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File: 180 KB, 640x705, 1553531612279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13281975 No.13281975 [Reply] [Original]

You're getting /fit/ right marine? For when LINK takes off and you make it, you'll already be a mega chad. What did you work on today?

Chest/Bi's/Tri's for me. Gnarly pump. Felt like a fucking GOD after. About to make a ribeye/sweet potato/avocado dinner.

>> No.13282009

I did 3 pull-ups and 5 chin-ups, a few lunges and then ate some Carl's Jr. I might knockout a few push-ups later because of this post.

>> No.13282039

>when LINK takes off
if. and it's a big if especially after link has done exactly what it did during the last bull run, nothing.

>> No.13282208
File: 55 KB, 337x421, 1212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a wall mounted pull-up bar just like in that pic, but I can't put it up at the place I live now. Spent all day trying figure out alternative solutions. There's so much shitty equipment out there. Everything wobbles. Everything free-standing is shit, unless you go the complete power-cage route. Something like an A-frame might be good, but the only company I can find that makes something like that is this rinkydink gook outfit. There's pic related, but I think the company went under. Fuuuuck, I go through this problem every 5 years it seems.

>> No.13282220

when link moon and me mega chad, i finally get a girl!

>> No.13282228

Yes. Just earlier I was admiring just how fucking yolked I was

>> No.13282234
File: 16 KB, 225x225, 1554628100516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the inspiration fren. I really need to lose some weight. I'm losing a bit right now while I poop. I'm unironicially a pajeet too.

>> No.13282291

Door frame ones are good.

>> No.13282299

still intermittent fasting. body fat is melting off. 23% body fat to 14% in under three months. dumbbells 3x a week. look/feel better. more to go.

t. lt col. never fucking selling.

>> No.13282320
File: 10 KB, 249x250, 1541729817535s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right fuckin on brah. we're all gonna make it.
lets go baby GET THAT MONEY

>> No.13282321

I'm not resorting to some nigger solution. I want to hang without bending my legs.

>> No.13282410

You should be bending your legs anyway retard

>> No.13282433
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>> No.13282447
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get a power tower

>> No.13282487

Lol. Quick, tell me why, kinesiology master bro.

>> No.13282515

Bar diameter is too small. Shit quality. Impossible to find one tall enough.

My wall-mounted bar was custom made, and rock solid, with a fat bar, and, I had high ceilings. I think I'm aware of all the alternative solutions. But they're just very sub-optimal and I don't like settling for sub-optimal solutions. But thanks for the input.

>> No.13282587

Sounds like you are making excuses. Working out is hard huh
wrap a towel around it dummy

>> No.13282611

No time for the gym, I have multiple jobs to rake in as much money as possible so I can buy more link and other moonshots. I'll get ripped after

>> No.13282635

I'll take that under advisement.

I give ALL my effort to things, and I hate being held back. I give my best, and I want the best. I HAD the best, but now that ship has sailed. Fuck me.

>> No.13282664

It’s a pull-up bar dude
Go to the park or something

>> No.13282697

I did that for a summer once.

>> No.13282713

I can't fucking afford the surplus calories.

>> No.13282972

10 lb bags of potatoes are like 2.99. Add in ground burger with a higher fat content and a cheap veggie and you’re bulking diet with plenty of calories can be had for a few dollars per day.

>> No.13282990

i like you anon. no fucking bullshit. lets get it big boy.

>> No.13282998
File: 55 KB, 485x409, 1553369863804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Squats today. Gotta make sure my benis looka small compared to my tree trunks.

>> No.13283012

>paying money to go to a gym
>not working a physical trade job so your getting paid to workout and earn more money for link

you already lost bud

>> No.13283016


You don't even need a massive calorie surplus to gain muscle. it's just a meme. Just don't starve yourself and you should be fine.

>> No.13283029


>> No.13283052
File: 129 KB, 983x1146, 1548122218981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sup fren, I did chest/tri/shoulders and feelin good too

>> No.13283123
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may your gains be blessed anon

>> No.13283210

Hiking, mountain biking, and restoring my foreskin: three of the most non-Jewish activities a man can do.

>> No.13283219

Absolutely based and redpilled

>> No.13283232

>Door frame pull up bar
I broke the shit out of the drywall above a door with one of these back in my college days. Make sure you are not living in a poorly constructed house before you put your full weight on one of these; I only weighed 170 for fuck sake!

>> No.13283244

Jesus christ lose some weight kid

t. 90 pound master race reporting in

>> No.13283276

I'm 190 lbs. now actually, and built like a brick shithouse! Gotta have the power for being first pulaski/Captain on a wildland firefighting hand crew.

>> No.13283306

Is it dead?

>> No.13283316

I'm trying to stay lean and fast, doing a mix of high rep weight training with cardio

>> No.13283645

I actually ended up working out a lot more today because of the post. Thanks anon, take care.

>> No.13283649
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actual size

>> No.13283710


Based OP. Pmuch stuck on upper body until I get my knee fixed.

Thinking about keeping my routine like this for the time being.


Chest, triceps, shoulders, abs

Back, biceps, rear delts, traps

30-45 mins of elliptical 5-6 days a week.

Cutting so I'm not expecting to be gaining much muscle/strength except for noob gains.

Trying to eat more veggies in general and cut beef/pork/most dairy/fast food/sodas out of my diet. Chicken/Veggie/Rice stir fry has been my go to. And water. Lots and lots of water.

>> No.13283724

based Carl's. hope you got a Western anon

>> No.13283820

three weeks into a cut bros. down 10 lbs, goal is to drop 30. haven't lost any strength yet and keeping protein up

>> No.13283890

Theo, shut the fuck up
Ur still a pussy on the inside, no matter how much you can bench

>> No.13284047

>he doesnt know

>> No.13284077

Fasting the first 3-5 days of week, then carnivore/unpasteurized dairy + going to the gym to prevent/halt muscle loss due to the fast.
The most comfortable fatloss program I've been on by far.

>> No.13284097

>Spends boatloads of cash on expensive did
>Doesn't beans and rice everyday
>Instead of buying more link

Not going to make it

>> No.13284100

>doing splits
Lmfao get a load of this DYEL looking ass faggot. Hows that one pl8 bench doing for ya?

>> No.13284104


>> No.13284130

Just ran my nightly mile

>> No.13284141


>> No.13284172

I did OHP last night. And then I couldn't sleep. so after my 12 hour work shift today, I didn't go to the gym and I'm going to sleep soon. Tomorrow shall be squat day

every gym day I do abs, rows, and some other accessory lift plus one big compound

if I don't plan to go to the gym after work, then I walk to work instead of driving

just remember, it's all worthless if you don't give yourself time to rest

>> No.13284186

Hope ya'll doin your kegels and cock pushups. My goal is to be able to lift a 45lb plate with my dick and be able to bust w hole through a reinforced coconut shell.

>> No.13284202

>just remember, it's all worthless if you don't give yourself time to rest
Underrated. Fucked my life up by not resting adequately. You can put your body on an inflammation/hormone deficiency/infection death spiral that takes years to fix.

>> No.13284221
File: 253 KB, 1024x1021, never_forget.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 pullup. but i've been fasting for 80 hours

>> No.13284233

fasting is everything bro, i do IF and multiday

>> No.13284260

>Jews killed Christ
Jews invented Christ

>> No.13284272

Dont anger the christcucks
They'll start telling you how whites are WORTHLESS without the Jewish messiah and would achieve NOTHING without him

>> No.13284275

Also drumpf is a kike stooge.

>> No.13284292

Antisemites are also literally kike stooges. Allow them to cry foul to everything.

>> No.13284627

Based OP

Chest, neck and shoulders for me

>> No.13284672

how fkin hard were you going?

>> No.13284702


Did chest on Monday (BP, Inclined BP, Dips, Butterfly)
Did back yesterday (Pull Ups, Barbell Rows, Deadlifts)

I am sore from both of those workouts so today I think I will do some minor cardio for 20-35 minutes.

>> No.13284714

Don't use the word 'kike'. Soon it will be become a felony to disparage the Jewish people. Be forewarned.

>> No.13284849

I lost 40kg because I was a fat fuck, feeling good now! But now my man tits are huge and hanging, need LINK to moon so I can get that surgery...