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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1331933 No.1331933 [Reply] [Original]

>20 yo
>Maxed my Roth IRA for the second time
>Working on maxing my 401k for the year
>Living at home and saving money like a motherfucker

Feels good mayne

>> No.1331948
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That's awesome man, and you're only 20! Just in time to waste the following decade being a wage slave and regretting it in your 30's and 40's. Enjoy man!

>> No.1331957

>Its another manchild defends his poor life choices thread
Grow up.


>> No.1331963

Lol enjoy losing a significant portion of your paycheck to rent because your parents hate you.

>> No.1331965
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>saving money
>Not making investments

Read the richest man on Babylon sport, you will never be a millionaire by working and saving.

It's stock market and Real Estate.

Get an FHA loan for a duplex, rent one, live on the other, open and account with a broker, and choose your investment strategy. You can make well above minimum wage shorting stocks on a margin account.

>> No.1331999

From what I've heard, most parents charge less rent than other landlords. They also usually don't make you sign a contract.

>> No.1332006

>Get an FHA loan for a duplex, rent one, live on the other, open and account with a broker, and choose your investment strategy. You can make well above minimum wage shorting stocks on a margin account

That's solid advice, I'm hoping to do this soon in Florida as I know the demand is huge for rentals in my area. I'm fucking intimidated by the idea of being committed to a property like that though.

>> No.1332017

I'm 6'3" and still live with my parents

>> No.1332022

>Lol enjoy losing a significant portion of your paycheck to rent because your parents hate you.
Lol I bought a house within 18 months after graduating college because I got a loan from my parents who love me (and who understand that adults don't live in their parent's basement).

Freakish manchild is still a manchild.

>> No.1332026

Nice trips. The staying-with-parents setup also creates wealth because it utilizes trust to make the transaction safer. Someone can live with their single mother, but for a stranger to occupy the same unused room could be scandalous or dangerous. Utilization of resources otherwise unused creates wealth.

>> No.1332041
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>I'm 6'3"

mfw those are 2 measurements

>> No.1332118
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How does it feel to have every woman look down upon you?

>> No.1332142
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mfw the communal collectivism of the East joins with the individualistic narcissism of the West in one post.

>> No.1332149
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>he fell for the le manlet meme

Just when you thought OP couldn't induce any more cringe.

>> No.1332152
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Reply to me again when you have an insult.

>> No.1332166
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>> No.1332175
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