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13271103 No.13271103 [Reply] [Original]

>stock guys say what 10-15% a year is a good level of return
>on a bad year like 2018 you can lose 10-20% and its okay
>warren buffet himself claims to make only about 50% a year
>any cryptofaggot can double his stack in a day riding some obscure shitcoin on the pump
>some faggots make x5-x10 a day on big pumps or using leverage
Why the fuck would anyone invest in stocks, when the rate of return is so pathetic compared to crypto?

>> No.13271114

If its so easy why aren't you rich?

>> No.13271120

>what is liquidity and volume
god you fucking pajeets are beyond braindead

>> No.13271136

These are people investing large amounts of money. Risking tens of millions or more in crypto isn't worth it not to mention that the liquidity is way too low.

>> No.13271146

Your gains are 10x that of the stock market, but your losses are also 10x. Imagine having tens of millions in Bitcoin over the past year. Now imagine trying to sleep at night. Also no liquidity in most shitcoins.

>> No.13271159

I talk about regular guys, with small amounts who invest like 10k in stocks.
I dont think anyone in /smg/ has tens of millions, lol.

>> No.13271163

You cant buy even 50M of btc without moving the price, you think fucking buffet can drive billions into this market?

>> No.13271169

>what is otc

>> No.13271220

>stock guys say what 10-15% a year is a good level of return

5% is actually great
to 10-15% you have to either be insider, be lucky or made trading your full-time job

>warren buffet himself claims to make only about 50% a year

>any cryptofaggot can double his stack in a day riding some obscure shitcoin on the pump
if it was true you could me billionaire in less then month starting with 10$

>some faggots make x5-x10 a day on big pumps or using leverage
and some faggots loose x5-x10 in the same way

>> No.13271224

Maybe they're just boomers?

>> No.13271227


>> No.13271240

/thread. Fwiw Buffet has literally said that he doesn't think he can outperform the markets by a huge margin anymore.

>> No.13271250

No, Berkshire Hathaway was famous doing 12-18% annually, not fucking 50

>> No.13271255

>there is billion of real otc volume
you fucking brainlet lmao

>> No.13271270

5% is probably a bit too low though. The implied equity risk premium is about 6%. And that's on top of the risk free rate. A nominal expected return of 7% is a pretty conservative estimate.

>> No.13271283

You gave a better reply than was deserved

>> No.13271309

>Why the fuck would anyone invest in stocks, when the rate of return is so pathetic compared to crypto?


>> No.13271341

this level of ignorance is astounding

>> No.13271352

>I talk about regular guys, with small amounts who invest like 10k in stocks
you mentioned warren buffet in your OP...

>> No.13271368

>5% is actually great
>to 10-15% you have to either be insider, be lucky or made trading your full-time job
So whats the point to make 5% or less? Okay, for Buffett and other whales it makes sense, because 5% from a billion dollars is alot of money, but for an average retail investor it doesnt seem like its worth time and effort?


>if it was true you could me billionaire in less then month starting with 10$
You say what you didnt make 2x in a day in crypto a single time?

>and some faggots loose x5-x10 in the same way
Well, duh, you can lose it all in stock market as well, if it crashes.

>> No.13271415

5% a year more than quadruples your money after 30 years

>> No.13271431

People who invest heavily in equities generally have more than your mickey mouse pocket change portfolio and can't get in nor out of most cryptos (even bitcoin) with real money (100M+)

Buffet has even said multiple times its easier for us to make money than him (at least on % basis) given we don't have the liquidity constraints he does. Guy can't even find worthwhile entire companies to buy since hes sitting on billions in cash

>> No.13271438

the point in making 5% is that it’s 5% more than you get in a bank. and what are dividends? if you reinvest your profits wisely you can become the jew.

>> No.13271442

>So whats the point to make 5% or less?

Because you're an ADHD-riddled retard who doesn't understand the power of compound interest and time

>> No.13271472

>any cryptofaggot can double his stack in a day riding some obscure shitcoin on the pump

Keywords are 'can'. You're a pajeet fuck who's trying to double $50. Warren Buffet can't exactly dump $50,000,000 in a chink shitcoin without either crashing the exchange or getting exit scammed on. You people are so fucking dumb thinking crypto is for smart people.

Crypto is for poor people. It isn't even fucking possible to even PUT the money worth making for a multi-millionaire into crypto.

>> No.13271566

>make 5% a year for 30 years
>market crashes in a great depression of 2050
>lose everything

>le liqudity
Once again, im talking about regular joes with 10k or so who invest in stocks.
Like this guy:
He invested 10k and already lost 10% of that in 1 year.

I mentioned Buffett as an example of the best profits you could theoretically achieve in a stock market, thats all. Stop being retarded and learn to read, kthx.

>> No.13271601

>So whats the point to make 5% or less?
1. to fuck the inflation
2. to get 13th salary a year

great, now read it. he didnt "claims to make 50% a year"

>You say what you didnt make 2x in a day in crypto a single time?
oh god why i am even answering you

>> No.13271605

Crypto is too risky for normies. Hell it's too risky for anyone with a decent chunk of change to go all in on. Plus you can't trade crypto in an IRA to skirt paying taxes.

>> No.13271609


Neck yourself while getting fucked you retarded 16 year old newcunt. Nobody cares about you doubling $50 on some copypaste ERC token last week.

>> No.13271611

>only about 50% a year
That's huge you moron.

>> No.13271614

you realise most projects are done -98% from ath right? this shit was all about luck and timing you brainlet. its pure gambling and has nothing to do with investing but please keep coping. for every shitcoin that goes 10x you have 100 others tanking another -90%

>> No.13271616

you don't lose shit if you don't sell, and if you're not completely retarded, as you age you slowly change the composition of your investment portfolio and reduce risk as you get closer to your target date to actually need those funds

>> No.13271626

Is that you, op? You will make an attractive female one day. Go for it!

>> No.13271643

>>stock guys say what 10-15% a year is a good level of return
I made that much last month with basic trading skills and mindset. crypto is useless faggotry

>> No.13271646
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>warren buffet himself claims to make only about 50% a year

>> No.13271669

Top investors average 10-20% over the course of their career. Want to know how I know you’re inexperienced in investing?

>> No.13271680

>Top investors average 10-20% over the course of their career.
uh even bonds pay better than that, typo?

>> No.13271682

op obviously has no idea:

>how markets work
>how interest works
>how compound interest works
>what risk is
>what steady profits are

>> No.13271687

Look I 100% understand what OP is really asking, which for some reason the phags and brainlets in this thread keep nitpicking his overall question and point.

OP is asking why for those ppl with a little amount of startup money say between $10-30k go into the stock market to try and make a fortune via day trading. He is not speaking about boomers who work all day and throw their 401k into an ETF, or those that want to beat inflation. He is speaking about the retail investors that ARE trying to make it in the stock market day trading/trading as their sole occupation.

OP is asking why do THOSE type of investors, NOT Buffet, NOT a hedge fund, NOT your the average PTA Mom, why do THOSE guys choose the stock market/etc over crypto.

Now can you idiots in this thread that are so slow that they cannot grasp such a simple concept from a brainlet like the OP answer this man's question???

>> No.13271690

Tfw buffet now has all the money in the universe after 20 years

>> No.13271692


No they don’t retard

>> No.13271697

because for every faggot who claims they made a milli there are ten more who lost every dime of their initial on a shitcoin that became valueless

>> No.13271703


Because he’s a mental 5 year old investing wise and will not understand what we’re saying until he experiences and chases his first 50% loss in crypto

>> No.13271707

stay retarded and poor, simple math is profitable

>> No.13271715


Remember this comment when you don’t get anywhere lol

>> No.13271737

I'm up over 50% since january, where did you read that the best investors in the world only make 20% over their investments their entire lives? That's blatantly false from every perspective.

>> No.13271766


Congratulations sweetheart, so has any idiot with starting noob luck gains.


>> No.13271771

kys retard

>> No.13271851

I have no desire to frame his question for him. If he can't even articulate it then he needs to learn a lot more on his own first

>> No.13272899

The hard part isn't making 10-15% in a single trade.

The hard part is averaging 10-15% over your entire careers, decades of time.

Crypto currency haven't even been around for a decade. Option trades brag about 10x their money. But they rarely post their 90% losses from shit going bad. Very, very few investors can average such return over decades, regardless of investment medium.