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File: 52 KB, 768x432, 2295A271-B253-47C2-95EC-D8658AC2CDC8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13337628 No.13337628 [Reply] [Original]

This is the reason bitcoin is about to dump hard as fuck. Delist bsv backfired on you dumb collectivist retards, remember Craig has more bitcoin than anyone else and is now dumping on you faggots

>> No.13337642

nah it's the best thing that happened since the bch fork

>> No.13337648

Creg doesn't have much BTC or he wouldn't have lost the hash wars. But hey, if it's him dumping I'd consider it money well spent to get rid of fraudsters and scammers in the space.

>> No.13337655

Absolutely based

>> No.13337658

This is awesome

Based chink keeping his word

>> No.13337663

Faketoshi doesn't have as much as you think

>> No.13337678

The funniest thing about all of this is witnessing the type of people who follow the religion of Craig Wrongs shit vision (SV). They're all degenerate low IQ pseudo intellectuals who fall for his romanticized verbal trash.
CSW is the Jim Jones of crypto, and you faggots are just drinking the con artist's kool-aid. Dunning Kruger in full effect.
Fortunately everyone in the industry with at-least half a brain just point and laugh at him.
My advice to all degenerate pedos who believe this man - lay off the booze; it's rotting your brain and severely limiting your potential to grow.
You won't realize it until it's too late and you're an old miserable piece of shit basement dwelling conspiracy theorist refreshing /pol/ all day

>> No.13337684

>Craig has more bitcoin than anyone else and is now dumping on you faggots
Nope Satoshi has more so by definition Craig can't have the most bitcoins.

>> No.13337703

behead those who insult Satoj

>> No.13338102
File: 87 KB, 1300x922, thinki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the estimates of CSW's stash?

He's satoshi so, 1000000+ btc
Eth, obvs, maybe 250000000+
BCH nigga please 1000000+
BSV obvs
ETC obvs
XMR, LTC, ZEC, obv, truckloads
All the major altcoins, incl LINK

Think, people. How much damage can one man do?

>> No.13338126
File: 2.58 MB, 1440x1740, sergey with craig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not feeling so stiff....

>> No.13338132

It's not a stretch of the imagination that a guy who lied about being Satoshi that also lied about SegWit vulnerabilities might also be lying about his wealth and influence.

>> No.13338135

But I want BTC to dump. I need more.

>> No.13338143

Why do you keep posting this?

>> No.13338153

1 sv to shitpost on the bloockchain
that's it he doesn't hold crypto he just wants booze

>> No.13338175

And your estimated IQ is 15 if you think this dumb cunt that got copy and pasting hello world code that wasnt even written for the platform he was on so it wouldn't even compile is satoshi

Seriously how was that not the nail in the coffin for that faggot

>> No.13338181


>> No.13338194

>got copy and pasting hello world code that wasnt even written for the platform he was on so it wouldn't even compile
What exactly are you referring to?

>> No.13338218

Imagine being this stupid lol.

>> No.13338228

Go google it. Dumbfuck screenshotted some coding he was supposedly doing and someone found where he copy and pasted it from.

>> No.13338259

And that's just one example of many of all the times he got caught...

>> No.13338277

Yeah there was a website that documented all his lies i forgot what it was though

>> No.13338286


>> No.13338293

there's this leddit post:
but yeah I know the site you mean

>> No.13338320

What BTC is he going to dump? All the BTC he spent trying to manipulate BSV into a top 10 coin?That retard signed his death sentence by trying to declare war on everybody, dude is literally in a corner all alone right now