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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13326246 No.13326246 [Reply] [Original]

Bonsai trees take 15+ years to create. It is an art form dating back to ancient China and Japan.

Words most expensive bonsai sold for 1.2 million USD. All you have to do is start us learn how to make cuttings from normal big trees and then you can start a nursery and begin selling them and making classes.

Aside from the prospect of a relaxing business that brings large amounts of satisfaction, it is the pinnacle of patrician taste. It is like growing your own artwork.

>> No.13326262

fuck me mate thanks i will get into this

>> No.13326287

Most sell for a couple hundred bucks though at most.

It's like paintings, people only pay a lot when their creator is famous.

They're extremely high maintenance as well. If this is your get-rich-slowly plan you're literally making less than a tenth of minimum wage.

>> No.13326291
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Chickens have a better return. Nearly everyone eats chicken. Organic freaks will pay top dollar for your organic fed, free range chicken. Plus niche markets like show chickens and silkies for pets. Takes 6 weeks for chicks to reach slaughter size. Quick turn over.

>> No.13326373

I got into avocado growing as a hobby. I usually get the trees to about 1.5 years old and give them away to friends or family because I end up moving. I'm moving again once my house sells (hopefully soon) and I should be in my new location for 5+ years. I'm going to start growing them again and ordering grafts of fruiting trees and see what I can get for them.

>> No.13326408

Oh look at how cute those little chickens are. You're not seriously going to put a knife in Brenda, Anita, Alma and Barbara?

>> No.13326415

I'm pretty fortunate to live in a rural town where we have access to local pasture raised chicken, pork, and beef.
The local beef is amazing and totally worth the additional cost.
The local pork is amazing and totally worth the cost.
On the other hand, the locally raised chicken is less tender and actually tastes worse than grocery store chicken - at 4x the price.
Local eggs are totally worth it though.

>> No.13326455

>locally raised chicken is less tender and actually tastes worse than grocery store chicken
Because the meat is growing naturally and not puffed up with moisture induced by growth accelerators.

I wouldn't even call grocery chicken "meat", it's more a protein based artificial food product.

>> No.13326970

the trick is to poach seeds/seedlings of protected species from national parks and then grow and resell yourself to grannies who dont know better. in minecraft.

>> No.13327010

bonsai tree growing is unironically one of the best fucking things any of you fags could ever engage in, it will teach you so fucking much about philosophy, balance, patience, morality and life and death.

>> No.13327051
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based chicken poster

>> No.13327068

How do you choose what trees to use, especially if it's one you want to keep?

>> No.13327069

fucking KEK

>> No.13327550

Might as well, it doesn’t cost you really anything. You just have to water it and place it in a good sun spot. If not for the money, do it as something to give to your posterity. Think how badass it would be if you had a family bonsai that has been passed down for a couple generations.

>> No.13327559

Chickens are not art though and don’t give the same satisfaction. This is the pinnacle of high culture.

>> No.13327563

Hivemind must have a strong connection. Spring just started for me and not even two weeks ago I discovered Bonsai as an art and well now I already have multiple trees wrapped and cuttings that im trying to root.

>> No.13327564

Bro bonsai them and grow miniature avocados

>> No.13327571
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Yes in Minecraft. Good idea.

>> No.13327572

Wtf I love bonsai trees now

>> No.13327583
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>t. someone who never grew a flower in his life, let alone a fucking bonsai

>> No.13327601

Look at your climate and what trees grow well. You can take the new shoots from a tree and just plant it, it will the a year or two to be able to start the bonsai techniques.


You can also take a larger cutting and plant it as well.

I would buy a bonsai that is already done so you can have one on top of starting your own. The trick is to ken bonsai”s in its different stages so you don’t get discouraged since it takes years for progress. From beginning to end it’s about 15 years of work, but the results are amazing.

>> No.13327620

I’m going on a hike into a forest nearby to get some cuttings. We got a foenima juniper, bald Cyprus, and a gingko going and we are starting live oak and coastal oaks.

>> No.13327630

Look up raft style. I’m going to try it out but need the right cutting.


>> No.13327660

It’s easy anon. Just water it everyday and fertilize it every 2 weeks.

>> No.13327687
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I went up to a local trail and grabbed a small sappling (roots and all) out of the ground as my practice, and then I was thinking of ordering a more completed Red Maple so I could do what you said in
How did you identify the trees so easily? I'm not sure the species of the one I pulled and the online identifiers websites haven't been much use.

>> No.13327718

I didn't realize thats what that was! I will probably try this as well now.

>> No.13327766

>How did you identify the trees so easily?
you have to know what grows in your area, take a look at mature plants around you. if someone gave you something you know nothing about, theres really no way to tell unless the bark or leaves are extremely unique

>> No.13327906

>fertilize every two weeks
you mean replacing all the soil or just throw extra fertilizer on top of the old? I'm a NEET so I got plrenty of time for this but not if I have to buy retarded amounts of fertilizer

>> No.13327947

im not sure what he meant either, soil doesnt need fertilizer anywhere near that often. once a season should be plenty, and even that is probably excessive

>> No.13327980

What the fuck do you mean maintain it
How does it grow in nature then

>> No.13328016

>post a 30 year old and at least a $5k tree
you know very little about bonsai OP.

>> No.13328023

In nature trees grows big. With bonsai we do shit to keep the tree small. Just google it.

>> No.13328030

>15+yr turnover rate.
>requires fucking insane maintenance
>won't be able to run more than 100-200

Yeah, full-time large scale bonsai business, maybe 4-5x minimum wage a year with a 50k+ investment.
fuck that lmao

>> No.13328056

not to get too much into the floral arrangement business, but people do buy young, pre-made bonsai. all you have to do is make sure it roots and is healthy, then sell it. you dont need to constantly sell 10+year old arrangements. think bottom shelf high turnover vs top shelf

>> No.13328110

checks out, i'm retarded for limiting to that scope

>> No.13328155

my mother sold a 26 year old bonsai a little while ago, she bought at somewhere around 15 years old i think. she only has a couple oldies at the moment mostly for personal keepsakes. once or twice a year, someone gives her a call to see if she has any mature plants. personally, one of the jap maples would be my goal. they just dont grow well in a more desert environment, even indoors. maybe ill try it soon.

those evergreens are fairly easy to mature, people like the mountain landscape moreso than simply an old plant regardless of rarity

>> No.13328189

I fucking love bonsai

>> No.13328228

They're great. They make my dick look big.

>> No.13328268

Lmfao send tinder bitches "my dick is as thick as a maple tree trunk"

>> No.13328293

This is fucking meme magic, i literally cannot believe it. I have one little japanese pepper bonsai more than a century old gifetd to me by friends 5 years ago. After 4 years of not caring about it, today 2 hours before this post i pruned it for the second time of my life and really had fun. 2 hours later i see this post on /biz. Link marine in here...

>> No.13328322

Praise kek

>> No.13328373

Shadilay !

Seems legit.

>> No.13328394

you know you need to trim the roots?
century old? fucking hell.

>> No.13328525

white power

>> No.13328557

A china gardener can make one of these in 3 months
This is why Japanese hate Chinese, because they make their bullshit better than them, without all the theoretical bullshit.

>> No.13328615

so would that be called riced or chinked? gotta love the chink way sometimes.

>> No.13328939

Don’t let this slide. More anons need the blessings of bonsai in their life.

>> No.13328962

Look up a bonsai nursery and bring it in or just post it online asking for help.

Maples are finicky from what I hear. Definitely not a beginner tree, but look up your climate, it does poorly from where I live.

>> No.13328981
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I want a mini forest using raft style and a large trunk tree using a truncheon method.

>> No.13328994

Mix fertilizer into water, dissolve, then water. Repeat every 2 weeks.

You replace the soil once a year and you do that at the end of winter right before spring (tree is dormant and not growing).

>> No.13329005

Depends how you grow it to make it valuable. I’ve only been doing it for 4 years and I finally picked up a new tree and took a class.

>> No.13329016

You artificially stunt the tree by cutting the tap root. Everything grows tiny, it’s the coolest thing.

>> No.13329022

Instead of a soul crushing wage slave environment, you get to be outside all day working with plants. Sounds ideal to me.

>> No.13329029
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>> No.13329207

based chicken dave

>> No.13329394

>it doesn’t cost you really anything

Other posters saying it is high maintenance, so it would cost time? It would be great if you are into this sort of thing and a generation tree would be sweet as, but it does cost something.

>> No.13329548

Once you get it going it’s as simple as watering it. Probably a few intensive hours once a year to do repotting and root maintenance, but think of all the time wasters you would be better off replacing with bonsais

>> No.13329569
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Chickens make good companions too. He only shit on my table once while we watched a movie.

>> No.13329990
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>> No.13330747

Grow weed and psilocybin cubensis mushrooms Its mega easy and nowadays everyone is a druggie faggot, easy to get sold

>> No.13330788
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Post your chickuns.

>> No.13330819

What about ducks?

>> No.13330826

Getting some of those next month

>> No.13331071
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Just dig up some saprolings to start some new bonsais

>> No.13331098
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>> No.13331152

we do i get these banzai trees

>> No.13331287

It’s bonsai
Binzai is what the Japanese gemmed before running to their honorable death in battle.

>> No.13331516
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Chickins only now pls

>> No.13331560
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Just spent the last two days watching this shit

Old man goes hard, Praise Serg

>> No.13331587

Is there money in making a relaxing game where you just grow a bonsai tree and trim/clip it? I'm an indie dev and I've seen crappy versions of the idea made without much sales, so it's hard to tell if there's a market for a high quality one.

>> No.13331590
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Bonsai and redpilled.

>> No.13331594

Yes but the feel has to be perfect

>> No.13331600

That would be dope applying time acceleration with realistic grow time lapse. It would be cool if you could incorporate 3D modeling where players could take a picture of their actual bonsai trees and emulate them in game.

>> No.13331615

You have to feed them with little fish and such... not exactly low effort

>> No.13331643

Assuming you're making an indie game, unless you're very talented (aka already have a job in the industry) I doubt you can pull it off. It's easier to make a great original gameplay than making great graphics. That's why only AAA games have them

>> No.13331654

Actually, I take it back. If you have something immersive like great writing with inspirational quotes and shit like old japanese man tales and a decent atmosphere it may work

>> No.13331746
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What happened to shrimp farming?

>> No.13331759

The only downside is you gotta be able to eat until you get your first sale (which is either 3 months or 15 years away, big difference), and the crazy up front investment.

>> No.13331777
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Seriously love what this blessed chink does with Junipers.

>> No.13331931
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stay stinky, linky!

>> No.13331949

so basically can you send all those guides, pdfs, some hard red pills? about growing, prunin, etc .. cuz i had once bonsai and it died kek .. been waterin it idk.. now id find some fkin nice sun spot, fertilize it, cut etc

>> No.13332716

lol nigga fuck you you have to actually learn from some boomer japanese master that will have you in an apprenticeship (working for free) for like 3 years without pay. Trust me once you are there you will fucking cry for your mommy

>> No.13332724

your livingroom is not freerange ranjeet

>> No.13332830

As a tree hugger, I simply can't condone this. It's like tree eugenics you tree nazis!

>> No.13332837

...Here we have stumbled upon a very evil group of people going out of their way to breed retard stunted trees! Imagine I did the same with people? I'd be like that Mengele fella. What a reputation he has!

You evil tree butcherers. Did you ever think about how the trees feel?

>> No.13332848

Fuckin genius

>> No.13333108
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Yes, they eat bugs off my carpet.

>> No.13333117
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another day, another link larp

>> No.13333121

bonsai the fuck out of those avocados

>> No.13333184
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Good news everyone, you can use your own fecal matter as fertilizer.

>> No.13333192

..famous and dead

>> No.13333211

>not harvesting maggots
stay poor

>> No.13333641

I've started a worm bin and black soldier fly bin. I'm trying anon.