planet or ship or whatever outside of Earth. The problems we face as a species won't end because we're now on another planet. We'll take what we have now and spread it there too if it's not resolved on Earth first

>> No.13345275

great ur almost all the way there. the full realization is knowing you live in the matrix and that the majority of "people" around you are part of this hive mind that exists to feed off you.

>> No.13345280

what do you do when your parents kick you out/die or the goverment cuts funding

>> No.13345281

How wrong you are, but you do not want to learn. You cannot speak for me and my travels. You have no experience in life to justify your arrogance and close-minded coping mechanisms. Perhaps that's why you are the way you are and likely will be until shit hits the fan for you.

The two neets I know are the exact same people they were in high school. One even posts "truth is..?" on facebook everyday like a teenage girl in 2008. The other is a khv weeb whos tired parents baaically gave up on him. Enjoy that life of "freedom", if you insist.

>> No.13345292

That's what 'traditionalists' now in 2019 are ranting and raving about btw. They see the space meme as basically a COPE really

>> No.13345299

I don't live with my parents
That's all projection. Say something real with substance bro, your boss isn't looking

>> No.13345309

As I said I can actually agree, much of our work being created is unnecessary repetitive work, aka why the automation and AI revolution is so damaging for society as a whole. But as things stand laws and values hold that SOME kind of work is necessary to receive benefits or at least some diagnoses to ensure one is unable to participate meaningfully. A way to think of it is to say that automation is merely pulling back the veil and showing the underlying issues of employment. Regardless, till UBI becomes a widespread thing, work as a requirement for aid will be the standard for most of the world.

>> No.13345328

It won't fix anything, as was stated. It will merely spread the issue out and ensure that a failure in one human system won't particularly take out the rest of humanity. Frank Herbert might have actually nailed it years back, you can't fix the human condition and the laws of reality but you can spread humanity out so they individual failures don't destroy the species.

>> No.13345334
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>He doesn't know about money tree's.


>> No.13345338

It is a way out that isn't mass death or a permanent NEET existence for the majority of humanity. If the latter is what you desire, get your YANGANG hat on and get to work.

>> No.13345340


>What are taxes

>> No.13345344

How does this make me money?

>> No.13345360

>do cool shit like sell weed
SO cool.

>> No.13345363

It probably doesn't, the trick is to not want money and pray to god you have the mental fortitude to become an ascetic.

>> No.13345374

So the age at which you can't legally be on your parents health insurance anymore. So if at any point from now on you develop a serious illness like cancer, you are totally fucked and are going to die because you don't have a way to pay for healthcare. You aren't elligible for government assistance either unless you've worked. Good plan.

>> No.13345378
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I see what you mean as well but don't know if it's pessimism or what but I genuinely believe the fat will be trimmed, unironically. There isn't enough justification for it now but you can almost see it creeping it under the guise of stuff like climate change and environmental damage already etc. I mean telling someone not to reproduce can't be too far away than just killing them outright can it? At least I don't think so
Soon it pops...
Interesting tbf
I don't prefer the latter and think it's temporary fix. Neetism is a temporary fix. I just like the take perennial thinkers have which to me seems more realistic than the pipe dream of space travel alleviating all of these issues we are facing, which as you probably rightly say it won't fix them but will still change everything anyway and at least we won't kill ourselves

>> No.13345409

None of this applies to me

>> No.13345419

>Go unto the ant, O slothful one, See her ways and be wise; Which hath not captain, overseer, and ruler, She doth prepare in summer her bread, She hath gathered in harvest her food. Till when, O slothful one, dost thou lie? When dost thou arise from thy sleep?
>Arouse thyself, thou who art sleeping, and arise out of the dead, and the Christ shall shine upon thee.
>Lo, I do send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves, be ye therefore wise as the serpents, and simple as the doves.
Seeing the ant, and being like (identifying with, idolizing and animal-ism) the ant are two differeny things, wagie. The queen of the pit is busy running bug world, and dead sheep are her food. Work will not set a dead sheep free, the truth does. The wagie is 'blind' like the ant. 'Seeing' The Living Word is not in them. The toil of the ant is not virtuous here allegorically, rather the drive to know The Lord God is, The Good Work.

>> No.13345440

Fun note, you managed to quote me three times lol. I would say that the loss of life will not be so interesting as any of the liberal talking points but just good old fashioned need for resources leading into large scale warfare between nations with populations caught in the middle. Possibly a nuke or two at the early or late stages of the war. I just don't see the left winning out, they had the world handed to them in the mid 20th century and pissed it away even with signs of temporary success and no real opposition. The left is a paper tiger, the real threat is the same stuff that has always been the real killer-famine, disease, and war.

>> No.13345471


haha OP is a pathetic beta who has no valuable skills and will never get laid

>> No.13345480

Anything and everything that I want to do :^)
I bet you can't even fathom what that feels like.

>> No.13345516

Haha my bad I don't even read IDs and just reply to whatever I think is interesting or w.e., but yeah, I think left/right won't even matter at some point in time. Left and right is primarily made up of 'fat' so to speak. And that includes me and probably you unless you're a billionaire elite whom will be doing the cutting (however form the cutting takes whether war, famine, etc). If AI really does make people useless then it's basically game over if you're useless
Not to mention all of the third world nations will presumably at this point be caught up to where we are technologically, or at a level enough to where we are right now...with nuclear weapons... and a massive population...

>> No.13345528

Most of the people I know drowning in pussy are niggers on gibs and they're all fucking white london girls so I wouldn't say NEETs don't get laid. Sure the majority of them are fat lay abouts but the nogs seem to be doing it quite well

>> No.13345573

How to live off neetbux in the UK? I heard they only you give 300 a month + whatever the average costs are for a single room in a shared flat in your area and make you jump through demeaning hoops.

>> No.13345586

You are headed for a huge reality check you underage faggot.

>> No.13345602

that's why we need yang for president. just tax the corps and do ubi. problem solved

>> No.13345622

Temporarily. Youth and looks can carry you a while but like other NEET lifestyles you hit a brick wall about your 30's to 40's. At that point you need some show of wealth or prestige to gain attraction, which requires work of at least black market variety.

>> No.13345628

In most cases, not all

>> No.13345629

You can get universal credit but you have to apply for work and be able to prove it. You also can't have more than 1k in savings. Housing benefit is only covered if your land lord signs off on it and a lot of them refuse to do so.
You can forget about disability benefits because even though you may be eligible, when they test your disability it's pretty much a case of whether you're disfigured or in a wheelchair. The only time the pay out for mental disabilities is if you're extremely aggressive so basically, only somalians and muslims get mental disability checks.

>> No.13345634

come to notting hill carnival some time, plenty of old black men in rags going home with white girls after.

>> No.13345635

As was stated earlier, this gets you a permanent caste of NEETs, but I think part of Yang's concept does also recognize this but I don't think he cares. He is more interested in ensuring those who wish to participate and are of adequate intelligence do not get stuck in NEET existence without choice. UBI isn't a solution but at least Yang isn't saying it is.

>> No.13345641

What kind of proof do they need?

>> No.13345648

better than a permanent caste of wage cucks.

>> No.13345652

And likely offering drugs/alcohol. Which required some level of work as a thief or drug dealer. Illegal work but still a level of high risk work. This does not account for taste, fat brit girls may just have questionable tastes but generally when given the option of someone young and handsome or old and worn you will take the first option.

>> No.13345662

I don't think he is worried much about the wagecuckery as he is there not even being enough jobs to wagecuck off of. There will always be unemployed and even those who are lazy and do not wish to participate in society, his argument is that we should not force those who are not in this category into this lifestyle due to structural changes in the economy.

>> No.13345671
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you have to provide reference numbers of all the jobs you've applied for which they might check (most likely wont). They might also force you to do some training and an employer might pick you off from the lot and offer you a job which you will have to take or they will cancel the neet bucks (not very likely) you also have to turn up to the job centre every two weeks for a one to one meeting with your work coach.
HMRC will also keep an eye on your bank account and if a certain amount of money enters, they cancel your claim.
I've been trying to cancel my claim but they won't let me unless I find a job. It's all so tiring.

>> No.13345689

Sure but carnival is all about virtue signalling white girls jumping on black men and most of the white girls at carnival aren't fat either. They're just under the Jewish spell

>> No.13345724

So you just need to fire off your CV to a bunch of job postings a few times a day and that's it? How long does the work coach meeting last?

Does HMRC have the ability to check all your bank accounts or just the one you give them?

>> No.13345732

So you are basing your argument off of a individual area and circumstance? I am not arguing your validity, merely that for the majority of situations if someone of less desirable physical traits wants to attract others, especially when competition is abound even from younger members of the same racial or social class, they must provide another means of gaining said attraction. Either by preying upon fetish, prestige, money, or other goods such as drugs/alcohol etc.

>> No.13345755

This is not entirely true
They won't check unless you miraculously pulled in 10k+ from nowhere at which point its taxable so unless you managed to avoid bank account i.e. by cashing out crypto otc in person then yeah
They make you document your job search but they don't ever check it and even if they did and you did nothing, they'd do nothing and you would still be paid something which was my point about you cannot die, your needs will be met regardless.

>> No.13345848

this is unironically true
>t. complete fuckup in my 20s, switch flipped in my brain around 30 now hard working boomer

>> No.13345891
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Good luck on dying in ur 40s thanks to no health care and contributing nothing to the society

>> No.13345899

>"What's important is your time, and you never get it back."
>spending your time on 4chan
choose one

>> No.13345914

I choose both

>> No.13345918

What's wrong with 4chan?

>> No.13345973

I'd rather spend time on 4chan then go to some shitty job lol
Imagine actually picking "going to work" over "sitting on your ass and having fun shitposting"

>> No.13346000

>Good luck on dying in ur 40s thanks to no health care

We don't all live in burger

>> No.13346330

i don't care about sex. the only thing i'd enjoy is having a cute girlfriend or imouto to cuddle. but idk... i haven't met anyone worth cuddling yet. not that i actively go out looking. but my dude, i have become pretty relaxed. because i started thinking "if life extension technology is real, and becomes a thing, all these problems are temporary and i will have an almost infinitely long time to find a cute virgin girl, realistic AI (an actual 2d girl is what i always wanted) or real. and if if there isn't... with me already being ~30, there's relatively little chance of getting such a girl." so why sweat it? just relax... you either live relatively long due to life-extension or you die like every other faggot on this cancerous planet. relaxing and increasing your life-span by putting it all into perspective is the best move. instead of turning into an EMO incel over it. indeed, eunuchs used to live pretty long. compared to plebs. i should neuter myself and simply grow a new dick if i do manage to access life-extension technology. or i could get a bionic dick. damn...

>> No.13346357

Dude just stay active and stop eating like shit. Replace coffee with green tea and stop drinking alcohol. Fixed your problem

>> No.13346378

>needing meds to get past 40

>> No.13346382

If you are a NEET you aren't getting a life extension. It will only be for the elite.

>> No.13346402

you dont need to start a crypto business to have bought at any point during the bitcoin's 10 year history with the exception of one 1 year period and be rich enough to never work again

>> No.13346427

Of course you do. Any buy in point after $50 wouldn't have been enough to retire you. Maybe even parity with the dollar because realistically you weren't holding through 1k back to 200 then to 19 unless you were already retired and wealthy

>> No.13346529

Not true at all
t. bought close to / at the peak in 2013 and still wagekeking

>> No.13346840

I have already proven your poor strawman arguments that you use to justify leeching off the government wrong. You haven't proven any of the points I've made wrong yet and you wouldn't know how to.

All you've done itt is engage anons who do have some plan and then jam your fingers in your ears when they say something you don't agree with.

What's especially sad about it is that you're still here hours later seeking attention from all these people you're allegedly so much better off than.

Here's the thing - I don't mind that you think you are clever for figuring out what junkies, bums, and crackheads figured out decades ago. I don't envy your lifestyle for a second, but I'm somewhat impressed that you found a way to be even worse than them by spending all your glorious free time on this beautiful day seeking out attention and trying to find some way to justify yourself on some Mongolian waterboarding consortium. Sure, its good to kill some time on a lunch break. But a terrible use for a day. At least junkies and hoodrats fuck and party with their time. This is all truly a waste.

Again, you are no different than some facebook roastie who brags about not needing a boyfriend everyday to cry herself to sleep every night. I pity you.

I gotta go to school now. Feel free to respond to this, Im sure you have all day to conjure up something in your mind that will make you believe you won some argument on the internet. Maybe that will be the big defining moment of your day. Its yours to take, champ.

>> No.13346857

Bad day, huh? All projection again. Quote any valid argument you made because you didn't make any to me. Cope more.

>> No.13347764

desu i had to get rid of neetness because iwas prolly going to commit a suicide .

and finding friends is really difficult t asks, just working 12-14 hour days if im not working out or studying to cope with having no friends. idk if there are any other people like me.

>> No.13347791
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We used to be monks bro... living the comfy life in a monostary, studying the world around us without ever really participating. In modern times, they call us "neets".... but we're still just as comfy.

>> No.13347832

this anon gets it

you're not selling your labor but your time

>> No.13347862

>what is living within your means

>> No.13347974

I mean it's not really 90% of my time, I'm in a dual income software engineer situation. My wife and I can retire before we're even 30 on the amount of money we're putting away assuming normal market growth and that's not even including the windfall we'll get from selling our stock options.

It's incredibly easy to win the game if you just play smart.

>> No.13347986

>It's incredibly easy to win the game if you just play smart.
Kind anon, some tips to play smart please

>> No.13348001

>ubi will motivate people to work

>> No.13348014

>t. silicon valley soiboy
Do you think the rest of the world has these opportunities faggot

Very unlikely you could retire by 30 in any case

>> No.13348033

Keep reading the thread

>> No.13348041

You don't have to spend money on shit. You force yourself to get into debt, retard. A NEET has zero income. How can he fund his hobbies and vacation without money?

>> No.13348057

I'm a longterm (10+ years) NEET and my current life is absolute shit. No friends, never had a girlfriend (Wizard), scraping by, wearing clothes that are a decade old... but still this WAS the most rational decision. The alternative wasn't "lots of friends, a loyal girlfriend, and plenty of spending money", the alternative was struggling to get by as my time was stolen from me while others who just happen to be born into wealth were having a great time and advancing their lives. The alternative was watching roastie after roastie get promoted ahead of me because of her pussy and because it's easier to be positive and friendly when you're living life on easy-mode. The alternative was watching easygoing, happy Chads, usually with money, fuck the women who would then collectively end up blaming me as a male for all their problems (in fact, the workplace I was in when I dropped out of society is now "white ribbon accredited", which means male workers have to regularly attend brainwashing lectures where they're humiliated by having to endure lectures on how men are violent against women and how it's men's fault and responsibility). The alternative was absolute shit. At least I got SOME degree of freedom and enjoyment out of my life, even if I end up having to kill myself at some point in the near future.

>> No.13348089

You're doing it wrong then faggot
Don't blame your personal failings on Neetism, it's you that is bad, not being a neet

>> No.13348102

>money is basically just represents units of time.
What kind of retarded logic is this?

>hurr I labored for x amout of hours therefore I have x amount of monies

>> No.13348107

Having no income is a personal failing.

>> No.13348117

Yeah not down to neetism
Neets can have money

Neet doesn't mean being a broke failure, lmao

>> No.13348152


incredibly fucking based

>> No.13348168

Depends completely on age and location. If you're under 18 and looking at colleges go to a state school that has a low tuition cost and focus on a degree in Computer Science or some not retarded major. If you're over 18 it depends on your current situation.

I'm currently 24, when I got my first job out of school which was a bit before I turned 22 I received a 75k sign on bonus and made about 200k a year in salary, bonuses, and stock options. My wife received around a similar offer(higher sign on but less slightly less annual). I know people who are SE's who got 150k sign on bonuses and make over 300k a year in salary. If I keep making what I'm making until I'm 30 and including what I already have my wife and I will have put away well over 3 million dollars, which is enough to live on 120k a year at a 4% SWR for the rest of our lives.

Also I'm not in silicon valley and no I don't believe the rest of the world has access to these opportunities, but I do think any faggot who can spend all day browsing 4chan could have just spent that time on the computer learning a skill and applying themselves. I know kids from fucking opoid addicted bumfuck neighborhoods in the midwest who make high 6 figure salaries because they weren't whiny little faggots.

I know people who make more money than I do in sales jobs and all they fucking did was eat shit for a few years and grind it out, some of these people don't even have college educations.

You live in an age where all information and training is accessible from the internet and based of the fact that you're posting on 4chan you clearly have free time. You failing to make money is 100% your fault, don't fucking complain about opportunity unless you live in a fucking hut in Sudan.

>> No.13348174

you'll kill yourself when you go through a midlife crisis and see everyone around you succeed while youre nothing but a failure. you will, unironically, feel like complete utter shit. just a warning.

>> No.13348178

I'm talking about the vast majority. Not everyone has rich parents or live on welfare from the government. Either way, it's still a personal failing if you live off of other people.

If you're making money in any manner like say from from crypto, it still counts as being self-employed, which technically makes you non-NEET.

>> No.13348236

No it doesnt
A job is a job

Being NEET and making side income isn't a job

>> No.13348274

>having a wife
>thinking he is gonna "make it".

in b4 she cucks you hard when hypergamy kicks in and she divorces you for everything that you have lul

those LTR basedboys are hilarious

>> No.13348353
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You understand that divorce rape like that only happens when she makes less money than me? We make the exact same amount of money, if we were to get a divorce there won't be an alimony payment our assets will just split in half which is fine because half of our assets are hers to begin with.

Also my wife was a virgin when we married and she's not from the west so the chance of divorce is less than 5% anyway.

>> No.13348366

Self-employment still counts. You still have to report your income to the IRS even if it's just a small amount.

>> No.13348408

Now this is what I call breaking the conditioning. Wagies eternally BTFO forever

>> No.13348429

And if you don't do this then you're a neet

>> No.13348450

>live in a country where i dont need to work

Which country would that be?

>> No.13349074

Deshawn has a new kid by a different momma every year on your tax dime, bucko. Not to mention Schlomo the Orthodox jew living on welfare has 12 kids on your tax dime, bucko.

>> No.13349200


>> No.13349286

You are a lying faggot, no one I have ever heard of got a 75k signing bonus and was making 200k their second or third year out of school besides kids from 1%er families. What part of the LARP are you not telling us? That your wife’s daddy is the CEO of the company or that you live in San Francisco/Jew York and that salary equates to something like 60k in the Midwest? Don’t pretend like 2-300k a year jobs are readily available for everyone.

>> No.13349338
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What happens to NEETs when their parents die of old age and leave them with little or no inheritance?

>> No.13349350

Not all neets live with their parents

>> No.13349387

>wagie shaming is crab in a bucket mentality

Based and redpilled. Don't ever underestimate how far wagies and normies will go to keep detractors in line.

>> No.13349406

What happens to wagies when they get laid off or their skillset is no longer needed in the workforce?

Existence and living is always tenuous and insecure.

>> No.13350440

>....besides kids from 1%er families

I was fortunate enough to test into one of the best college preparatory schools when I was younger and I studied CS there so I definitely had a leg up going into college.

>that salary equates to something like 60k in the Midwest?

I do live in New York but this salary definitely doesn't equate to 60k. I'm still living in the same home in Queens I grew up in so I don't have a mortgage expense but even if I had to rent a place for 2200 a month in the city I'd still be clearing way more than I could make in the Midwest. I know this meme is false because I considered taking a job in Indianapolis which is becoming a very big tech hub in the midwest. Salaries were 100k less but rental expenses were only at max 700 dollars cheaper, making it really not worth it. Ended up just living with my parents because money and they like having me around and there to support them.

>Don’t pretend like 2-300k a year jobs are readily available for everyone.

They aren't and I never said there were, but they do exist and many of them are not being filled. More realistically there are tons of jobs that pay over 100k that aren't being filled and have low barriers for entry. The average 4chan user could easily spend the time they waste shilling coins and shitposting dedicating time to learning how to code, becoming something like a Salesforce Administrator or Architect, or grinding it out at a sales job and then eventually moving into a role as an Account Executive.

I just did a search on LinkedIn, 700k thousand jobs in the things I just listed. Decent portion of them making well over 6 figures.

>> No.13350470

Starting all in comp for FAANG software engineers is 350K+. Top investment management firms 250K+, investment banking 200K+. It exists, but you have to be a top student at target schools(top 5-10) w/ good/excellent internships.

>> No.13351413

1) just lmao at counting your wife's money together with yours and saying you will have 3 million, when you actually would have only 1,5
2) show me the calculations where working for 8 years 2 people can save 3 mm on that salary
3) learning skills does not matter, you just happened to win the lottery being born there. Even the best software engineer will only get 25% of your salary in Northern Europe or in any other country

>> No.13351428
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posting in a COMFY thread.

>almost 200 replies

wagies seething and coping as usual, what a surprise lmao

>> No.13351446

The responsibility gets passed to the NEET's siblings or the NEET becomes homeless if he doesn't have any.

>> No.13351800

>dating cosplay chicks

i bet thats your hobby tiger

>> No.13351910

Raging wagie here
Will be retiring to pursue entrepreneurial opporutunities in SEA this fall. Every day is a struggle but you become numb to the pain

>> No.13352263

>Also my wife was a virgin when we married and she's not from the west so the chance of divorce is less than 5% anyway.
Where is she from?

>> No.13352271
File: 9 KB, 233x216, ifonly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>you'll kill yourself when

>> No.13352302

>As long as you have enough money to be comfy then money is a bit of meme.

“Emotional well-being also rises with log income, but there is no further progress beyond an annual income of ~$75,000”.

>> No.13352565

You would have to save around 290k/year or 145k/year per person assuming 7% growth. Seems unlikely even on that high salary

>> No.13352786

Being a NEET in your early 20s playing vidya and 'le hobbies' is fun

Being a NEET in your late 20s you lose interest in that stuff

Being a NEET in your 30s you wonder how much you missed out on (no gf, kids, property etc)

Being a NEET in your 40s is suicide mode

Wageslaving makes me appreciate and look forward to my free time. It's all psychological. there can be no pleasure without pain

(the philosophical problem of the man who had anything just by wishing it)

After you grow out of your manchild phase you will realise having children is the main purpose in life to keep you going, then you can appreciate little things like going for a nice walk with your gf in the forest, riding your bike or having a nice dinner and movie

Imho ofcourse.