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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13291253 No.13291253[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13291372


>> No.13291477
File: 467 KB, 1170x900, 1553623366050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did they actually catch you using it? or did the IT guy rat you out or something lame?

>> No.13291511

Must be a shit employer, mine gave me a promotion.

>> No.13291518

Buy link, is cheap now

>> No.13291526


>> No.13291537

Feather in your cap anon. You will have the last laugh

>> No.13291562

I'm the IT guy who makes these reports, good thing I can exempt my own computer from showing up in the reports hehe, posting from my desk now

>> No.13291582


Imagine not using your phone at work

>> No.13291600
File: 3.28 MB, 2000x2000, Honk70s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stinky linkies smelly feet

stinky linkies no food to eat

stinky linkies pave the way

stinky linkies 0.05c EOY OY VEY

Imagine imagining not imagining useing ur imagination to imagine the images of imangen

>> No.13291603

If I were ever to stoop to wageslavery, being the IT guy is the only thing I would even consider for this exact reason.

>> No.13291646

the other way to get around the filters and logging would be to setup a home server and remote into it, then use the web on your home server, since you will be technically posting from your house nothing will show up in the logs but a secure connection to your house, which if they let you remote in will just look like your work vpn.

>> No.13291689

how do I know if I'm being monitored? Theres like three people in my office and they don't know the password to the router

>> No.13291703

Or use your phone as a mobile hotspot :^)

>> No.13291705

wait, what do you mean fired?
everybody knows I shitpost on biz and I also give them updates

>> No.13291736

It’s a router or a WiFi repeater connected via LAN?
In the second case I just remind you that 4chan is http, so they can also see plaintext context of every page you visit and every shitpost you make

>> No.13291751

Gotta love the land of the free where you can be fired for anything right?

I use 4chan on my second screen all day, especially while compiling

>> No.13291768

>1 post
>no story
Sounds like they did the right thing. Buy kneepads and a shrimp kit faggot.

>> No.13291769


How? How could I do this on my router at home.

>> No.13291781

Fool. You should know that only blue boards are safe

>> No.13291986


>> No.13292037

just use your phone and your carriers internet you brainlets

>> No.13292062


>> No.13292959
File: 45 KB, 331x10000, 1553564382548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

baste and unemploymentpilled

>> No.13293046


>> No.13293095

>work as a data analyst at a major financial institution
>do this
>not only do they fire me, they take me to court and throw me in prison

why don't you retards just shitpost on your phone, jesus christ

>> No.13293101


>> No.13293114
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>> No.13293137

that looks dank, also lunk 2 cents eoy cheggum ->

>> No.13293843

damn (you)!

>> No.13293923

why even have a phone?

>> No.13294022

This. What the hell? Use your phone like every other sane person. Dumb ass.

>> No.13294048

You'd need a packet sniffer. Easiest way would be to set up a raspberry pi as a wireless access point and run wireshark.

>> No.13294064


fuck you

>> No.13294136
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>> No.13294171

>says 4chan not /biz/
he was prob on /pol or /traps/

>> No.13294176
File: 31 KB, 720x683, 1541572502945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4chan blocked listed as porn
>4channel still open

will I get fired bros?

>> No.13294177



>> No.13294187


>> No.13294402


>> No.13294503

He gets it

>not using your phone as a mobile hotspot at work
>not having a desk with your back to the wall where no one can see your laptop that you brought from home

it's like you're trying to get rekt

>> No.13294564
File: 7 KB, 246x250, tumblr_ooay7g11to1v0pigno1_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and redpilled.

>> No.13294566

Goat fucker

>> No.13294610


>> No.13294611


Imagine being an atheist---a person who doesn't believe in God or voodoo spirits. Imagine being a Christian---a person who is supposed to only believe in God and not believe in voodoo spirits. Imagine being either one of these, and believing that your mom will die in her sleep if you don't reply to this post so you reply to it. This is a 100% sign of being an NPC, I swear you do not have the same brain that normal human beings do if you reply to these posts. You will defend your fake-brain saying "Oh, I didn't REALLY think my mom would die if I didn't reply, I was just meming!" But the truth is, your fake-brain is fake and shitty and full of shit, so you really got worried and thought there might be even as little of a 0.0001% chance that your mom might die if you didn't reply to this, when any regular real human being who is not a fuckup, waste of existence, knows there is a 0% chance a 4chan post will kill their mom.

>> No.13294629

Posting just in case

>> No.13294638

no mummy pls

>> No.13294977

only mummy lubs me