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13319710 No.13319710 [Reply] [Original]

>he isn't practicing running a node on ropsten.
this one takes actual work anon
Why aren't you practicing while the points don't matter?
what's your excuse?

>> No.13319732

I dont know how to do it.... im stupid desu

>> No.13319734

I'm doing it. It's pretty easy.

>> No.13319748
File: 89 KB, 900x900, 1488938464863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats a ropsten?

>> No.13319749

this is why Linkpool exists fren. It's tailored towards brainlets

>> No.13319752

Greentext steps to set up a node?

>> No.13319756
File: 39 KB, 432x452, 1554759746861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will running a node require significant electricity?

>> No.13319761
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>practicing starting a docker image

>> No.13319764

We’re not all giant nerds OP. “Practicing running a node” sounds like some really nerdy, tedious shit. I’ll wait for the step by step YouTube video then I’ll pay some college nerd $20 to do it for me.

>> No.13319769

how much do they want

>> No.13319782

i have a friend from poland and i wanna send all my link for him to make I node for me, but how can I trust him

>> No.13319789

>read the manual

>> No.13319819

Link to pdf?

>> No.13319829

>Trusting polish
Anon, I...

>> No.13319871


>> No.13319883

All you need is 0.040 LP shares which costs roughly 0.5 ETH at current rates at their dex.
Trustless staking via a smartcontract through your ledger so you have 100% controll

>> No.13319893

unless you are a burger
then you get fined for buying $100 worth of a security
not worth it

>> No.13319982

Really? i thought burgers only got cucked out of buying the ICO, not the actual released cone?

>> No.13319989

why wouldnt I just hold link instead of noding?

>> No.13319995

when you go to the dex they warn Americans about buying.
it's still a security
if there was 10k token holders it would be one thing
however, there are only like 230 lp holders. pretty easy for the sec to comb through in a couple afternoons

>> No.13320017

if I create a node in AWS for example, how do I let the "network" or whatever know my node is available

Do all contracts for LINK work or do I have to setup each contract that I want the node to be able to process?

>> No.13320035

honestly anon I'm still learning myself
it's not easy, and basic linux knowledge is going to go a long way
but when you create a node it is given an eth address
you then create an oracle
when you create the rospen contract you put in the code your oracle contract address and your node address
that's how the network knows your node is there.
I think
I'm still learning, but having one job complete felt like an accomplishment

>> No.13320045

I'll give it a try tomorrow. I know linux pretty well and have been a software dev for 10 years...just new to crypto.

The instructions on chain.link are easy to follow but aren't great at truly explaining everything thats going on

>> No.13320078

Doesn't actually look too hard, can I run one on an orange pi if it's online 100%? Or is it better just to use Amazon aws?

>> No.13320090

right on. then it shouldn't be too hard for you.
I've been running linux on my desktop full time for like 4 years now so I have a pretty good basic and intermediate understanding of it all.
was just completely new to docker containers so that was fun to learn.
the one thing I'm confused about and might ask Thomas about is how I can connect to other apis and how do I pull the data I want from those api's
the default one they have you setup connects to a eth price api and your first job you run is retrieving the current eth to usd price
the problem is, is the guide ends there.
maybe it's just not implemented or I am missing something

>> No.13320092


Ethereum test network, there's a couple. Minds.com used this one too?

>> No.13320095

You need to list your node on Chainlink Explorer so people are able to search for your node.

>> No.13320103

I'm running it on my unraid home server.
vm has 2 cores and 2 threads from an fx8350, 100gb hdd (overkill for ropsten), and 4gb ram. runs link node and geth fine

>> No.13320105

I only have been browsing this hungarian basket weaving forum, is there another forum to discuss things like this?

thx anon, what is chainlink explorer...im brainlet

>> No.13320134

Ok is there any info on minimum hardware recommendations for a node? Also doesn't all this presume you've got access to an API data feed?

>> No.13320150

what do you think statue of David anon was talking about yesterday
he woke me up to getting my ass into gear with this shit

>> No.13320158

>Also doesn't all this presume you've got access to an API data feed?
This is the main part im curious about on what to do since there aren't any instructions on chain.link documentation
do you have that post number handy, I can't find it in the catalog

>> No.13320171


>> No.13320176

Because you get paid in more Link and can sell that while keeping your stack. Or you can just keep it all and sell more Link later.

>> No.13320178 [DELETED] 

Link to thread?

>> No.13320186

Thanks anon

>> No.13320211

thx fren

>> No.13320226

Can someone please answer this?

>> No.13320228

this isn't mining

>> No.13320266

I don't do it because nodes are worthless without the smarty things. Trying to come up with a clever smart contract binnes thingy but hard to imagine anything apart from gambling.

>> No.13320269

Linkpool provides the nodes i reckon they know what hardware is needed, but i doubt its much. Pretty sure you can run a node using a 5-10$/month cloud service just fine.

>> No.13320281

you have a shit imagination
>node that monitors steam api for gaymer prices, a smart contract that holds eth for a certain game sale. link node pulls eth to usd price and also price of game. executes when conditions are met
that one is free anon
think automation