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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 693 KB, 1980x960, TED-Talks-for-Small-Business-and-Entrepreneurs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13310118 No.13310118[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck is this an SJW shitfest now?

Every talk is about now about feminism or refugees. WHO WANTS TO HEAR ABOUT THAT SHIT.

>> No.13310163
File: 476 KB, 675x675, kateblan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> Technology Education Design

Miss how it used to be.

>> No.13310177

not me, that's why I'm on /biz/, the home of the facist misogynist crypto neets

>> No.13310179

Not finance you fucking mongoloid retard.

>> No.13310186

TEDx is run by feminists and jews just look at their board of directors man
They try to warp science and the only people listening are trust fund baby SJW's and liberal scientists who believe stem cells are worth killing babies for.
Just let it be they don't get any real attention other than from liberal universities

>> No.13310218

Left wingers are proven to be more intelligent. There are loads of studies on it.

>> No.13310235

Ted talks were never good and were always utter faggotry. Watch video related, its the only good one


>> No.13310262

Its pretty simple. No one watches communist youtube channels, speakers or attends events. So they have to appropriate successful platforms so ride their established success in to the grave. Then they can move on to a new host. They are losing but refuse to self examine. They said it post 2016 election, its not our ideas that lost, we just need to repackage them.

>> No.13310491

This. Communists organizations like TED have to do this. Otherwise people wouldn't care about all the cuck shit they talk about and would instead be focused on what really matters like how anti-gamer Captain Marvel is.

>> No.13310502

source: leftist publishers

>> No.13310526

This desu. Only creative innovator I’ve seen on this shit.

>> No.13310535

Left wingers more likely to live the cucked lifestyle. Conservatives prove to be more high test.

>> No.13310553

This. I was a lonely virgin until I embraced conservative fiscal policies like low taxation and privatized healthcare. Then suddenly I had a gf. Feels good to be alpha. All of you should try it too.

>> No.13310615
File: 396 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-07-30-13-25-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's also been proven that while the average intelligence of a left-leaning individual is slightly higher than a right leaning individual, the variance associated with intelligence measures of right leaning individuals suggests a multimodal distribution indicating that individuals at the extremes of the intelligence spectrum are more likely to be right leaning, while those of average intelligence are more likely to be left.

This is interesting because it presents a dichotomy where you'd predict high performing CEOs and convicts are equally right leaning while most average intelligence soccer mom types lean left.

>> No.13310623

>race is a social construct
>haha look at those creationists

>> No.13310642

This. We've known that there is in fact a white gene for a while. When whiteness was invented in the 1700s this is what they were referring to. All of Europe is white except Russia. French and British people are basically the same due to sharing the whiteness gene.

>> No.13310654

It was invented by Yakub long before that.

>> No.13310706

>All of Europe is white except Russia
Slavs are proper Euros

>> No.13310720

TED has always been infested with pseudo-intellectual faggots. The worst thing that ever happened was for them to allow TEDx to ruin its branding and has basically consumed and turned TED into the same insanity.

>> No.13310723

>whiteness gene
It's a multitude of genes you fucking nigger

>> No.13310745

Give me their names. Now.

>> No.13310777

That's academia pal

>> No.13310787

Never said they weren't European just that they aren't white (which is accurate.)

>> No.13310799

4chan is the only place I ever hear about this SJW shit

>> No.13310819

It's mostly an amerifat thing.

>> No.13310836
File: 659 KB, 720x1307, Screenshot_20180916-172247_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Define white retard, slavs and germanics/nords share similar roots

>> No.13310848
File: 516 KB, 539x1245, Screenshot_20180916-172259_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13310861

politically correct is like cancer

>> No.13310878


>> No.13310893

>business and finance

>> No.13310910

You might have found the real underlying cause in that. Women have less extreme distribution -fewer geniuses but also fewer retards. So if conservatives are more on the extremes it might be because men are more likely to be conservative compared to women.

>> No.13310917

Humans also share ancestry with apes. It means nothing. Also no one cares about blacks so your meme images are pointless. Why do Americans try so hard to define "white" as just "literally anyone that isn't a nigger"?

>> No.13310937

>ideas worth spreading
Anything as pretentious and bourgeois as this was always going to become a center of liberal urbanite degeneracy.