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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 145 KB, 1000x1000, BAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13295446 No.13295446 [Reply] [Original]

Is the price gonna increase as Brave becomes more popular over the coming months?

>> No.13295459

could honestly go down as people use brave.
Not even kidding lol

>> No.13295465

why would it?

no brave user is ever going to switch back to ad-ridden browsing for a few dollars a year, and none of them are going to buy bat without immediately selling it to some publisher who will have an agreement to receive dollars/fiat only, meaning it's going straight back on the market.

bat doesn't have any buying pressure.

>> No.13295481

publishers will exchange it for other cryptos once they receive it. If the browser becomes more widespread the model will gain awareness. Hardly anybody even accepts bat through the browser, hardly anybody uses the browser. Growth potential is enormous imo

>> No.13295494

Why even ask /biz/ if you're mind is made up?
Brother, it's a good idea, and Eich is great and everything, but there is zero reason for BAT to go anywhere.

>> No.13295508

It's not like I'm finna buy thousands of dollars worth, but I might chip in some. This is a discussion board, no?

>> No.13295528

>Is the price gonna increase as Brave becomes more popular
Did the price go up when the number of downloads went from 1 million to 10 million?

>> No.13295537
File: 111 KB, 2010x1340, dunning-kruger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BAT threads are always full of so many hilarious posters that know next to nothing about Brave or how it works:

These threads are literally Dunning-Kruger: The Thread. The people that don't believe in BAT have no incentive to research it or understand how it works or learn more about it. They spew the same garbage every thread.

If you want serious discussion about Brave/BAT, tweet at the team. They're mostly objective and they're much smarter and more informed than the chuckle-fuck nobodies giving you half-baked retard pajeet advice to sell your BAT in a Brave/BAT thread. Remember: these are the same dudes that told you to buy PRL.

>> No.13295546

The fact that you can't figure out such a beginner level question is a sure sign you have no place investing in this game changing tech. Take your shekels and leave.

>> No.13295571

Brave breaks every fucking website. Even ones that don't have autoplay, you click on play video and it doesn't play. I have to disable brave shields for half the sites I want to use.

Using Chromium with ublock is way better.

>> No.13295724

Stop visiting pajeet tier sites faggot.

>> No.13295744


>> No.13295782
File: 495 KB, 400x300, AF1DD173-B368-4E1F-84A6-F65B2992EE2A.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am financially ruined


>> No.13295826

>free money but not for you
Fuck you inbred kike

>> No.13295837

Many sites don't work with the shields up, forcing me to expose myself to the ad ridden, bloated web. Whereas I can browse firefox with adblock and those same sites work.
It's infuriating and puts me off using it fulltime.

>> No.13295846

>some other nigger knows my struggle

>> No.13295859

>I'm too dumb for free money
Sounds like a YP, not an MP, faggot.

>> No.13295870

I've been using Brave since they were releasing muon base builds and I've only ever run into a handful of sites that are "broken". Literally around 3-5.

>> No.13295871

have you tried updating it? The older version didn't have an auto update
Coinbase already gave me free money you retarded nigger, everybody has free BAT, take your caved in skull opinions and chew cock

>> No.13295894

Yeh, its getting better >>13295870 ive also been using since the muon days. This latest update is the most stable and the only one where the rewards, grants tipping etc. has actually worked.
Many sites don't work for me, videos are also temperamental.
I hope the v1.0 release is gold, otherwise I fear the worst.

>> No.13295928

I used to think the same. Tried it again last night to watch some Dani Daniels and then on a Russian streami sng site to watch DeadWood. It honestly worked a lot better. Usually with Adblock some slip through, or you get annoying scripts, etc. Brave actually worked perfectly. it is honestly the best browser imo after my experience last night

>> No.13295934

Also just get brave and install Adblock, so if you need to disable shields you still have the lesser protection of Adblock working

>> No.13295944


>> No.13296694

>tfw people finally realize their malware is not working anymore.
>thinking its braves fault.

>> No.13296717

I installed brave because I like the concept behind it. But it doesn't have a simple click and install extension interface which makes it unusable as far as I'm concerned. Not worth the trouble.

>> No.13296736

Over the coming years, not months.