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13336268 No.13336268 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw ywn be chad
>ywn have 10/10 sluts creaming over your cawk
>even with millions in the bank you'll be genetic trash and women will only like you for your money
I cant take it anymore anons I just want to be chad and bang big-tittied milk cows all day. no money in the world is gonna make it happen. why even live?

>> No.13336277

kys then so I wouldn't have to read these pathetic sob stories from absolute betas

>> No.13336279

faggot its not just about your face. when you have money you can create opportunities to do chad things like be a race car driver

>> No.13336285

post your lookism username and i’ll negrape you

>> No.13336290

Use your newfound wealth to get plastic surgery, retard

>> No.13336299

Based fpbp dubs

>> No.13336315

fuck a trap

>> No.13336324
File: 271 KB, 1783x1068, 6d93604b4e8a8586d033dac5c5856bc20dd678eb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont give up anon. the world is going to burn before the end of 2020, atleast the us. And if thats completly fucked up, the "Deutsche Bank" will go down with the us, so will the eu. And if gb doesnt get out sooner or later, it will drown with the eu --> hsbc (london/britain) will tank too.

Let's see what the jews have planned.

You have to experience that time of humanity. Dont do it man.

>> No.13336325

It's not. It's about mastery over people. Always was.
Pretty boys are just pawns.

>> No.13336334
File: 8 KB, 212x250, no bully.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls no bully

they will never love me like they love chad though

>> No.13336348

The wealth is to build a remote dungeon you can coerce them to going into, then you can use your resources to make sure she never leaves and does whayever you want. The point of being a chad is not giving a fuck about what she thinks or want, so when she starts going off about going home or not wanting to touch your benis, then it should be easy to hurt the bitch if you have been practicing chad principals.

>> No.13336357

cringey delusions

>> No.13336378

Based jews will make OP turn transgender lmao. OP should kys before that happens.

>> No.13336386

You will understand that you dont need 10/10 to feel like a chad. You just need that one 6/10 qt you like to like you back and you will feel like 10/10 chad.

Trust me on this one mate.

>> No.13336411

sources ?
I would like to read the same things you did to arrive at that conclusion.

>> No.13336492


>> No.13336668
File: 146 KB, 800x450, 1553615176303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I reread it, it sure does sound a bit strange

yea, just wanting to help. But from my heart: op you are a massiv faggot and might fall into the trans meme. Stop master baiting. I know robots and wizards with atleast 7/10 girls. It isnt about looks my dude. Start reading /fit your face will change too. Your hair doesn't stay the same lengh, so the look of your face will also change.

there are sources for sure, I haven't made those things up, but I dont have a 100% source were I read all this. It is my interpretation after taking a few red pills in this direction.
deutschebank is completely connected to the us. That should be obvious if you read a bit about 2008 (globalization hasnt gone backwards since). Germany is the biggest shit in the eu. So you can draw these lines yourself.
The stuff with hsbc is kinda "made up" I sure thing something will happen but hsbc is now mostly a hk / china bank to shovel "grey" money out and into china. So no real connection to the motherland (altho I think it is still a british bank).

And the social unravel will happen sooner or later. That should also be common knowledge. Just alone: the word redpill exist. so there is a giant bubble, the so called "beautiful lie". Just look at the past. Everything will burst.

2020 just seems like a good year.

-the us presidency is kinda fucked up
-the technological "moore's law" will level (7nm might just be the epitemy for now, gonna build taller transistors (thicker processors) but not entirely smaller ones)
-the transmeme / gender meme will do some funky stuff with society
-secrets can't be burried for ever (look into tesla (inventor) and the connections with the us secret service, but only for all the anti gravity / free energy memes but just alone the technology advantage)
-look how far apart so society is (rich poor)

final point:
nothing in this world is truly new or brought to live through creativity
word limit, I will continiu

>> No.13336688
File: 105 KB, 593x936, 1538407332203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"lol just lift bro"
>goes into autistic rant about muh redpill
yeah Im sure you get laid like chad does :

>> No.13336756
File: 76 KB, 640x576, fg3r3rsi5il21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every painter saw paintings before drawing his own ones.

Everything just got combined in a clever way. There is nothing new in this world. Like the little mobile game alchemie or so. Every ivnention is a fusion of knowledge and discoveries. And why is an ipad so freaking advanced but my garden pump is still just and tri polar motor with a pump wheel. Everything should be on on level.

Why are we evolved and the monkeys didn't. They got the same enviroment and time frame.

Jesus, my autism triggered.
Just think about the whole thing in general.
Sit down and truly think about the basics of our life.

Try to imagine a "nothing". Like a white box, just without the walls. Then slowly try to introduce everything you know into that blank plane.
Truly think about why you put it there.

If you go down to the atomic level: an electron circulates around the nucleas, why, because a certain amout of velocity. But that would be pepetual motion, shit doesnt really happen. Only energy exchanges (sure that are also made up things, but is those very basics would be looped into infinity life would be truly pointless).

to the original point: everything is connected. but in todays world alot of things do not seems to be wired correctly. because of the stated points above i think

somewhere around 2020 to 2030 shit is going to mix up

enought certified iq to know that I am not completly retarded

>> No.13336770

not muh redpill, I haven't meant anything in a negativ way

>> No.13336892

>no money in the world is gonna make it happen
Stop caring about emotional attachment and go for the hooker pill.
This is what 100$ can buy you anon. Just saying.