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13336823 No.13336823 [Reply] [Original]

Thinking about buying right now and sell in 3-6 months assuming value increases otherwise I will wait through the decline in value. Is it fairly likely that it will increase over 5000 within the next year and a half? Basically - if im willing to hold for 1-2 years how bad of an idea is it?

>> No.13336836
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>Is it fairly likely that it will increase over 5000 within the next year and a half?
Try $50,000

>> No.13336844
File: 2.98 MB, 1920x1200, 1555265691787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best time to buy BTC was always yesterday. Read the whitepaper and learn how to secure your private keys.

>> No.13336845

Pretty good idea after that recent drop. Just never buy pumps and never buy shitcoins, and you'll be in good shape in a few years.

>> No.13336847

Do you expect some retarded expertise?
Your instinct might as well be better than any other prediction.

>> No.13336861

try $1.000.000

>> No.13336896

everywhere I look everyone seems so confident in it hitting well over 100K in the next year or two. Is this all just wishful thinking? What convinces people that bitcoin has such a promising future?

>> No.13336947

>Is this all just wishful thinking?

the great bull run was 2017 and never again will it hit 20k. crypto isnt dead. but forget about btc making u rich.

>> No.13336968

If you are poor just invest in an alt. Whats the point at investing $200 in BTC. 2x in two years? So you have now $400, and that is assuming you dont lost everything.

>> No.13336983

>What convinces people that bitcoin has such a promising future

>> No.13337009

Sorry for the ignorance but what's an alt?

>> No.13337016

I've been buying at 5025 and selling at 5150 all week. Get in closer to 5k as you can, then ride the BART until the S&P crashes or a gorillionaire market buys 10 000 bitcoins

>> No.13337030

How much have you made so far buying and selling like that?

>> No.13337092

I unironically did this today earlier before the small dip. I will take you up on this though, I will not sell the $200 btc until 3-6 months from now. I will report back to biz with my findings at a later date. Goodbye, sir.

>> No.13337099

wait until it gets delisted and the dust settles my friend

>> No.13337102

>makes $50 profit in 6 months
>still 25%, pretty good
>thos Warren Buffet returns

>> No.13337120

This is what I was thinking, for minimal effort a 25 percent profit it really good especially if i reuse that to invest further, Whats to scoff at in investing 200?

What do you mean delisted?

>> No.13337134

binance and maybe others are threatening they will delist bitcoin from their exchanges

>> No.13337141

I thought that was bsv or whatever, whats their reason for delisting bitcoin assuming what your saying is true?

>> No.13337157

bsv is bitcoin. it is a scandal between the creator of bitcoin and exchange CEOs

>> No.13337167

like $300 USD -_- (using about $1200 btc to star

>> No.13337171

Why is no one who is invested in bitcoin ftfo then? I thought it was just a bitcoin clone being removed? Why does that have anything to do with the actual bitcoin being delisted?

>> No.13337181

the chain people mine and use the most is bitcoin. read the fucking bitcoin whitepaper where it says this and crog screams fraud with his "satoshi vision" bs

>> No.13337183

Not a bad place to start, do you just have it setup to automatically buy and sell? What exchange do you use?

>> No.13337189

If you are putting in only a couple hundred, the best thing to do is let it sit for the long haul and just keep adding to it bit by bit.

>> No.13337216

the BTC ticker is manipulated by the Blockstream Core team. The creator of bitcoin tried to keep the orignal bitcoin by splitting from the BTC chain and then all hell broke loose. people heavily invested in BTC started a campaing to sabotage the creator. It is in the exchange's interest that BTC will keep centralization through liquid and lightning network by routing transactions off-chain.

>> No.13337239

I just do it manually on binance.

>> No.13337245

Thats really confusing I dont really follow desu. It leads me back to my other question, If this is going to jeopardize bitcoin severely why isn't everyone selling right now and the market crashing down?

>> No.13337256

Dont listen to this pajeet. 2x is fucking much if you know it will happen. Put every cent in you got and stay safe in btc or maybe some eth.

>> No.13337270

it will crash eventually

>> No.13337310
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The anon you're responding to is a $BCHSV bag holder. This is why you need to do your research before investing, this space is filled with scammers.

tl;dr a faction broke off from BTC claiming to be the "real bitcoin" and became Bitcoin Cash (BCH). Then that faction split in half and became BCHABC (Roger Ver) and BCHSV (Craight Wright). They're just fraudsters. The whole disagreement stems from how big the blocks for BTC should be, and they used to opportunity to muddy the waters and personally enrich themselves.

>> No.13337315

Sounds like most people reccommend btc or eth. I will probably start with btc, What's your or anyone elses opionion on what >>13337216
has been saying?

>> No.13337334

Thank you! I will for sure do my own research still but in your opinion btc is here to stay as one of the big cryptos?

>> No.13337363
File: 248 KB, 1280x1362, ip.bitcointalk.org.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is a fine example of core shills. they are getting payed from blockstrem. even the mentioned roger ver was banned from r/bitcoin for questioning the block size

>> No.13337389
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Bitcoin is the genesis project on which all other cryptocurrency is built. If the cryptocurrency experiment survives and thrives, it's a safe bet BTC will too. Seriously dude, read the whitepaper.


>> No.13337396

So everyone could lose out on all their bitcoin is what he's saying? Does that make eth a better investment? How can we be sure he isn't just bs-ing so people will use bsv?

>> No.13337442
File: 26 KB, 587x184, satoshi_redpill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. ETH is a worse investment, they are run by anarchists and no smart contract can be approved by law. They are also migrating to PoS, which is the most centralized thing you can do. It's all just snake oil and hopium. Bitcoin is the only way you can have a global peer-to-peer cash system

>> No.13337459

Stop being a ginormous pussy.

Research bitcoin. Learn why its needed and why its amazing, and you wont want to sell it in 3-6 months even if it hits 200k.

>> No.13337467

>but simple bloomer, yesterday I would have got less BTC

>> No.13337474
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Stop posting on 4chan and do your own due diligence man, nobody is going to hold your hand. It doesn't matter what Craig says because he is a well-known scammer. He claims he is the real Satoshi, which would make him worth 10 billion dollars at current market price. Why would a supposed billionaire who supposedly invented the most revolutionary cryptographic software in human history sue people who call him a fraud, instead of simply proving he's Satoshi? It would be very easy if he was him. Don't trust, verify. Think for yourself.

ETH is fine too, I hold 80% BTC and 20% ETH.

>> No.13337482

So if all crypto is based around bitcoin and it has a fatal flaw that will reveal itself this year, all cryptos are going to fail eventually? Why wont he share exactly what the flaw is in detail if its real? It just seems like he's trying to make btc look bad because he broke off from the team and his version of crypto is failing

>> No.13337493

he is TESTIFYING to court that he is the creator of bitcoin

>> No.13337536

Thank you for the reddit post, it looks like >>13337493 is just being an idiot and should do some more research. If its just a matter of proving your identity to backup your serious claims he would have done it already if he could.

>> No.13337671


>> No.13337689

he predicted how he ends up nicely

>> No.13337709
File: 1.11 MB, 972x971, 1542104600475.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't even try to address the points in the post
Thanks for playing. Why would you take someone to court when your reputation could be proven by simply signing the genesis block?

Good luck anon, I hope you get rich and don't get liquidated.

>> No.13337723

because code is not law

>> No.13337866

>bsv is bitcoin.
LMAO imagine still believing this.

>> No.13337895

call me olf-fashioned but i still believe in the true bitcoin

>> No.13337959
File: 13 KB, 650x650, FE383502-D8C3-4EA3-BE80-C93E6DEE7ED8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its decenteralized has finite value and isnt fiat. in 50 years bitcoin will be worth 1 trillion market cap. boomers wont convert but zoomers will