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13333866 No.13333866 [Reply] [Original]

There have been tons and tons of copy pasta shill pieces on Fantom the last several weeks. It got to a point of being annoying garbage and I responded to some of them. Fantom shills then reported me and got me banned.

I would be really careful about picking up this poorly attempted coordinated pump. Listen to Andre Cronje who works with the project and he tells you what a shit state this project was in before he took over and clean up their mess. They collected $40 Million dollars and didn't have shit and were basically clueless before he joined.

Even now, Andre Cronje is not invested in Fantom. Cronje's interview also shows some of what Fantom pump and dump shills claim are absolute lies:

300K TPS:
> when they came out with their 300K tps claim it was bullshit

Massive Partnerships and Support in Korea:
> there is not a partnership with Samsung. There is Korean community support but not as big as I originally thought or I would like. Korean community cares mostly about exchanges and price. That's it

Ability to compete with Ethereum
> it's what areas you can focus on based on skills you have available. IOT and payments is leveraging the people (Fantom) has available. That does not mean it cannot be a competitor (to Ethereum) but that is not a focus right now

There are also lots of other dag and dag-like projects like Radix, Hedera Hashgraph, etc and it is unlikely that what Cronje considers a "niche" "regional" project like Fantom will ever capture investor and developer mindshare competing against those projects and the established giants.

>> No.13333878

> Wasting time on a pnd


> further demoralizing noobs into selling to fill bags at optimal entry point

You decide. Shit is obvious to anyone who's been in this game for a few years

>> No.13333890

wow the fud is getting better and better. I wonder what motive u discord pajeets have? to save a bunch of anons at an internet board from losing money?
KEK, no you want it to dump so the whales can load up more. Immortal but this is the crypto game I'm afraid :/

>> No.13333902

TPS was sacrificed, still higher than VISA, dero, byteball. highest tps of a dag with smart contracts. Literally fastest confirmation time than eos and nano. so scalibility is there.

Korean partnerships, no one was saying samsung don't lie. This wasn't pumped based off of a fake partnership at all. There are many interested parties but right now just work being done at two top korean universities. Mainly security testing.

Radix/Hashgraph aren't out yet on market and Fantom will have first mover advantage. If you think it topped out at 20 million market cap and will never go higher when those other 2 are 100 mill then that's your belief. Running ethereum dapps over fantom's smart contracts is a breeze.

>> No.13333917

wow the shill is getting shitty and shittier. I wonder what motive u discord pajeets have? to rob a bunch of anons at an internet board of their money?
KEK, no you want it to pump so the whales can dump their bags more. Immortal but this is the crypto game I'm afraid :/

>> No.13333918
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ftm shills are so uninspired it's pathetic.

>> No.13333928
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How is it FUD when Fantom Core Developer calls the 300K TPS bullshit and pump and dump shills keep posting claims of 300K TPS? It's called trying to pump and dump false claims.

How is it FUD when Fantom Core Developer says the support in Korea is mostly exchanges and speculation on price but shills says there are massive partnerships with the Korean government and enterprises?

I am quoting Andre Cronje with direct references to YouTube videos.

>> No.13333966
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>Listen to Andre Cronje who works with the project and he tells you what a shit state this project was in before he took over and clean up their mess. They collected $40 Million dollars and didn't have shit and were basically clueless before he joined
Please learn English Rakesh, i know it's difficult for you, but if you talk like that we will never take you serious on here.

Andre Cronje doesn"t own crypto AT ALL, he isn't here for the cash grab. He's a researcher and CS autist like Vitalik and only interested in the technology. I market bought 500k more after learning that he isn't financially invested - this is bullish af and makes him 1000x more credible imo. A real leader and smart af too.

You guys are repeating yourself all the time and it's obvious you aren't here to discuss, you just drop your FUD and leave for the next thread. I will write the ultimate BTFO pasta for you faggots tonight because everything else is a waste of time at this point.

>> No.13333981

holy shit check their twitter there are partnerships with multibillion dollar companies (e.g. Danfoss), universities, Dubai soon, etc. it's not just exchanges and you know it

>> No.13333983

where's your buy order son? if you really thought FTM was shit, you wouldn't waste your time, writing this low effort FUD, filling out captchas, etc. You are here to buy in cheaper - actions speak louder than words anon you can't hide your intentions. I don't waste my time shitting on Chainlink even though I think it's garbage - why would I? I couldn't care less about the project and filter everything related to LINK. People only FUD if they are interested. But what you don't realize is that 4chan doesn't affect the price. This isn't a tradeogre shitcoin with zero volume

>> No.13334006

> a random shill word salad

>> No.13334053

Thanks for the (you). I've been very depressed recently.

>> No.13334096

When was a samsung partnership claimed? And yeah the team did pivot from the 300k TPS number, but that was a result of Andre who is one of the primary reasons anyone is even bullish on this project and its not currently sitting in shitcoin obscurity. You discord fucks are deranged.

>> No.13334131


Typing this on a cell phone with predictive text fucks up some words faggot. I respond to you pajeet shills while working because you have been spamming biz for weeks with copy pasta like this


Andre Cronje calls 300K TPS a bullshit lie. You pump and dump scammers market it as a key feature.

Listen to Cronje he actually calls out Hedera Hashgraph and says their TPS claims only works in a centralized testnet. Look at the Radix test net. They run 3,000 TPS with 20 localized runner nodes. What the fuck do you think will happen in the real world you scamming shill?

>> No.13334234

This. Finally someone who does his fucking research.

>> No.13334260



>> No.13334266

The irony is of course about the claims of tons of coordinated shill when the amount of effort to make long winded posts about how Fantom is a scam is making me bullish as fuck.

>> No.13334318

>$40 million dollars
sure, that was your phone.. imbecile stfu
i am not posting the 300k image, i know it's 20k and i am fine if it is only 1,333x faster than ETH. The 300k TPS number has been deprreciated for weeks everyone knows about that - i love that they are so transparent about this stuff. It's a non-issue too me, stay poor and cry about it like a literal faggot.

>> No.13334370


Not samefagging it. Try again.

>> No.13334412




I am not the one holding a gook coin which took $40 Million and according to Cronje didn't have shit to show for it. Joseph Jang was also an outright scammer and was kicked out of the foundation. Imagine thinking this is a good investment

>> No.13334431

imagine posting so much about a project you didn't invest in......kek

>> No.13334479


I think most of these negative responses are people tired of the Fantom spam. Nobody gives a fuck about this chinkcoin but you pajeets have spamming about this non-stop

>> No.13334588


If there was a coin/token being shilled/fudded nonstop and I had 0 interest in it, why the fuck would I click the thread? I can’t remember the countless shitcoins I’ve overlooked on biz without giving it a second thought.

>> No.13335213

so basically it was a complete garbage project until they paid for some gweilo coder who has a decent reputation in the space, now everyone hinges its success on this one dude

was this meant to be an pro FTM post?

>> No.13335358

Basically. Whole team was a bunch of amateur trash until Andre picked them up. Anyone buying this is just hedging solely on Andre carrying the whole project, that's a stupid and risky investment to make considering Andre isn't even in a official contract with FTM.
Just go through their TG and you'll see how sketchy some of their admin team members are.

>> No.13335492

he is in an official contract. this low-effort FUD is so bullish omg. you making this too easy for us, whales are accumulating. i know this from the souce.

>> No.13335532

they were in a bad position in bear market and ico but none of the tech was trash and the consensus protocols are hardly amateur. phd's up the ass working on this. fud harder. andre isn't even coding, he's giving guidance.

>> No.13335537

post screenshots that prove pajeet involvement or pump and dump activity. you can't, because there are no pajeets left on biz, it's always americans/eurofags larping as pajeets. ALWAYS. pajeet FUD post-2017 is the best buy signal i know. i always made a fortune buying into "pajeet scams".
>amateur trash
>PhD CS graduates from the Harvard of Korea
pick one

>> No.13335559

DYOR. Just go and check TG, search "contract" and you'll see Andre is not in any form of official contract with FTM. Whales are dumping, i know this from the source.

>> No.13335849

He has never been and refuses to join any project. He also is a no coiner. However Andre is still heavily involved with steering fantom because of the tech of the project. He is always going to be a free agent, that's his "thing". However watch any interview and he will talk about how involved he is with the team. In the AMA they mentioned how his temporary role became more involved and he is unofficially part of the team.

tldr. no problem. watch this video just 30 days ago.

andre is taking ftm from the grave of the bear dump into the top 100 and beyond.

>> No.13335881

Bro just let the weaklings dump.

>> No.13335974

I got my fantom I need, bought in earlier. People are welcome to pump it to 100$ today.

>> No.13336760

There's no way this recovers, look at LTO, once hype is gone, it's gone

>> No.13336833

Whales have been dumping FTM for weeks. I know this for a fact. I HAVE BEEN TELLING YOU for almost as long and I posted proof showing how the balances of top holders has reduced.
If your still holding this then it’s your call, I don’t care, it’s your money.

>> No.13336835

lol fantom hasn't even launched beyond an erc coin and you are saying it never tops higher.

>> No.13337052


>lol fantom hasn't even launched beyond an erc coin

Most ERC-20 coins will not reach their ATH as an ERC-20

> Constellation DAG will never reach 20 Million market cap

> OMG will never reach 2.7 Billion marketcap

> ICON will never reach it's 4.6 Billion marketcap