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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13317123 No.13317123 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.13317170

Wow the LA times became a verified publisher. Then you have this


This is what the start of Web 3.0 looks like friends.

>> No.13317177

we're all unironically going to make it.

>> No.13317395
File: 66 KB, 518x526, 53034543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

April 23 is the start. They also planned meetups worldwide on the 24th, there is going to be a reason for that hype.

>> No.13317761

I fucking sold all my bat when It was 0.1 a couple months ago.. FUCK.

>> No.13317782

How many BAT to make it?

How many as suicide stack?

>> No.13317823
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Hot damn, you're right. What's with all the meetups on the 24th? Surely, some big announcement is in the pipeline. Now I'm all hype.

>> No.13317834

i predict it will capture 20% of the internet ad market so that puts it at $74. so youll need a few thousand to make it.

>> No.13317845



>> No.13317885


If this happens I'll have $2mil.

May you be a soothesayer, anon

>> No.13317916
File: 22 KB, 304x247, 45E9DA2C-F278-4B62-9270-5D2C4EF41C35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

30¢ seems unbreakable

wish it would break through resistance and then moon hard like it did a few weeks ago

>> No.13317932

So waiting for a dip so I can get into bat, stupid or not?

If no dips before the 23rd I get in w/e the price is.

>> No.13317954


imagine people thinking the same about ETH after it bottomed post DAO and a further dip never came, instead a glorious jet fueled reversal.

>> No.13317981


Split the difference. Whatever amount of $ you were intending to spend: Buy half now, half at any dip prior to the 23rd or w/e the price on the 23rd is

>> No.13318007

Yeah that sounds like the way to go. Thank you!

>> No.13318099

BAT is literally the only unironic buy and hold ERC20. Sucks to be you fren.