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File: 104 KB, 1080x1491, 0633a10e-2718-4810-b376-73b761015599-fire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13336237 No.13336237 [Reply] [Original]

France stocks going down rapidly

Quick, short before it's too late!

>> No.13336344

This is actually sad.
Feelz bad for frogs :/

>> No.13336358

>French people
>responsible for preserving cherished architectural marvels

>> No.13336366

Unironically marks the conquest of france's christianity. Sorry eurocucks, this virus will spread just like that (((accidental))) fire.

>> No.13336367

this is like the eiffel tower burning down

unironically depressing. fuck this world

>> No.13336368

>Macron is gay

>> No.13336374

Likely cause: renovations work

Some wagecuck dropped his cigarette

>> No.13336392
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>> No.13336402

Fuck, this better not be the work of some sand nigger.

>> No.13336414


Absolutely tragic.

>> No.13336420

muzzies will pay for this!

>> No.13336425

>inb4 they let it burn down to the ground and build a huge mosque in its place

>> No.13336437

>You guys can rebuild it, right?
>"Well no, your taxes are for mosques not for churches."

>> No.13336438

Why don't they put it out I don't see any helicopter with water

>> No.13336471
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who here up for starting a minority owned cathedral business. gonna get paid suckas

>> No.13336490
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Vaguely reminds me of something

>> No.13336494

That would be based.

>> No.13336508
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signals were apparent for a few days...

>> No.13336511

1 month after retard kills muslims retarded muslims retaliate

>> No.13336526

You can't stab 10 people 10 times then "retaliate" to getting stabbed once. That's not retaliation it's just a continued trend.

>> No.13336538
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You brought this on yourselves you stupid French faggots. Might as well tear down the Eiffel Tower while were at it. Fuck you Paris. .

>> No.13336556
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>Some wagecuck dropped his cigarette


>> No.13336558

>things I don’t like: muslims, Jews, this fire
>since I don’t like them, they must be connected
Laughing at all you brainlets. Literal kindergarten thought process. Fuck muslims though.

>> No.13336591
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>Laughing at all you brainlets.

Ask me how I know you're a Jew!

>> No.13336624

You do realize France has the highest concentration of Jews in Europe and also probably blacks because they don't do racial censuses?

>> No.13336677
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>> No.13336692
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>> No.13336698

> cringe normie pretending he gives a shit

>> No.13336700


>> No.13336711

funny how foreigners are reacting to this more strongly than actual frogs

>> No.13336725

Craig Wright

>> No.13336744
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>than actual frogs

no such thing.

>> No.13336750

Sam Raimi

>> No.13336789
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>the absolute state of Paris

>> No.13336809

Im spanish but I would actually travel to the new mosque to bomb it. And I am not joking, this the futuro you are choosing CIA niggers.

>> No.13336879

I'm Catholic you fucking asshole

>> No.13336917


Honestly, fuck the French and everything they stand for.

>> No.13336956


Don't say I didn't warn you...

>> No.13336974


>Figures show 875 churches in France were vandalized last year

New Zealand was relation you dumbass

>> No.13336975

I have a vacation to paris booked in June and had hoped to see this fml

>> No.13336980

some gypsy fag wrote 'We are all humans' in the fucking monument
what a colossal fucking irony

>> No.13336990

Riddle me this, christcuck. Was Adam a son of God?

>> No.13337025

>he bought ze ticket?
>buurn it down

>> No.13337056

if the artists were alive today they wouldn't care, unless theres a religious sentimental value they hold

>> No.13337077
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>> No.13337110

Gnosticism is the path forward. Jesus christ showed us the way.

>> No.13337204

Correlation with BSV cancellation announcements and church burnings suspiciously high.

>> No.13337218

>he fell for the travel meme
Go to Germany and bang hookers in the all-you-can-fuck brothels instead

>> No.13337231
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>> No.13337355
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Gaybo did Notre Dame

>> No.13337420
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what a day..... what a lovely day !!!!

>> No.13337461

Oh shit I just sold all my Notre Dame shares
You should unironically go long Saint Gobain, the centuries old company who will surely repair this mess.

>> No.13337466

>anything to do with jesus christ
Holy kek you people

>> No.13337489
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>A prominent heretical movement of the 2nd-century Christian Church, partly of pre-Christian origin. Gnostic doctrine taught that the world was created and ruled by a lesser divinity, the demiurge, and that Christ was an emissary of the remote supreme divine being, esoteric knowledge (gnosis) of whom enabled the redemption of the human spirit

>> No.13337503
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Imagine all those 12-14th century wagies squirming in the catacombs as their centuries of hard labor are wasted away with one flick of a fag

>> No.13337518

Inshallah ya'akhi

>> No.13337548

spierdalaj XD

>> No.13337560


>> No.13337610

Will happen bro, dw

>> No.13337675

Eiffel tower is a 132 year old piece modernist garbage built in just over 2 years.

Note dame construction began 1163 and ended in 1250, taking 87 years and three generations of stone masonry. It was the first time flying buttresses were used by structural engineers on a project of that scale and was basically the sandbox that the first building codes came out of in terms of structural stresses and strains. We lost an amazing testament to human creativity and sheer ingenuity today :(

>> No.13337864

Unironically sad. Todays society will never be able to rebuild this in its full detail, because the handcraft skills are lost and the cost would be out of this world. They'll probably put some butt-ugly glass tower on it instead and call it artistic freedom.

>> No.13337875
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note what is written anon, ''clowns never die''

its a clown world anon

>> No.13337898

>the item itself is more valuable than the knowledge gained

great, now the generations 1 million years from now will never know how to build because they don't have any real life examples :----(

>> No.13337982

Reverse happened with the Romans. Aquaducts were still there but the masonry knowledge was lost.

>> No.13338015


>> No.13338363


god i hope it comes out that a muslim refugee did it

>> No.13338381

cucks, you're just gonna be so thrilled when they build a mosque in its place

>> No.13338387

It's a good symbol of Western decline, but ultimately nobody will give a shit in a few days.

>> No.13338392


I do hope this also



>> No.13338436

me too, I hope we're right

>> No.13338438
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>> No.13338453


>> No.13338878

>a church is on fire
>economy collapses

What century is this?

>> No.13338890

What the fuck

>> No.13338897
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>> No.13338910

Everybody ignores this.

>> No.13338918

I didn't even know that most of the structure was wood. I assumed it was all stone.

>> No.13339285
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>> No.13339390


>> No.13339441
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>comparing a millenial old God's vessel on earth, an architectural prowess, one of the most beautiful legacy of mankind and christianity with a neoshart rusted masonic phallic symbol designed by kikes and scat focused FMs

>> No.13339469
File: 32 KB, 408x632, shutitdown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We all know (((they))) are behind this, you don't put in flames a fucking cathedral with a cig, even with 1000 cigs you couldn't.
It's the kikes 100% sure, they always hated this monument for what it's represented. They will pay for this abominable crime.