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13270690 No.13270690 [Reply] [Original]

I have been avoiding Linkpool on the grounds of sticky SEC laws regarding securities.

But honestly, whats stopping me from picking up shares on a dex and staking? Worth the risk? I dont want my assets frozen anytime in the foreseeable future....

>> No.13270715

The IRS is going to figure it out in a few years and you're going to get whacked with fines and penalties. Just buy more LINK. You don't need the headache.

>> No.13270754

This. My stepdad works at the IRS and he told me to say away from LinkPool. They've got some serious blockchain analysis software coming out soon. It's going to be a sea change.

>> No.13270755

Why don't you just stake your LINK without LP Shares? There are no regulations against that for burgers and you still get passive income etc...

>> No.13270782

The final redpill is that Chainlink was finished a long time ago (Ruby). All this "being developed" nonsense is just for show. Ipso facto, not a security token, ergo LP is not a security either

>> No.13270791

my uncle works for Sergey and says bigmacs are going to be on the blockchain delivered straight to your wallet

>> No.13270801



>> No.13270827

Im a burger with 2 shares

>> No.13271025

Well I could easily stake them myself but Linkpool would be a nice easy backup.

I really dont think Linkpool is considered a security under US law, more so an investment company where investors pool their funds together, which would make it legal in US. The SEC only regulates investment clubs if they are considered securities under the Securities act of 1933, and as defined by sec.gov, "the investment club must first decide if its membership interests are 'securities.' Generally, a membership interest is a security if it is an “investment contract.'"

Anyone here knowledge about the legality surrounding this?

>> No.13271056

You can stake with linkpool without LP Shares

>There is no need to buy A LinkPool share in order to stake. Staking will be open to the general public **after a certain timeframe(**Will be announced) once mainnet is out, so you do not have to buy a share in order to stake(however buying a share will prioritize you over the general public in that timeframe.

>> No.13271058

>The final redpill is that Chainlink was finished a long time ago
The SEC has clearly defined decentralisation as their eventual sine quo non of crypto legitimacy. Having a fake open repo would be a massive black eye.

>> No.13271148

On second thought, Linkpool is guaranteed to be a security. For an investment club to avoid being labeled as a security, every member invested has to actively make decisions over where the money should be invested, and having even one single passive member would label the company as a security.

>> No.13271232

what absolutely cucked rules
wasn't crypto designed to say fuck these rules

>> No.13271247

I looked at the dex and the order book looks empty, how do you even buy lp shares?

>> No.13271262

I can sell you one for $777 ETH (current market price)

>> No.13271264
File: 166 KB, 720x1024, 00ECE14D-75D7-4EF4-9574-DD06E62CEF6C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are a bunch of faggots. Burger here. Bought LP when it came out to test new solidity contract technology as per my interest in Cornell, Ari juels, and the academics behind cryptocurrency and decentralized oracle technology. Can’t improve newtech if you dont use it! Im thinking of starting computer science classes at college so it’s a good thing the SEC has no defined rules for this tech yet (because it doesnt even exist yet!). Maybe they’ll figure it out someday. I was just experimenting with a new technology because it’s a hobby. Unfortunately I lost the private keys to the account my LP is in in a boating accident. Plus, I’m kind of a crypto brainlet and wouldn’t know how to send LP shares even if I had the keys! If it turns up and I move link gains I’ll file them under income for (((tax purposes))).

>> No.13271286

I mean you can easily work around them through decentralized exchanges but if they want to operate in the US they would need to adhere to SEC regulations.
Most crypto projects like Ethereum and Chainlink are not going to be considered securities, but any service or company built off of these networks that collects investors money and makes decisions without the input of every investors is most likely going to be labeled as a security, which would put them under strict requirements for operating in the US and the SEC would regulate the sale of linkpool shares.

But how the fuck are they going to regulate the sell of shares on a decentralized exchange? My only guess is that Linkpool will be held responsible for the payment of dividends under their shares as its an almost impossible task to regulate the buying and selling of the shares.

>> No.13271348

> Can’t improve newtech if you dont use it! Im thinking of starting computer science classes at college so it’s a good thing the SEC has no defined rules for this tech yet (because it doesnt even exist yet!).

The tech is somewhat irrelevant under law. Just because the SEC doesn't specifically mention the tech does not give it the green light. The SEC specifically mentions the method of pooling investors money together and under the eye of the law, they could care less if its done on traditional markets or not.

If you make an erc-20 token and hold an ICO to raise funds then completely leave with investors money you are still held liable under US law and will be prosecuted as such. The US government does not care about the tech you used to scam people, they care about the fact that you scammed people. Same logic applies to Linkpool being labeled as a security.