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File: 28 KB, 825x510, nano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13281655 No.13281655 [Reply] [Original]

"Time flows like a river, and history repeats."

The reason why BTC has increased in value so much is because it is not specific to any one function, except value and the secure transfer thereof. Much the same, ETH is valuable because it is not specific to a single concept, idea, or industry. It can be programmed to do numerous things, much like a computer. These properties, along with the first mover advantage, make them potentially ubiquitous inventions, with use cases increasing as society and technology evolve. Coins that are specific with their use cases on the other hand, will unlikely ever grow at a comparable rate, outside of speculation and action from market movers, short term pump and dumps. Think Dragonchain, Po.et, BAT, DBC, Dentacoin, etc. They are inherently limited by design. Anything these coins do, can be done by either BTC or ETH on their own, or in certain situations when combined with a centralized database or structure. There really isn't a need for 90%+ of these coins to exist in the first place when a simple traditional based server works fine. Decentralized systems only matter when it comes to (a) wealth, (b) censorship, and (c) public immutable data.


>> No.13281662
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Which brings me to Nano, formerly known as Raiblocks. Nano has the first mover advantage when it comes to a decentralized DAG. It is much the same as BTC in many ways, and matches the definition of a currency as defined by Satoshi in the original white paper. What is unique about it, is that it takes sub 1 second to send, and has zero cost associated with its use. Because of this, Nano utilizes hardly any electricity and can be used in real world situations much like a credit or debit card, such as when buying a cup of coffee in the morning. These may seem like small improvements, however the implications are anything but. One serious barrier to the adoption of BTC is exactly this, the delay it takes in confirming a transaction. This is main reason why the Lightning network is being built. So that BTC can actually be used as a currency. Unfortunately, the Lightning network will centralize BTC and turn lightning nodes into de-facto banks, or middlemen, calling into question this supposed solution to the scaling and latency problems BTC faces.


>> No.13281671
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This is why Nano is so valuable, and why it is the next 100x at minimum. It continues where BTC left off, and does not sacrifice decentralization in exchange for speed. It has no specific use case, outside of being a unit of value transfer, meaning it can be used as ubiquitously as BTC can. In fact, it has many more use cases than BTC as well, thanks to the zero fee and sub 1 second transfer model. This means that computers can use it to transfer value throughout complex systems. It also means that it can be combined with both centralized and decentralized platforms, such as instant messengers, social media, IOT, online games, and more. It means that it can be used for microtransactions without loss of value. It can be used for instant donations without loss of time. As it is decentralized, it can be used for any sort of business, be it a standard flower shop or a high risk online pharmacy. Because the network utilizes such a small amount of data for every transaction, it also is environmentally friendly, meaning it will not fall under scrutiny in regards to its footprint, nor face adoption troubles or the legal issues that are seen with BTC when exposing it to environmentally conscious individuals and organizations, such as governments.

And all of these things are currently happening before our eyes.

Don't say I didn't warn you.

>> No.13281693


>> No.13281716

You are wrong anon. Even shitcoins can pump 100X, Nano is the last 1000X, maybe even more.

>> No.13281728

$1000 NANO would be 133bi market cap. Easily achievable since there are no miners dumping coins on you.

>> No.13281741
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>> No.13281756

"In times of change the learners inherit the earth while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists" - Eric Hoffer

>> No.13281825


The old logo with NANO underneath looks so much better than the shit new logo

>> No.13281879
File: 547 KB, 1890x963, tradingviewnano492019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13281922

>year of platform coins
>he chooses a pure currency coin that isn't btc or ltc

>> No.13281947

It's faster than those and has no fees.

>> No.13282196
File: 110 KB, 377x659, nanocomfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Even if it never takes off, I think Nano as a long term investment will do very well just by the fact that there are only ~135 Million and it's mostly been distributed and there is no mining inflation or a huge percentage is not being held by the company, founders or developers. It's got a growing community that will continue to support it. And as Vitalik said, anyone can create a crypto but getting people to care about it and support it much harder.

>> No.13282204

I know there is some degree of shill here but I agree. I really think nano is something special, something that we will use on the daily in the future due to its speed.

If the devs can make it easier to use for normies and mitigate the potential of a 51% attack then I see no reason why it won't completely overtake the crypto space.

Just start shilling as much as possible, nano can easily go over a 100b market cap, potentially in the next bull run

>> No.13282221

>thinks erc20 tokens will make a comeback
anon I...

>> No.13282295
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I remember money Skelly said nano was a bad erc20

>> No.13282406
File: 16 KB, 432x297, nanfas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check this out:
Nano's growth has been at 3.5x scaled to BTC.

So if the projection for the golden bull run is BTC going or nearing 100K.
Then if we scale the growth of NANO during the last bull run to scale to $32 when BTC was $17K, then by estimating NANO's equivalent growth we can project a ballpark minimum ROI without even considering normies catching on, the ETF hype from BTC artificially pumping alts, or anything.

So 3.5 x 32 gives us an estimated $115 price point if BTC Rallies back to the prior set $17,000.
Now we scale the projected growth from 17K to 100K and we get roughly 5.8x ROI. Now applying that to NANO's growth projection snapshotted at 17K, we can anticipate around $660 peak price for NANO as the golden bull run powered by BTC-ETF comes after the bear trap is over.
And god knows what will happen if it goes galatic like XRP did, but ~$500-$660 is where I would pin it in 2021

ALSO consider that during the last bull run on December 13th when Nano was at $1.60, BTC was $16,000, 3x that of today. So if we were to project outward how NANO's growth will be in the next run, it is going to go galatic, probably surpassing (at a minimum to scale with its own growth with BTC) IOTA, possibly past EOS

>> No.13283358

cool copypasta

>> No.13283836

this is such a fucking retarded pipe dream. carefully read back to yourself what you pasta'd, idiot

>> No.13283859

I just feel like none of what you said will ever happen.

People in Asia use regular currency the same way already with their phones to pay for shit. Why would to switch to nano now?

>> No.13283903

This shit got hacked to death, worst crypto possible with xvg, btcp & bitconnect.

>> No.13284042

I just realized that bitgrail was the mtgox of nano

>> No.13284048

>believes wasteful PoW coins have a future...

>> No.13284158

just sold my bag DUMP inc

>> No.13284380

yeah NANO is a normie project. No one is gonna use nano for payments its the NPC reddit dream but its dumb as fuck.

>> No.13284420

>Normie project
>Nobody will use it


>> No.13284517
File: 116 KB, 1888x305, nanopoop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the Nano red pill you've all been waiting for

>> No.13284541


>> No.13284550
File: 193 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190410-024232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coping with what exactly?

>> No.13284558

Heavy bags turn you into a cultist.
I've been there... you join tg/discord/slack with other bagholders and turn completely blind to flaws of your shitcoin.

>> No.13284571

I was invested pretty heavily in NANO when it was Raiblocks. It was my first alt moon mission and i thought it was going to be the next BTC. Luckily those faggots banned me from discord when I started posting screenshots of Zack's Jewish tricks in regards to Bitgrail and that snapped me out of it. Community is full of NPC's.

>> No.13284599

Recent price pump has got the miners scared. Would be sad if your six - seven figure investments were useless, eh?
Maybe don't upgrade and put the next equipment purchase / electricity rental into nano instead.

>> No.13284639

Now that's what I call delusional. I don't even hold BTC.

>> No.13284737

Literal retard. I promise you Nano wont even be close to $32, when BTC hits $17k again, let alone $115. Times were different back then.

>> No.13284740

Nano is not the first mover of decentralized DAG, that was IOTA. Also Raiblocks initially had personalized blockchains, they changed that because it didn't work.

>> No.13284871

Just fucking buy Fantom already. It's basically the ETH-to-Bitcoin version of Nano.

Nano is a shit DAG as its sole purpose is to be a payment coin, but Fantom is a smart contract on DAG. What's more, with Fantom Pay, you can use it as a payment coin as well.

If you are going to be redpilled on Nano, you might as well go all in in Fantom as its a much better shitcoin with more utilities.

>> No.13284888

Who the fuck wants smartcontracts on a DAG? DAG is shit. It doesn't scale and it's inherently centralized as fuck, much more so than EOS and Tron.

>> No.13284916
File: 114 KB, 1080x1081, 1516266457757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13284921

There was a fucking whale here who posted a pic in December 2017 who owned 1m XRB (he bought in August 2017). He had a screen recording of his wallet with the balance and everything. He said his plan was to get out once it hits $100 and he seemed sure as hell it was going that high. I don't know if that guy got out during the first pump or not and I also wonder if he still hangs around here. Might go digging through the archives one day to find the vid. Probably the richest fucker ever from this board.

>> No.13284923

I dont disagree. All that I'm saying is that however much meme DAG is, Fantom is a greater meme than Nano, thus greater potential to 10x or what OP is claiming.

>> No.13284935

Reddit invasion

>> No.13284955
File: 385 KB, 862x487, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13285012

i seem to remember that. his next predictions was shit like alqo which i still have somewhere.

>> No.13285057

Cope lmao

>> No.13285146

the new logo is mass adoption tier.
the old logo wasnt.