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13339820 No.13339820 [Reply] [Original]

how to properly exit my life tonight?

>> No.13339826


>> No.13339832

Did you believe in Craig?

>> No.13339862

Don't even joke about it faggot. Why biz of all places to post this? Money problems? Fuck money, there are people in the world who need you and more importantly there are people who will need you to be there in the future, and no, not for fucking money.

>> No.13339886

Muhh suicide thoughts

Fuck off OP
You are fucking pathetic


>> No.13340001

i have lost everything

>> No.13340006



>> No.13340010

Money? You can make more
Girls? You can find another
Stay quiet anon, explain to us

>> No.13340014

this. good post

>> No.13340023

Get it again and delete internet fag. Money does not grant you wisdom not health you live once.
Btw bitmex ceo is a nigger, remind it for ever.

>> No.13340092

i dont know what happened bros. I was having it all. 10/10 athletic chad, happy and comfy alpha life middle class life. Then, got divorced, she took our apartment and my daughter, whats left i lost in crypto. Now living in small room in a shared house with friends, counting money to get by to my next wagekek from mr shekek, already 2 days too late (as always). Im a failure, my family is ashamed of what i have became. I just dont have the energy to stand up and build everything again from zero

>> No.13340109

crypto was my way out. It turned out to make it even worse... a lot worse

>> No.13340136

Don't worry, i'm in similar conditions, no women, no money, i quit my job some time ago.
At first i was like you, very disappointed and depressed, but there's always an after.
It's normal to feel without forces and without hopes when all fell apart.
You're still yourself, achievements like money don't count, that dark period will pass and you'll get on your feet again.

Your daughter, you can see her grow also if she tooked her, it's way better than be "the father that went away forever", you've to stay strong, things will get better.

>> No.13340155


>exit scamming your friends and family

Not gonna make it

>> No.13340156

I lost my hair

>> No.13340169

Its objectively wrong though. The only person who needs me is my boss to show up to work tomorrow

>> No.13340170

thanks brah, appreciate your time to write this. We all have dark days. I mean yeah, fuck money and fame. But how to escape this misry i feel inside

>> No.13340180

only way out is through brah

>> No.13340197

Nigga, i lost a lot of money because i tried to live my life by myself, i spent days without eating last year, i was scammed and i will be moving back to my shitass city in 2 days.

but i'm certain that everything will be okay in the end.

fuck man, life is pretty rough but the easy way out is not an option.

>> No.13340221

At first i guess you've only to accept it, let your body deal with it, keep on going also if you're empty and feel like shit.
The wound will close, it takes time
Phisical exercise helps, hope helps.
Find a purpouse, find a lot of them, the main purpouse is your daughter i guess.
She could need you in the future, you have to stay here with us anon

>> No.13340226

Just hold ur crypto and drudge on. We’re all gonna make it

>> No.13340241

gun, make sure you call aftercare to clean the mess


>> No.13340252

>edgy boomer response
Man, don't do it. Think about it man, you still have options. Move. It doesn't have to cost much. Get on a bus. Scrounge for the change if you have to. Meet people. Tell them your story. Join the army. Get a job in Antarctica. Something!

>data response
Propane is probably the best way to do it. Get a gas mask from amazon and a tank of propain, hook them up, and enjoy your final breaths.

>> No.13340262

So you don't have a relationship with any family or close friends?

>> No.13340268

I love how this board is wholesome even when calling you a fucking faggot to get your life together

>> No.13340270

Thank you fag, hope you get killed by niggers

>> No.13340275

you're welcome cuck

>> No.13340286

well brahs if i dont receie my wageshekels today (which im most certainly now) i guess im going to be eating a lot of beans tomorrow. Fucking lel at my life

>> No.13340291


Don't do it, you have nothing left to lose.You can start a brand new life. You have nothing holding you back. You can devote your entire life to one thing.

>> No.13340299

Pls no fren

>> No.13340337

o'kek forgot about my family package of canned tuna in olive oil i have under the sofa... praise kek

>> No.13340351

We still love you, Lrpr
Keep what we've said for when you lose all you money on LINK, kek

>> No.13340365

I also want to exit. I have nothing. No family, no friends, no education, no skills, no income, no savings. Nothing except debts I won't be able to pay, 10k debt and 2k Links. Have barely left my apartment in past 5 years.

>> No.13340374

Claim you're the real Craig Wright

>> No.13340387
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>have convinced myself to kms
>gun-free state
>every building high enough to jump from is guarded
>exit bags have been banned in lethal quantities now
>too anti social to have hard drug dealers

>> No.13340461
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we've seen the worst of it fren. Think about what you will miss when it moons. In this game, nothing is linear and things can pick up again very quickly.

Also, why can't your family help you out?

Hardly any of us on here are normal, but we at least have each other at the end of the day.

>> No.13340463

there is some fukin compasion and brotherhood in here. The bottom must be near!

>> No.13340477

Don't do it anon. Whether you realize it or not, people care about you

>> No.13340489

Actually a bunch of chads faking to be miserable to make you feel better, anon, my fingers still smell of pussy