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13283031 No.13283031 [Reply] [Original]

pic related as soon as mainnet goes live it will switch making you lose your link

>> No.13283047

But doesn't this also apply to exchange wallets?

>> No.13283053

Just dont hold link at all

>> No.13283058

zilliqa is currently slowly going through a token swap and its a fucking mess really no-one knows really what to do and you can only get it changed over on an exchange. has to be better ways to go about it.

>> No.13283066

Binance will figure it out

>> No.13283067

So where do your expect is to hold it then retard? If they switch it won't matter where we keep the tokens dummy.

>> No.13283075

Gee thanks for the heads up OP!

>> No.13283172
File: 78 KB, 720x538, 1554842934220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What absolute fud. Link is blockchain agnostic bro. It can be stored in any blockchain. That's the beauty of link: it becomes tethered to the value of the blockchain solutions it becomes stored on.

>> No.13283220

>believing mainnet will ever happen
Thanks for the laugh OP

>> No.13283245
File: 147 KB, 498x621, 1535768413100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to split your LINK. Remember, LINK is the last golden ticket out of poverty and you should never store 100% of your linkies in a single place. As unlikely as it is, someone could hack Binance or even Ethereum itself and steal everything you own.

Thankfully, since LINK is a blockchain-agnostic project, that means it can be stored on ANY chain using ANY wallet in existence! Sergey and Steve actually guarantee this interoperability in the white paper and it is a large part of what makes the project so appealing in the first place. Because of this, I strongly encourage all linkmarines to split their stack evenly across as many of the following as they can muster:

>Ethereum wallet (MyEtherWallet is always good)
>Several different exchanges (Binance, Coinbase, and Gemini are highly trusted) so if one goes down it's not game over
>Bitcoin wallet - Bitcoin is the O.G. blockchain after all and probably more hackproof than any other in existence.
>Monero wallet - storing your LINKs on the Monero chain has the added advantage of obscuring your trade history from the feds. When you finally cash out you won't need to pay any taxes on your LINK stack.
>Skycoin wallet - Storing your linkies in a Skycoin wallet will actually earn you coinhours passively! It's like earning node dividends without the wait or hassle.
>Try looking for little-known crypto projects that might have a fork in their future. If you store LINK on their wallet when the fork occurs, you get free forked LINK!

There are just a few ideas, but there are innumerable safe places to spread your LINK stack out in. As you can see, it's almost irresponsible to keep all your LINK in a dusty old MEW wallet when there's so many perks to storing it elsewhere. Keeping your link spread out like this also helps against the temptation to sell your LINK prematurely during the climb to $1000. Personally, I have my LINK spread out over 8 different wallets and 5 different exchanges, and I've never felt comfier

>> No.13283261

Here is the article from the pic, but I have yet to see a proper citation of any plans to move away from erc20 https://cryptobriefing.com/what-is-chainlink-link-token/

>> No.13283288

That's because zilliqa holders are drooling retards. NKN just completed a token swap after only like 2 weeks notice and it went off without a hitch

>> No.13283290

Fucking hell. Keys are maintained on the new bloackchain. Have you done this before?

That's not how it works either. When people say link is agnostic they mean the oracles can inform smart contracts on any other chain. The coins themselves cannot leave the chain.

>> No.13283314

That's cuz NKN is the shit. No brainlets allowed.

>> No.13283315

i remember the vechain swap was done pretty decently too i dont know why zilliqa are making it so fucking hard.

>> No.13283382

yeah, but where is the fucking binance listing?!
binant is launching matic in 2 weeks. no listing till then imo, but meantime btc will take a huge dump. on the other hand there is no reason to list it in may, bc mainnet is out end of june...guys we are fucked.

>> No.13283489


absolute chaos destruction FUD

>> No.13283697

You can't place all your trust in chinks. There's literally nothing stopping them from "fucking up" the token swap and keeping everyones linkies.

>> No.13283741

thanks OP