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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 25 KB, 760x392, cz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13339430 No.13339430 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.13339544

He’s on our side. Fuck that virus named Craig

>> No.13339550


thats a lot of cringe.

>> No.13339553

>choosing a chink over an anglo

>> No.13339559

He said he was delisting it because he blames the fork for causing Bitcoin to go under $6k which really pissed off the the chinese whales.

>> No.13339570

lmao binance is done. Satoshi is about to rek him

>> No.13339604

As much as I dislike Craig, by applauding this you are simply setting a president that if you say something an exchange dislikes, they will shut you down. No different than libtards

>> No.13339627

they should delist bcash as well.

>> No.13339635
File: 115 KB, 675x1280, bcashnpcs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being this much of a groupthink slave.

>> No.13339645

They're setting a precedent that if you are a compulsive lying psychopath pretending to be satoshi and use legal traps to attempt to destroy everyone in the crypto community, then you will have repercussions eventually.

I don't think that's a precedent that other people should be encouraged to follow. Is good precedent.

>> No.13339659

good point, just seeing notre dam burning and not being able to say paki without being arrested for hate speech is really taking its toll

>> No.13339661
File: 935 KB, 1406x1000, rbitcoinin2018_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at all these morons who think the war is over already. Boy are you in for a surprise next week.

>> No.13339662

Yah? You don't think satoshi sold his BTC into BCH then had to fork the fork because he had no assets on the original? That this isn't a scam to absorb value from BCH and desperately buy back into BTC because he realizes it was a going show. Dude is just trying to scam wealth for himself and CZ isn't having it.

Remember CZ has access to de-anonymized trade data and has peers to compare notes with.

>> No.13339706

Oh I don't think the war's over at all, but it's a pretty big blow.

CSW will be the most dangerous thing to the future of crypto up until he has been declared a vexatious litigant by the courts. After that, he'll still be a thorn in the side of progress as anyone looking to improve crypto will have to have his patents challenged in court.

He is a compulsive liar and conman who has been paid to dedicate his life to ruining crypto. That war's not over until something more concrete happens.

>> No.13339723

That's fair enough bro. I feel your pain on that one.

>> No.13339764
File: 155 KB, 960x767, bcashlol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being this much of a shill.

>> No.13339778

>they think the chink and faketoshi didnt planned this to short the shit out of it.

Yes, binance makes money on coin drops.

>> No.13339789

Surprised there isn’t a contract on him tbqh senpai

>> No.13339811

This pic is a perfect example of why a picture speaks a thousand words. Never thought about it like this before haha

>> No.13339834

?? he's actually canadian

>> No.13339860

>(a) Bitcoin is about open source kumbayah. Fuck copyright and fuck the police.
>(b) Bitcoin should be protected by patents and copyrights
Fucking lemmings
Samefag or retard.

>> No.13339866

>compulsive liar
>"CSW is getting paid"
Oh the irony

>> No.13339897

Or forks that try to leech of bitcoins success doesn't matter.

>> No.13339955

>choosing a chink over a kike controlled golem behind every war then pushing for acceptance towards refugees, while destroying Europe from within by fucking with trade, while being the nr 1 producer of cuck porn that has killed far more whites than Germany ever done. All the while pushing their degenerate culture worshipping sjws, consumerism droning and niggers, actively destroying western civilization on the bidding of their masters and creators
The choice is simple. At this point is trust a nigger, chink or even a Russian to hold my best interests at heart than the eternal anti white angolems

>> No.13339965

CZ is /ourguy/

>> No.13339977


Hail based CZ

>> No.13339988

your tears nourish my flaming liberal heart

>> No.13340459

Doubtful. Id say he has more credibility than mcafee, but if he keeps this shit up, he will be on the same tier. I really wish he'd go away. I highly doubt he is SN, but even if he was, he's a massive asshole who should get dumped anyway.