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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13325078 No.13325078 [Reply] [Original]

>almost 28
>loser, live at home, rent is $200 a month
>make ~45k but hate my job, going back to school in August to get a bachelors degree in business administration or something similar
>25k in 401k
>8k in savings account with measly 0.12 interest rate
>8k in checking account
>~3000 TRX coins
>decent amount of guns and ammo, probably ~8k in value conservatively
>my current debt only includes a 14k car note
>QT 3.14 GF that loves me and genuinely makes me happy

I just want all of us to make it, lads. What do I do? How do I improve? Unironically thinking about trying the coding meme but unsure if I'm smart enough. I hate my cuck normie job. Help me help myself, /biz/

>> No.13325098

Sell everything, put it all in Bitcoin right fucking now.

Don't wait around or you'll regret it for the rest of your life, also going back to college is a complete meme.

>> No.13325107

I know a decent amount of people and can get some pretty decent normie jobs but I need a bachelors in anything to get in

>> No.13325121

What do you suggest? Should I try learning to code or is that just a meme as well?

>> No.13325128

I also have my real estate license if that means anything, I live in the NE USA. I haven't really used it though

>> No.13325200
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All I can say about your job is that it's something to pay rent with (also that isn't rent you're paying, that's just your upkeep lel)

If you stash that 40k in Bitcoin, we're definitely gonna get a 10x from here within about 3-4 years, we might even 20x desu.

That will give you enough to live a low cost existence without work while you look for your next investment. If Bitcoin still looks good, keep it in there. We might have a stock market crash in which case waiting until the bottom of the market there (a year or two) and stashing it into Alphabet and Amazon would still be sound investments, higher yield than just the sp500 as automation kicks in, and away you go, you'll have your first million made within like 8 years, and then it's just a case of keeping that in those big tech stocks while you watch the next industrial revolution happen and pays you handsomely.

Get in the car, kid, you know where we're going.

>> No.13325548


He's looking for real advice. You know it's not this easy.

>> No.13325550

What is my next step right now? Buy BTC? How much? I will buy a lump sum now and then buy more weekly. Is this a good price to get in?

>> No.13325591
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>waiting until the bottom of the market
I wait for eight years already, Mr Schiff.
All my family and friends made money in the stock market, while all I do is averaging down on gold, for which I need a +50% increase to go break-even from my worth eight years ago.

>> No.13325615

Sell everything and all in ETH

>> No.13325622

Wtf the other anon said BTC!

>> No.13325707

Should I do a 50/50 split of BTC and ETH?

>> No.13326217


Eth's a fucking scam and will die in the long run, but you could put say 20% into alts like Eth, Stellar, EOS, whatever. They're all bullshit and won't last long term but might have an edge on Bitcoin this coming bullrun just due to their smaller cap and the fact that people clearly have no fact checking ability so they're bound to buy into them.

Also >>13325548 the only thing that's hard about any of this is having the balls to actually do it. literally that's the biggest difficulty. Up to you whether you want to miss out on all of this shit like usual because leddit told you to buy into an index fund so you can be rich when you're 80 years old

>> No.13326277


the stock market will tank at some point, and I'm willing to bet it'll be over the next 3-5 years, no bull run is endless. If the bottom roughly coincides with a top in crypto then the opportunity there will be enormous.

>> No.13326444

So what should my next and immediate move be? Buying some crypto?

>> No.13326481

>the stock market will tank at some point, and I'm willing to bet it'll be over the next 3-5 years, no bull run is endless
As seen that (((they))) rule the market, is it possible that they will play the contrarian cause everybody expect a market crash? Would they put some bull traps here and there before the crash? Which time frame should we expect crash and then RECOVERY? Time frame for recovery?

>> No.13326524

Could be worse.

>$90,000 mortgage (but place is worth $160,000)
>$5000 credit card debt
>$15,000 student loan
>$12,000 unsecured loan
>$31,000 car note
>$20,000 in guns and motorcycles (assets)
>$16,000 in 401k
>$3500 in 457
>$110,000 income between three sources of income

Bored out of my fucking mind. Should have paid the truck off in record time like I planned but 1.99% interest and the need for more made me use my credit to pay for schools/courses to look for another job. Probably wont be any higher paying but at least I wont blow my brains out with boredom.

Midlife crisis here.

>> No.13326553

>175k mortgage (my half is $450/m) on $240k house
>37k in 401k
>27k in savings
>~74k income

struggling on how to prepare for the upcoming bull run

Also, is anyone else concerned that this run is a little early compared to the expected halving date? Makes me wonder if we'll actually see 50k this early or if it'll fail at 10k or something before going back to 5k then on up to 50k next year.

>> No.13326918

What do you so for work? What are your streams of income?

>> No.13326925

What do you do for work?

>> No.13326946

software engineer

>> No.13326951

Do you have a degree? Should I fall for the coding meme?

>> No.13326971

20k in guns. Moron.

>> No.13326979

$90,000 (government worker)
$15,000 university instructor once a week
$5000 instruct a few days a month for a private corp.

>> No.13326985

$5000 in guns and ammo
$15,000 motorcycle

>> No.13326995

I have a CS degree from Ohio State

If you're looking for a good coding job I would definitely suggest a degree, but not some associates degree or people won't take you seriously. Just bust your ass and keep a good GPA and it's definitely worth it. Truth is you can probably get a coding job without a degree if you have an impressive portfolio but it'll be harder to get serious employers to look at you without a degree. I don't think the market is saturated like a lot of people say. You just have to be willing to work internships while in school (like any other engineering degree). But at a good school that's EZPZ. I worked a $15/hr internship a few summers while in school and it boosted my resume enough.

>> No.13326999

Damn, 90k as government worker? What do you do? I want some of that gubmint money.

>> No.13327019

I have fuck all experience and am considering learning to code purely because of the $$. Wrong take or what

>> No.13327047

Guns are not a bad investment at all if you know what you're doing.

>> No.13327048

Just do some online courses first to be sure it's what you want to do. I like coding so hard for me to judge for you. But there are plenty of job openings and it isn't as hard as people say. So if you're looking for a decent job go for it. But if you're looking for a six-fig salary, think again.

>> No.13327054

Employed by a fire department but I'm rarely there, I have skills that allow them to lease me out to other agencies.

Wont go into too many details.

>> No.13327063
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fuck off you're doing way better than I am, although I guess I'm a few years younger You want some help? This is all you'll get out of me you handsome frogposting nigger

Go here
>Community college costs
>Entirely online
>People literally get their BA in less than a year for business degrees, harder degrees 2-3 years like comp sci
>not a meme unlike DeVri or Pheonix
Protip though, I tried getting into their CompSci program and they want you to have proof in the form of credits or transcripts that you completed pre-calc from another institution. Other programs have different requirements to get in too but I've heard nothing but good things from my own research. The adviser I'm talking to is a boomer and I searched him online, he hates modern leftist culture so you know he's /based!/ but better than being screamed at for being white, right?

I don't know if I would do business admin though. I'm on the line with college I can't stand the thought of being in an office for the rest of my life. Unironically considering being a welder or something

>> No.13327077

I think my ideal salary is ~70-80k. Comfortable life but not a salary where whatever it is I'm doing is taking up all of my time

>> No.13327138

I'm not a fan of college and the only real reason I'm willing to go back for my bachelors is that I know enough people now that can get me into positions but requires a bachelors. I have an associates degree so only 2 years of schooling to finish for me. My biggest roadblock is that I just don't know what I want to do with my life.

>> No.13327179

>8k in a ammo .... 14k in loans
wtf man get your priorities right, sell all you can, get in btc at 4000 - 3000 and don't look back until you are satisfied and can get your money back with big returns
Buy a Trezor or a Ledger and check your shit

>> No.13327189

You're basically me, except like a dumbass I dropped out with only two quarters left to join the military (which failed miserably and ate 2 years of my life)

I'm almost convinced at this point that I should just flat out lie to employers about my credentials since I was so close to completing it. But yea I think in the real world people assume incompetence if you don't have a BA in something, I suppose I don't blame them but for those of us that didn't grow up in a decent structured family we're fucked unless you are a person that can work twice as hard as others for a significant length of time.

I also have no idea what I want to do with my life, but I have this feeling that if I don't just nut up and pick literally anything my life will pass me by, and I will be one of those 50 somethings bagging groceries.

>> No.13327236

I never finish my bachelors the first time because I didn't know what direction to go with it and didn't want to be racking up the debt trying to figure it out. I started my current job to work as PT when I was going to school then went to FT when I got my associates to save some money and then fucking 6 years have gone by. My job is a job, not a career that I want, so I'm stuck

>> No.13327332

I joined the military to get some "adventure" in my life and to use the GI bill to pay for college when I got out. I don't really want to talk about what happened but let's just say I wasted my youth and I have fuck all to show for it. I've got maybe 5 years until the world starts expecting me to have had solid results and I have no idea what to do.

That's just how it plays out at least, the question is what can I do from here?

>> No.13327867

Did you get the adventure you were looking for?

>> No.13328195

lmao, no

I mean, kinda. I mostly just wanted to get out of the US for a while, even if they did send me to some desert shithole

>> No.13328312

>25k in 401k

Has a 401k. He is not going to make it

>> No.13328569

>no fact checking ability

It doesn't fucking matter. All crypto are Ponzi scams. Having balls is not the same as being a degenerate gambler.

>> No.13328752

What do you suggest?

>> No.13328891
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45k is a good enough salary. dont go to college its a scam. break up with your gf and sell your guns and ammo. put all your savings into bitcoin and hodl

>> No.13328941

Why dump gf?

>> No.13328971

Basically in the same situation but have a bachelors and $25k in debt. No real job, live at home, rents $400 a month. At rock bottom right now.

>> No.13328988
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college statistically improves income earnings, university marginally increases income earnings from college, my guess is due to diversification in choice of programming (lower value versus higher value return of income expectations in programs)