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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13310307 No.13310307 [Reply] [Original]

> Patriots owner billionaire Kraft goes to Chinese brothels

> Zuck marries asian roastie

> Software nerds hook making $160 choose asians

I mean wtf. What the fuck do you see in them?

>> No.13310325

Why are you so upset about it that you come to an anonymous Mongolian basket weaving board to vent about, Stacy?

>> No.13310330

because they are basically legal 12 year olds you can fuck.

>> No.13310331

Zuckerberg is not white. He is part of the (((Tribe)))

>> No.13310341

This thread again. I like em cause they I guess white worship so they treat me really well, and I treat them really well which probably reinforces their disney dreams. It works for me.

>> No.13310343

the makeup was so powerful it made one of them dissappear

>> No.13310353


>One was so ugly they literally had to crop her out completely for the full effect.

Yeah. I would assume it is because Asian girls have no resistance like white girls do. Even if you are rich white girls STILL will not throw themselves at you... you still have to have at least basic level game to pass their shit tests.

Asian women on the other hand will 'me so horny" you right out the gate just for being white and rich.

>> No.13310362
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>look like boys or traps
>legal and politically correct

>> No.13310368

most asian women are so off-putting. even after they put on makeup I get an uncanny valley feeling.

>> No.13310372

Fuck off, roastie. Stop acting like degenerates and maybe they will want to change back.

>> No.13310407

It's not so much that they're more attracted to them, it's that most of these guys are super beta, but also smart enough to know that white women are ass cancer. The choice then basically comes down to falling for the my loyal Asian raifu who is just like my anime uguu~~ who is a fucking moonfaced psycho, will be a screeching harpy whose family will use you as a never ending (white) piggy bank or the white chick who will get fat two months after you wife her and then once she shits out your first kid she'll divorce you and take half of your shit and use your old bed to have trains run on her while the Mexican nanny you're paying for raises your little brat.

Also leave Kraft alone. The dude is a widower and just wanted to get his dick rubbed. It's not like he was going to get Ling Ling a green card or something for her troubles.

>> No.13310427

Man Asians are ugly as fuck. Who the fuck would choose a sexy white girl over an ugly ass Asian with no tits or ass?

>> No.13310494
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Asia is bear country fool

>> No.13310511

Sure, but he isn't part if the elite bloodlines.

>> No.13310577

Truly, a lot of it is that everyone in America has been conditioned to hate White Males, whereas, most Asians, simply do not have this conditioning.

>> No.13310590


>tight pussy
>doesn't age until 60
>cooks good spicy food

What a fucking mystery

>> No.13310618

White women aren't really aware of it but they have a pretty bad reputation

>> No.13310705

>most Asians, simply do not have this conditioning
Mainly because of money and status. Asians respect people who make a lot of money. They are bred to think about money and pressured to make money since they were kids. Which is why most of them are in like STEM and business.

>> No.13310725

they cant pull white women so they go for asian women. not all women are whores

>> No.13310843

Wtf they are ugly

>> No.13310873

Not all white women are whores, but they sure act like it in the sack! Scratch that, all women do.

>> No.13310900


>> No.13310974

They aren't because they don't need to be. Their reputation, despite what people say, isn't even that bad as evidenced by the actions of men. That's to say that they're far and away the most desired, and because of this there's nothing reining them in. They've castrated their men via the whining and unending cries of oppression (which is why whites are on the way out and serve as a lesson to the rest of us) and never get a slap (not literally... but also kinda) in the mouth because at the end of the day almost everyone wants to bang and breed with them. In general they're children - not just because of how their parents failed them or something, but because the rest of us enable them. When they slut around they're not shamed (in the mainstream), when they balloon up there's still a hundred guys on Tinder who will pump and run (I'd say "dump", but they don't really date to begin with), etc. There are virtually no checks and balances. And for the record this isn't endemic to (white) women, it's certainly more the norm with women of every stripe.

>> No.13311445
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White roasties like you should be banned from this board. Only azn qt3.14 Linkmarines allowed.

>> No.13311476

They're ruining the future white population

>> No.13311579

This plus my 6 inch dick fits really well.
I can thrust in her cervix.
I cant with most white woman. Unless they are like really slim

>> No.13311586

be thr change you want to see in the world.

>> No.13311592

And yes im rich and white

>> No.13311672

brah my wife still sucks my dick regularly after two kids. she even calls it "service" cause she knows its her duty to do it. plus shes a gun cook. whatevs man, you dont want it dont do it but my asian wife slays any white roastie ive ever been with

>> No.13311690

Becuase they’re mostly weirdos and can’t get a hot white girl so they take the path of least resistance