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13265749 No.13265749[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

i want to have sex with every girl i work with and threesomes, foursomes, whatever. wtf to do

>> No.13265751


Ask for sex

>> No.13265758

Is it really that easy?? Wtf have I been doing all along????

>> No.13265767

Losing your time?

>> No.13265768


Being a beta bitch

>> No.13265769

Just bee yourself. Start talking n flirting n shit

>> No.13265789

i had a chance with one after work one night, we grabbed drinks, and the moment she sat down she turns to me and says "i wish some guy would just straight up tell me-- i want to fuck you"

i just laughed.... kills me over and over everytime i think about it

>> No.13265822

She was fat or imaginary, wasn’t she

>> No.13265828

i wish... it'd help with the coping

>> No.13265833

My life is a lie...

>> No.13265840

Just wait for VR to adapt to what you wish. You will be able to virtually fuck'em all in a decade.

>> No.13265854

This is not financial advice but I’d suggest you to be more outgoing and confident. Work out, get a hobby, and most importantly just bee yourself

>> No.13265869

Can I fix this or should I just kms?

>> No.13265877

Kys is the best default option for most bizlets

>> No.13265890

Its the porn thats giving you unrealistic expectations of sex

>> No.13265900

are threesomes and foursomes not that common?

>> No.13265901

If you don't have at least somewhat good genetics you are fucked. Ugly people only get to fuck other ugly people who are going to be stand offish due to being rejected themselves for most of their life. You also seem to have no social skills which is just icing on the cake. Just kys.

>> No.13265949

>good genetics
>pretty decent social skills
>no confidence
>feel like a sexual degenerate for desiring group conquest

>> No.13265990

Yeah, she saw you as a brother type, gay or beta male to confide in

>> No.13266017

kek pretty sure it was a door opening

>> No.13266103

I don't know how I will respond to that but if I am a couple of beers in I would say:

"Alright then wanna go back to my place?"

Was she hot? I mean I can fully understand that if a girl would say that, which is an opening btw, that maybe you're dumbstruck for a second because it's so unusual. But would still try and take it nonetheless.

>> No.13266125

Why don't you try and fix doing drinks with her again and then literally just say:

"Remember when you said that you want guys to be direct with you"

and then just say it. I would do that. But make sure she is a couple of beers in.

>> No.13266132


Tell them all

>> No.13266233

get fit, take care or your face, start going out on weekends to build your social skills. Eventually women will start coming up to you, at which point you have to figure out the rubik's cube that is talking to women with the intent of fucking

>> No.13266274

>women will start coming up to you
No they will find excuses to be close to you, play with their hair, adjust their clothes in your vicinity and find other methods to get your attention and get you to talk them. Very rarely will they initiate, it’s up to the guy to initiate and then read her signals and say/do the right shit.

>> No.13266280

its really tragic

sex must be reorganized. the gap between what we are seeing online, what we know is truly possible, and what manifests in the real world is simply too high for most of us.

imagine the possibilities of the internet/apps/phones whatever. You could have a MonWedFri gf and TuTh gf, and be free on the weekends. You could have a white wife and an asian wife. You could have a wife who is very active on social media showing off her ass and shit to attract other couples for you to have 4somes with. We need to... level this up. 4chan has all the smartest hottest people!

>> No.13266306

That’s rape

>> No.13266312

When I was peaking basically every girl I talked to, I talked to in such a way that it was obvious that I wanted to bang them. Of course not in a whitetrash way but just make sure that they understand you wanna bang them by small compliments or just be extremely direct but say it "as a joke". Worked like a charm. I actually did the yawn and arms around her technique often it's so stupid direct and funny awkward but nonetheless it shows that you are interested.

In short, I think that being very direct but packaged with humor is the way to go.


>> No.13266315
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sex is overrated
roastie lies on back doing nothing while I do all the work
miss me w that cuckery breh

>> No.13266342

I've had two initiate last year. I'm a spergazoid so I dropped the ball of course, but it does happen if you take care of yourself enough.

I'm also 6' so maybe that's why

>the yawn and arms around her technique
what the fuck kind of PUA gobbledygook are you blithering about here

>> No.13266355

Autism definitely doesn't help. Do you have autism, op?

>> No.13266410


This "move" is basically in every 90s movie about teenage dates to a cinema. Just because you don't have general knowledge shouldn't give you to right to become a meany to me. Here you go nigger:

Yawn-And-Put-The-Arm-Over-The-Shoulder Manouver
The cheesiest move a guy can ever do. ever. You yawn, and lift up your arms in a streching move, then put your arm over her shoulder. One of the hardest moves to pull off.
I saw a guy do the Yawn-And-Put-The-Arm-Over-The-Shoulder Manouver in france next to the eiffel tower before, and I wanted to go and shake his hand. But I didn't want to ruin the moment.


>> No.13266429

this is bad sex you should try good sex

>> No.13266448

definitely going to do this the next time the opportunity presents itself, unfortunately it's been AWHILE since we've grabbed drinks. we haven't really gotten along too well lately either, probably cause of the sexual tension that I abandoned towards her

definitely know what you mean here>>13266312 they love it

>> No.13266460


Only if your name is Genghis.

I've had one threesome in my life, ended up being lamer than I thought it would be. Has to be with the right people I suppose.

>> No.13266472

You misspelt manoeuvre twice.

>> No.13266478

Jup, you blew it.
Also next time you see her ask her how she's feeling today.
Its a bit different than how are you but you should be able to pull it off. When she asks back you say you feel like you wanna fuck her.

>> No.13266503

brb changing my name

>> No.13266504

Yea but they tell you you're a good boy with a big cock and that's all I'm looking for

>> No.13266527

Thats literally what my gf tells me. Only difference is I lay on my back all of the time and let her ride me.
Well not all of the time, sometimes doggystyle.

>> No.13266534


You have the face then. NICE.

You have to lift man. 10-13% bodyfat with that mass. Shit is not a meme. Your success will be legit ridiculous. If you don't believe me, do a tinder experiment with Bradley martyn or whatever aesthetic chad.

You could consider PE as well, for that there gossip about your 1 foot weiner bringing more girls (srs).

You don't need any of that to get your threesome. BUT, women will come by themselves. Once I got noticeably big and okaish lean, women approached me on their own at uni, parties, eyefucked me in the street.

Also meditation and some aerobic , maybe hiit for confidence + positive toughts.

>> No.13266537

Chase a bag never chase a bitch

>> No.13266570

set up a spy cam in the womens bathroom on motion capture, jerk off to piss and shit vids, cry yourself to sleep from guilt and loneliness, repeat, get caught, get arrested, say hello from jail via assphone.

>> No.13266571

Seriously though how do you get women? Do you really have to be mean to them? Ignore them? Everyone always gives conflicting advise and then I realize you can either get them or can't and that my only option is to kms