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13314143 No.13314143 [Reply] [Original]

Any psychologists here? Real talk, I have some weird depression and anxiety issues, despite having been a high performer in the military the past decade. I’m fucking done with it. I’m interested in how humans think and behave, and psychedelic drugs. No, I haven’t lost my mind and I’m not a child. I still maintain a normal lifestyle, those are just my interests for whatever reason. Is it worth being a psychologist these days? What kind of work could I do? Eternally grateful for any legit advice

>> No.13314187

kys faggot

>> No.13314190

Okay thanks

>> No.13314221

It's not worth it. Unconsciously hyperanalying every is fucking hell.

>> No.13314283

meh, its alright. It would be better to become a psychiatrist, at least the pay is a hell of a lot better. You will get tired of listening to people's problems and if you want to start your own practice doing whatever the fuck it is you are descriving you'll need liability insurance, a license and customers/referrals. You could become a prison psych, but you'll just turn into a case manager and become jaded pretty quickly, but at least some prisons offer loan repayment. You don't need to be a psychologist to do what you want to do, just become a self claimed guru and sell normies whatever snake oil cure you are offering. People do it all the time.

>> No.13314289

I'm not a psychologist, but I know a few. Depends on what you mean by worth it. The pay is okay and you get to help other people. It can be a pretty fulfilling job. If you're very interested in psychology then I'd say go for it. Perhaps try buying/downloading a psychology textbook and see if you like it?

>> No.13314305

Psychiatrists are doctors though.. Going to med school is a lot more expensive and difficult than becoming a psychologist.

>> No.13314309

I appreciate the advice boys.

>> No.13314311

I'm not saying becoming a psychiatrist is a bad idea, but it's a completely different career path.

>> No.13314353

Listen man, a psychiatrist will ultimately become a pill pusher. Most spend 5 minutes with clients, do an evaluation diagnose and medicate. Psychologists simply teach people coping mechanisms, but the client does most of the work themselves as they are guided into breakthroughs. If you are interested in psychedelics and all that, you might be able to do some research if anything touching that subject comes up, otherwise meddling with drugs would most likely land you in trouble with the APA as there are legality issues when schedule 1/2 etc drugs are involved. Hell as a psychologist you are not even allowed to mess with substances, a psychiatrist might get away with certain things though.

>> No.13314407

I never had a vision of being a psychoanalyst in any means, but just studying the mind and human behavior and possibly capitalizing on that as a free lancer as well as doing my own drug shit? Kind of like a rogue scientist I guess? I’ve considered anthropology as another field, but to be honest I just want to do cool shit. I don’t care if I have to work hard to get there

>> No.13314412

My coworker jad a psychology degree.
He was not a psychologist or psychiatrist.
In his opinion, the degree was useless.

>> No.13314433

Anon. I was in the military for years and we are quite similar. I’m fascinated with how people respond and react to different situations. Why did they do that. Etc. I found Project Management to be the solver of all my weird interests in life. It’s so many things all at once so the PM role keeps me entertained. But I deal international marine construction on military entities doing things to things. But it gives me that balance. CIV but back on base. But do what makes you happy anon and keeps you clear headed.

>> No.13314452

Well the field is no longer the wild west like it was back in the pioneering days. You have a central authority that handles the licences and keeps a tight leash on what you can and cannot do. The only way I can see you getting away with messing with controlled psychoactive substances is if you are cleared to work in research, you can only imagine how rare those jobs are but they DO exist. I say go for it, but do lots of research on the possibility. Otherwise like I said, become a self professed guru, move to peru and fuck around over there with some new age hipsterz/boomers smoking dmt and ayahuasca till your mind slips from you.

>> No.13314503

Brother, I do appreciate what you’re saying. I know I didn’t give a lot to go off of, but I’m simply not at the point of completely going off the deep end and going to Peru.y mind would be ready to do that, but my physical responsibilities here are too great so my main goal is to find a bit of a fringe niche in between both worlds.

Appreciate the reply. It would be interesting to hear more about your experiences. I don’t want to go too far into it and hear cries of bullshit, but my only real skills are related to SOF and core proficiency skills. I have a lot of leadership experience, but no legit skills that carry over to the civilian world like PM.

>> No.13314564

Just join a social circle around your area that's into what you are looking for, I'm absolutely sure there is one, the problem would be finding and bonding with them. That's probably the best answer I can give you, good luck on your journey man, discovery is always exciting in this dull life of ours.

>> No.13314685

Thanks mate, yeah the unknown sure keeps things interesting

>> No.13314693


>> No.13315218

Your random anxiety may be from geoengineering haarps, I hear a lot of people say the same thing (and also complain about headaches and runny shits) when chem spraying is going up there in the sky

Psychologist may be the job of the future, everybody's crazy these days

>> No.13315381

Humans all follow the same patterns. Dont waste your time studying humans like I have. You will be disapointed.

>> No.13315388

not a pscyh, but can relate from both personal and others experience.

You are probably a dick to other people and just not aware of it. Try being genuinely interested in others and practice self-awareness.

>> No.13315392


You will be forced to dispatch the philosophy and tell everyone to join the collective suicide and make immigrant babies because whites are racist, derp.