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File: 24 KB, 696x449, NEXTexchange-696x449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13307256 No.13307256 [Reply] [Original]

I just accumulated enough for a masternode. The team fucking responded to 4chan FUD in a very professional way. This means they acknowledge our existence and care about their community. Just because of these two factors I am going to support their network. /ourexchange/

>> No.13307265
File: 30 KB, 229x366, 34B9322D-2E1E-45C0-B033-E3213DDA4983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder next.exchange have fake developers working for them and have not released any proof he exists with time stamp showing when the conversation took place. Buy this scam at your peril

>> No.13307267

kek for a community that small that's pretty good

>> No.13307278
File: 110 KB, 1317x707, timestamp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you a literal drooler? They had an AMA yesterday where they posted a FUCKTON of proofs with timestamps

>> No.13307283
File: 679 KB, 1091x614, timestamp2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13307294

how can you be such a nigger about this baka

>> No.13307297

Are you retarded? You think Andrew Massman is a Russian name? Kek, keep falling for scams buddy. The world is laughing at you

>> No.13307304

>t. never spoke to any russian person

It's very common for russians named Andrei to call themselves a westernized versiono of that name, Andrew. And there is literally nothing wrong with a surname Massman

>> No.13307318
File: 26 KB, 455x225, 2019-04-03 13_55_36-Telegram (28663).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>...is very professional
Except when you want to know the truth. STOP ASKING USELESS QUESTIONS.

>> No.13307327

except they literally disproved all the FUD about team members in question in the AMA. A lot of exchanges dont list any team members at all, but for some reason it doesnt raise any questions. Yes, NEXT team fucked up by Massman situation but in the end they handled it perfectly. idk what else do you need from them

>> No.13307363

Fuck the fudders, xbaselets getting BTFO left and right but cannot recover sensible arguments. Sitting comfy with my stack

>> No.13307759

Thanks to the based anon who wrote here weeks ago! Accumulated a nice stack.... Sometimes gems are found while digging through tons of mud. This seems like one... Fundamentals will beat hype in 2019

>> No.13307766

wtf are u smoking check out btmx, that shit is as scammy as u get and they list their teams

>> No.13308182

bought a bit higher than it is now, but still holding strong. April gonna be a fun month with all their catalysts

>> No.13308226

timestamps Oh shit. this is legit. Litereally just bought 100k

>> No.13308457


i'll buy some just because you got BTFO

>> No.13308498

Their AMA did it for me, they proved to be certain of what they are doing and listen to the community. I'm happy to be part of this train

Masternode baggy all ready guys

Ready for the NEXT ride huehue

>> No.13308529

gleb says he wrote the bio, but it was actually the fake developer that wrote it on slack
more lies

>> No.13308568

definitely a fuck up, but it doesn't bother me. Call me deluded I don't care. They got their blockchain, masternodes and exchange developed which will get me shekels

>> No.13308707

You are quite strange if you are still fudding this project based on this lame bio.

Look at what was written on slack, and then the bio which was finalized on the site. It is a stupid coincidence and an innocent mistake. I don't think the NEXT team had any intentions of misleading anyone.

>> No.13308719

They literally posted images of the conversation with timestaps.
Here it is brainlet. You're posting this shit in any NEXT thread, guess you were the guy that panic sold at 2 cents before it rocketed to 30 in 1 day once they started doing just a LITTLE bit of marketing. Guys, this project did a 650% increase in a week with minimal marketing.

>> No.13308772

When you brainlets will realize that the FUD is not about the bio, but about the fact that their platform is built by unknown developers, with unknown skill level, with unknown previous experience. From that, a smart investor can easily gather that their team consist of unskilled developers and they CAN'T EXECUTE. Building a DEX and a blockchain is not trivial. That's evident from v1.0, which is a complete mess.

>> No.13308907

I thought the devs didnt exist? but suddenly, they exist and have no skills? get out of here with the wack FUD, you keep changing your narrative every time you get BTFO

>> No.13308934

Not about bio but your previous comment only referred to the bio. I think you are a larping faggot and you need to do yourself and everyone else here a favor and find a way to KYS

>> No.13308957

>which is a complete mess
which is actually not a complete mess

>> No.13309026

bio being fake means that they are hiding something


>> No.13309052

but you said the dev didnt exist before, why did he suddenly start existing after the ama?

>> No.13309056

KEK it's back to being about the bio then

>> No.13309075

What a seething faggot.
I'm right about you in this post arent I?

>> No.13309102

Why would they fake a bio if they have solid, experienced devs? They are hiding their pajeet coders under fake bios. Is it that hard to comprehend?

>> No.13309114

still didnt answer my question. you are so adamant about your fud points, yet they keep evolving everytime NEXT proves it is legit.

>> No.13309121

can you link me to the binance dev bio page pls

>> No.13309164

they literally proved that their dev is real you brainlet. But you can miss out on that. They will release v1.1 in April so it will 5x with or without you. Oh, and they are legally approved for STOs