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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1329513 No.1329513 [Reply] [Original]

It all returns to nothing
It all comes tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling dooooownnnnn

>> No.1329518

shut up, weeb

>> No.1329521

assmad coin faggot detected

>> No.1329526

I don't look forward to waiting for months of waiting for coins I purchased at $700 to appreciate

>> No.1329535


>> No.1329581

the time to buy was in 2012

>> No.1329584

>not 2009

>> No.1329585

try saying that in 5 years m8

>> No.1329602

Surely you could have anticipated this would happen?
I took the opportunity to finally decide to slowly buy in high or low. Cause when it's low you never think about it, when it's high people go crazy.

>> No.1329619

biz when btc is going up

biz when btch takes a shit
>dead silence

i don't give a fuck about crypto currencies but damn if coinshills aren't the most obnoxious fuckers on this board.

>> No.1329620

It'll probably dip more. I'd buy in

>> No.1329623
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>The "currency of the future" has dropped 22% in less than 3 days.

>> No.1329624

well tomorrow is the brexit vote so im sure that will have an effect on the market

>> No.1329628
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What a deal!

>> No.1329633


>> No.1329638

its never the time to buy

>> No.1329639

>you have exceeded your $40 limit for the day

>> No.1329676
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>mfw converted all of my BTC holdings to ETH when BTC hit $660 per coin
>mfw ETH is now up 3.8% from when I bought while BTC has dropped by 11%

>> No.1329696

>The "currency of the future" has dropped 22% in less than 3 days, after raising 80% over the past weeks.

fixed that for you

>> No.1329698
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>> No.1329717


I should have been you. Fucking coin base fucked me. still pending almost a week later after trying to buy bitcoin through them. FUUUUU! I bought those fucking bitshits at like $750+

>> No.1329721
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$745 for me. Still don't have it until Friday. It was the first time I ever bought bitcoin but I'm looking for different locations at this point.

>> No.1329732

>>The "currency of the future" has dropped 22% in less than 3 days, after raising 80% over the past weeks.
>fixed that for you

HOW the fuck is that a good currency you stupid retard?

That's the opposite. A good currency is stable and consistent. Only a retarded currency for buying and selling illegal shit online jumps up/down by double digit % gains.

>Oh gee my networth just dropped 35% in one day
>OH I just sent some guy $1000, but its current value two days later is now $1350. Fuckj me I just overpaid for whatever bullshit i was buying

Does that sound like a good currency?

>> No.1329734

>best dialogue about bitcoin I've seen yet

>> No.1329735
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Bitcoiner here. I am now on suicide watch. My Luck wasnt good in the past 2 days. Hopefully I will be blessed with more luck. Bitcoin is Magic!

>> No.1329740

Good thing I get paid in BTC no matter what the exchange rate is. About 0.2 BTC / day

>> No.1329744

Yeah, coinbase takes five full days before they deliver if you bought through your bank. I bought mine at $700 and $750, so I'm suffering a bit of a loss right now as far as the USD is concerned, but Ethereum is making up for that right now.

>> No.1329918

>he bought high

You fucking dumbass!

>> No.1329925

Top kek!

>b-but it's decentralized and anonymous and stuff!

>> No.1329928


>> No.1330037
File: 92 KB, 681x630, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh so you're saying that Bitcoin is going to crash back down to the $400's?
Because it fucking looks that way right now.

>> No.1330137
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When you finally get your btc you should pick up some Trumps

>> No.1330151

it's ALWAYS time to buy bitcoins! Like buying gold, it's a guaranteed investment that will inevitablly appreciate 100 to 10000%.

>> No.1330257

>bought at 700
Are you fucking retarded? Why would you buy it so high? Any 12 year old with half a brain could have told you btc is going down.

>> No.1330259
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>buy a bit coin at $750
>bit coin crashes
>still pending

I just wanted to use bitcoin for some transactions I didn't want to use my debit card on. I didn't want to go long goddammit. This currency is bullshit

>> No.1330283

Sports betting
Ironically I don't like spectator sports at all

>> No.1330331

I knew I should've bought that 4chan pass.

>> No.1330341
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>no-coiners on suicide watch
Ahahah bout time you faggots got put into place.

>> No.1330351

I knew we were gonna get a correction. But god damn I didn't think we'd be going down from $750 to $550 with probably still more to come. I never put that much money into it anyway so I'm not that mad about it. Still I think the Bitcoin story is far from over.

>> No.1330446

if you only use it as a medium of exchange and cash in and out in a hour or so the actual price is irrelevant to you tho.

that's what i do buy and spend within an hour. so volatility does not affect me.

>> No.1330448

Oh no, the price is back to what it was less than two weeks ago, how horrible

>> No.1330719

>bitcuck cope

>> No.1330731


Bitcoin will flux for the rest of its indefinite existence, but the biggest owners bought years ago.

You might see a 100% increase; maybe even 200%

But the days of 10,000% earnings are over for Bitcoin.

>> No.1330776

How will bitcoin handle the inevitable slowing down of transaction confirmation when the devs refuse to increase the block size?

>> No.1330794
File: 1.62 MB, 1652x3056, bizOnSuicideWatch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nocoiners coping with missing the boat since 150 dollars
Failing to buy the dip will be increasingly painful.

>> No.1330797
File: 194 KB, 660x393, TraitsOfMoney.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTC is gold 2.0 faggot, the fact that you can pay across the world just makes it a currency too.

Also absolutely fucking lol at
>why wouldn't this currency with a tiny marketcap not be stable? I will cry instead of seeing the potential and buying in

Literally double IQ.

>> No.1330799

>bitcoin crashing
>n-nocoiners c-coping

>> No.1330801

>told nocoiners to buy since 150 dollars
>BTC sitting comfortable at near 600 dollars as we speak

>> No.1330803
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>> No.1330812
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>bitcoin crashing even with halving coming
>retard still making the daily rounds shilling his memecoin

>> No.1330824

What the fuck does that even actually mean?

>> No.1330878

nothing much, there is a silly little script you put in the transactions that is mostly pointless.
and if you deviate from standard scripts there is a possibility of nobody will touch it.

>> No.1330885
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What platforms/sites are you guys using to track/buy bitcoin? I see all these screenshots and shit and can't recognize any of them. I've only ever bought on coinbase the few times I dealt with bitcoin.

>> No.1330888

Bitcucks BTFO

>> No.1330890

no buy under $400 sell above $600

>> No.1330895

that table is extremely retarded

>> No.1330900

It's getting close to the price I bought at.
I converted 50% to ETH in hopes that I can stem my losses a bit if it goes down further.
Fucking ETH, I'm terrified it's going to collapse

>> No.1331751

nigga it was 400+ not that long ago and sits at 600+ now

the fuck do you even?

>> No.1331804

I like https://cryptowat.ch/

>> No.1331881


Nice how can I learn how to read those charts? Feel like I'd need a fucking 16 part Lynda course just to know what I'm looking at. Any tutorials or anything that break it down?

>> No.1332023

>Wake up
>Check bitcoin
>Bitcoin went up
>Turns out I exchanged at the lowest point
I didn't lose any money, but I am missing out on profits

>> No.1332076

>two months ago btc was $430
>now it's $600
>btc is taking a shit XD

>> No.1332079

i have my money in US steel

am i fucked when market open tomorrow?

>> No.1332195
File: 35 KB, 725x362, 1461861247147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought BTC at 680 and 750
>BTC takes a shit down to ~540
>wait for the bottom
when i came back from lunch today that shit was already at 630 when it dropped to 620 i picked up another coin
feels good man

>> No.1332335

Haha yeah, I was angry earlier >>1330259

But ended up buying another coin at $550

Now at $646 and Brexit essentially confirmed

>> No.1332376

Top kek

The cucks that sold their btc are now buying it back

$650 And rising

Cucks gonna cuck

>> No.1332458

212 btc guy here

I would of bought the dip at 570ish but honestly I'm happy with my btc position, and let's be honest, coinbase has been getting kikier and kikier over the past year. Fuck those cocksuckers demanding all your personal info.

Guess what my name on coinbase is. First name fuck last name you

If I logged into coinbase again do you think they'd let me buy more coins without those kikes demanding more info?

Fuck them and fuck anyone who sold on this recent dip

>> No.1332476

212 damn son, when did you first get in?
also most of my info is publicly available anyways of you know where to look so idgaf about giving them my name

>> No.1332478


how do you feel about brexit? leave keeps pulling away but central london could swing back

>> No.1332479
File: 37 KB, 1490x77, WhatADeal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


212 bitcoin guy, is it not better to sell high and buy back low? What is wrong with selling and then re buying?

>> No.1332512

Bought my first coins late 2012. Mined a fuckton of coins with my GPU and later basics.

Sold a lot of shit for bitcoin, happy open bazaar is here, fuck eBay and PayPal

PayPal wants to appear like their friends with bitcoin, fuck them, they're nothing but greedy banker kikes

They're scared to death bitcoin will put an end to their gravy train
Why sell when you don't need the cash? The fucking halving is two weeks away. The chinks who are in control of a majority of bitcoin mining are going to stop selling their mined coins and the price is going to skyrocket within six months of the halving. Screenshot this post

>> No.1332545

I'm sure op is long gone by now. Probably a faggot eth shill or nocoiner.

Within a week the price will be over $750

>> No.1332652

Wew lad look at that price, $665 and rising

Op btfo

>> No.1332715

Someone make a pro bitcoin thread, let's abandon this shit

I can't be bothered making one

>> No.1332738

Up we go

Cucks who sold busy on the suicide hotline

>> No.1332999

Yeah, I was wary if Britain voted remain, but the market volatility from Brexit will surely force bitcoin to rise for a while.