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13274046 No.13274046 [Reply] [Original]

Bitcoin Cash is the only crypto with any scalability and a roadmap to make it scale even further. BVS as well I suppose, but I think its ded.

Ripple is centralized garbage hyped by Twitter faggots.

Tron is a scam hyped by Twitter niggers.

Nano and all other DAGs are centralized piles of shit that don't work and are hyped by people who don't know what a blockchain is or why its revolutionary.

ETH is a side effect of Bitcoin being hijacked by banksters and wouldn't even have existed if it weren't for Blockstream and Coreniggers doing everything in their power to cripple and fucking ruin bitcoin. It's also moving to PoS which is an awful system with entirely corrupt incentives that bar new entrants from out competing old guard miners.

>> No.13274058 [DELETED] 

that pic for some reason look gross and scary

>> No.13274065 [DELETED] 

Trypophobia, look it up

>> No.13274069


I don’t care about the politics. I’ve always held equal amounts of XBT forks, because why the fuck would you not keep forked coins? I’m confused why everybody is focused on one Bitcoin, you kinda need to own them all.

>> No.13274087

>you kinda need to own them all.
I do. I still hold btc despite the fact I think in the long run it's going to get overtaken by bch or something else.

I do this because despite it being a pos coin, it's the backbone of the exchanges and since trading is pretty much the primary use case for crypto these days, it has value. When people begin spending more I think its dominance will begin to waver more. I refuse to buy anything with btc. A $20 item will cost a $2 fee and the fees are only going up with the price. When I spend I use bch or xmr.

>> No.13274177

>Bitcoin Cash is the only crypto with any scalability and a roadmap to make it scale even further.
COMPLETELY false premise/blatant lie in first sentence. ...therefore need to read further. is that what you retards are telling yourseves over on reddit? jesus fuck