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File: 46 KB, 805x606, young people sex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13271465 No.13271465 [Reply] [Original]

How do you short the incel bubble?

>> No.13271478

I would say long China, but actually it's only white men that get laid there

>> No.13271483

Just point and laugh at the losers.

>> No.13271508

Where do I find one of these lonely no-sex females? Or is that just the percentage of women who are obese?

>> No.13271519

long companies that make sex toys and upcoming teledildonics opportunities. this is stealth/takeoff phase.
not a drill

>> No.13271527

juggernaut law. the obese girls are actually having more sex than the skinny ones.

>> No.13271528

that number will hover over 50% for several decades with sex robots

>> No.13271541

Return to arranged marriage

>> No.13271550

I'm unironically a virgin at 23
I'm attractive but I have an intimacy child trauma that made me reject many girls
I'm waiting till I make it so I can transform into megachad and stop being so insecure

>> No.13271552

some are fat, ugly, undesirable

but some are looking for a relationship and don't just fuck anyone - in fact they have high standards

I don't think my current gf fucked anyone a year before she met me (maybe she did, but it wouldn't be surprising if she didn't, her number is really low)

>> No.13271571
File: 31 KB, 251x201, desiretoknowmore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13271575
File: 115 KB, 780x1025, monand_by_fluffydus_dczt5vf-pre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol 3D
Just Monika.

>> No.13271594

Obese women definitely still get fucked too

>> No.13271596

here's a few links about it.

200 page thread


>> No.13271621

It boggles my mind how that hairy fat pig gets so many messages, those guys aren't even that bad looking

>> No.13271625

VR/AR are a good incel future bet. So is doctor assisted suicide methods. Think something like a juul for a fast fentanyl delivery. Don't forget military industrial stocks for when the wars start once the disgruntled incel numbers reach critical mass. Chinese stocks are a good bet in all these areas. If you want to make a good social app here is an idea. Create an app which allows for much more efficient management that allows women to multiplex their betas. It must be cumbersome to have individual conversation threads and timetabling for all of them. Call that shit hypergamo.us

>> No.13271667

The fuck incels have their on wiki.
Unironically virgin at 27.
But will get married at 28. Never bothered with dating, since I was socially retarded.
t. arranged marriage pajeet.

>> No.13271672

If people haven't clicked the link, he says "hairy fat pig" because they literally photoshopped chest hair and a pig nose on her. And she still gets messages from desperate, horny weirdos.

>> No.13271681

Bottom 30% of men are so screwed

>> No.13271685

incels are a third of the male population. desu im surprised there isnt MORE incel content on the internet.

>> No.13271691
File: 30 KB, 480x360, 30boomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


30 year old boomer virgin reporting in.


>> No.13271696

theyre not weirdos. its just normal for men to be horny and want to fugg

>> No.13271712

You've got to have some standards/self-respect.

>> No.13271714


I couldn't fuck above a 3 on tinder until I posted a photo after a year of cutting and lifting. Now I max out at a 5.

>> No.13271723

yeah i was confused when the whole incel thing took off.
I am incel according to their definition, despite me not giving a fuck about the dating scene in the USA. My bro got married and never had sex before, and is even more retarded than me socially. They seem happy and are expecting. Dating scene here is too volatile here, kind of like shitcoin gambling

>> No.13271732

if men had this there would be as many female incels

>> No.13271736


It’s the market dynamic. She still can’t get a solid bf. It’s easy and cheap for men to try to hook up so they do it, constantly with anyone 2 points near their level.

>> No.13271747

Can't argue there.

>> No.13271760

You short the housing market in the 2-3 hour suburbs of major cities starting 2011. Now you invest in them. Urbanization and deurbanization is the phenomena to follow for youth trends. The urge to sow wild oats and compete in higher and higher orders of society is predictable and overwhelmingly powerful.

>> No.13271774

Bottom thirty percent of men need to lift for a year or two and read one interesting book a year. Getting laid isn't hard.
Getting an attractive GF and keeping her without letting her cheat is fucking Legendary difficulty though.

>> No.13271787


Still an uphill climb when 5/10 men give 3/10 girls attention. They have a shot at beta bux though

>> No.13271793

women arent into gymcels.

>> No.13271801

they don't exist, they're just larping for the statisticians

>> No.13271803


>> No.13271807

You couldn't be more wrong. I made out with legit California 10s by just quoting Carl Jung at the bar. Shit's stupid easy, the hard part is getting up and actually doing it.

Meh. The game isn't hard. There are 365 nights in a year, even the hottest roasties aren't all getting it 100% of those nights ten years running. Find the girl who isn't.

>> No.13271814


I was actually an autist gymcel at 18 and it fooled a club girl into giving me easy sex lol. This was the launch pad from which I became well adjusted

>> No.13271848

Short trojan

>> No.13271902

i take it back. yeah gymcelling worked for me when i was 17, BUT it doesn't work after you're in your mid 20s.

>> No.13271915
File: 142 KB, 1111x597, 02b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>short the incel bubble

>> No.13271968

incels need to kill themselves and do the world a favor

>> No.13272136

adding sluts, uglies, fatties, dumbos, lazies, jews, niggers, non whites, average whites, lowlife scum, religious people, human nature
only 2D remains as the perfect form of existence

>> No.13272141
File: 349 KB, 1961x1067, 1518659525847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oldfag here.

Had plenty of sex. At the time I was employed at a factory where we produced raw material, a great deal of it was toxic. It was my job to dump it in the river behind the factory, upstream from the town. Since then I've been able to afford a house and am married to a woman with minimal defects. The kids are looking rough around here. Dunno what their problem is. Probably naturally weak. Like my kid. Doesn't get good grades, plays vidya all day. Just lazy, I tell him whenever I can to get up and go outside.

>> No.13272333

yes they are

I'm not even in good shape, but I'm no longer SKINNY FAT

I literally lifted into a dad bod and now I get laid

>> No.13272354

>and read one interesting book a year
Just one? Isn't that too little? How many pages long? Must it be a novel or non-fiction? On what topic?

>> No.13272445

It's wayyy too early to be shorting.

>> No.13272834

those type of jobs are not around anymore that's why kids are so demotivated.

>> No.13272845

Don't short, invest in camgirls

>> No.13273251

Maybe because, as opposed to psychotically sex-obsessed incels and the delusion they create inside their bubble, many don't care this much about girls and sex? At least not 3d ones. I mean, it would be great for 2d girls to exist. But what are you gonna do? Of course things like contraceptives should be removed from "health care." If girls really fuck around like retards in a crassly anti-social fashion. (They demand socialism, but decide to then behave anti-socially, which they call "empowering." I am sure if there would be communism, these roastie "socialists" would be sent to the gulag or made to pay extra for contraceptives (instead of receiving them for free), as to let other "incels" buy sex robots and co.)

What stops you from getting an asexual girlfriend or simply not caring about sex with her? Or are you referring to intimacy in general? If it's about sex (since you refer to yourself as virgin), this general obsession with sex in this "society" is already hurting you. I am sure a normal person could have a happy relationship even without sex. Though, again, this society actively indoctrinates people to have sex. And you "should" have sex. And you "should" have a "healthy sex life" or whatever kind of rationalizations people come up with to excuse their fucking around. And if you don't, then you have a "psychosexual trauma" (which is one of many asspull terms without reason behind it)...

Sex is generally shit. I always think back to my childhood. And before I entered puberty was probably the happiest time of my life. Before nature wanted to turn me into a hormone-riddled sex-addict. (This also makes me ask the question of whether a guy raised by a single mother has a harder time coping with loneliness, when compared to a guy who was raised by a single father, or normal parents. Because a guy raised by a single mother thinks he needs to replace her with a girlfriend. To not feel lonely. He will never be truly independent.)

>> No.13273337

>I always think back to my childhood.
I wanted to have sex even when i was a child. But even back then girls didnt want to play house with me only with toddler chad

>> No.13273440

based dad bod
gets me laid a fuck ton

>> No.13273459

remove the internet

>> No.13273463

Listen up incels

>Learn game - there is lots of stuff out there. It's the only thing that will really help you.
>Get well groomed and be decently fashionable
>You need to grow your social circle too... don't be a loner
>Drink or do moderate amounts of drugs if it helps lower your inhibitiions and talk to women... you have nothing to lose
>You need to be approaching lots of women, either online on IRL
>Personally I've never been to the gym and I think it's a trap - lots of guys waste way too much time there and watch the years go by instead of approaching women and learning game whcih is WAY more important

Hurry up and take action now, you're not getting any younger. This is not a drill, you only have one life and you're living it now. It will not get easier the older you get.

>> No.13273485


>> No.13273509

The few times i tried approaching girls i was never received positively. Ive only gotten laid because girls approached me.

Girl approaches guy -90% success rate
Guy approaches girl - 0.001% success rate

Not sure why the onus to approach is on the guy.

>> No.13273645

There's really no real secret to getting female attention.

Girls have this fucking thing called an attention radar, they notice this, who you talk to, how you talk to them, how long you talk to them, they will them spend tremendous ammouts of time talking about this bullshit with other females. Girls are expert social beasts if you can play in their realm shit becomes a different game. And you're in on their whole little society. And they smooth the gears and lead you in the right path you just gotta pay attention to them.

>> No.13273655

flood the market with pussy that incels can get on credit

>> No.13273733

>interesting book
Pretty fucking subjective
I find Roman law to be fairly interesting yet my ability to go on a 3 hour rant about ius gencium is not a great pick up tactic

>> No.13274148

>It was my job to dump it in the river behind the factory, upstream from the town.
>The kids are looking rough around here. Dunno what their problem is. Probably naturally weak.
This is a joke right?

>> No.13274178

imagine posting this

>> No.13274344


The obesity rate for women is 40% bro, lol

>> No.13274352

Do you really think “pussy” is what “incels” want?

>> No.13275208

Oh dear that's a baaaaad trend
“If You Don’t Initiate the Young, They Will Burn Down the Village to Feel the Heat”
- The wisest proverb to come from Africa

>> No.13275919

It's a self report and women lie so much they'll literally lie to an anonymous survey because it gives them a dopamine rush when they temporarily believe their own bullshit. Take the number there for women and halve it.