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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13259868 No.13259868 [Reply] [Original]

>realising I could have been on my way to a nice little pot of gold if /biz/ didn't scam me out of my money with the crypto bullshit a few years ago

Anyone else fall for this scam?

>> No.13259891

we doubled down and now we are flush. idk about you m8 but you don't understand supply n demand

>> No.13259895

If you got in a "few years" ago and aren't rich, you're a fucking retard.

>> No.13259914

I literally can't for the life of me understand how people don't accumulate at least a couple hundred grand by 30

>> No.13259917
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Did you know if you save $500 a month, starting at age 25, and invest it in American business, you could afford a starter condo in an American city by the time you're 65?

>> No.13259937

I'm 29, by early next year I plan to be 75% index investing, and then increasing that by 1%/yr. It's boring af, but nearly guaranteed.

>> No.13259959

Omg I heard of these things called boomers is that you xD?

>> No.13259960

This probably for lower to middle income people who will need just modest savings through retirement.

Yeah if you want to live a 80k/yr+ lifestyle you will need to save a mil+, but if you're looking to sustain yourself through your retirement comfortably + SS then this would theoretically do

>> No.13259963

I’m 30 and I barely have $25k

>> No.13259991

Some people are unfortunate enough to be born into financially illiterate families and make all of the same mistakes before they realise the problem.

And by then they're 30 with no savings.

>> No.13259995

>"Oops sorry we had to raid your savings to fund boomers pensions and bail out irresponsible bank lending :)"

>> No.13259997

And the alternative is to not save anything and put a bullet to your end when you're 65?

>> No.13260021

Chasing material wealth and temporal power will leave your soul empty and your bum homosexual.

>> No.13260023

What went wrong? Or have you just put most of your wealth in real estate / cars / etc?
That isn't an excuse. By the time you're 20 you should have a grasp on things, at the latest. Whether or not you decided to go to college at that point is irelevent, 10 years is more than enough to grind out a couple hundren grand

>> No.13260061

Yes 20 at the latest. At 20 you should know. This patronizing tone, post your finances, prove you have a couple hundred grand. Faggot

>> No.13260062

>Tfw 3 pensions set up ready to roll by the time I'm 50.
>25% interest rate up to 4K in a governemnt ISA wich I'm hitting every year now up to 10K

Thanks for the free money tax payers hehehehe.

>> No.13260092

> Average single person makes $35K before taxes
Why isn't everyone millionaires like me?

>> No.13260120
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I'm currently about a year into my career, been able to save avg. of 5k per quarter up until now. 20k/yr *10 yr = 200k, it's doable bros. Sad part is I'm paying about 40% of my income to rent, and can't invest in property for a while (modest 2bed/bath is 250-300k on the low end in my location). I know it's a short history, but I think am doing alright so far... How can I improve my situation? Make about 50k/yr before taxes btw

>> No.13260151

>tfw 30 year old neet
I'm a loser and this thread is killing me inside. Can I still make it bros if I turn my life around this year?

>> No.13260181

I admit I've made most of my money thru investments which are a zero sum game, meaning it would be unfair to expect the average person to make any returns on them. But if nothing else, you have to admit a fully grown adult should be responsible for his own finances, no?
This is more than enough starting at 18 and saving / investing your way to 30 as a single person
Keep going bro and switch from rent to a mortgage if the housing market ever crashes. Don't be afraid to buy a foreclosure in that event either

>> No.13260203

start doing your research on some crypto and hope for a 100x. I feel you dude.
t.30yearoldneet got lucky with crypto

>> No.13260237

You give me hope. I'm in a couple of alt-coins with a few hundred dollars. Could buy more, but with being a NEET seems too risky. How much did you put in initially?

>> No.13260265

That's basically what I'm waiting for but I'm also worried that home prices will just keep rising and I'll come to regret not getting a mortgage sooner. My region is one of the fastest growing in the states, avg. rent in my city has increased from 600-1200 in the last 5 years, so I'm torn

>> No.13260270

> Thinks the 35K figure starts at 18
> Not understanding it's an average
> Not realizing there's a whole shit load of people making less than $10/hr or $20K before taxes, rent, car payment, insurance, gas, food, utilities
It's just so hard to understand

>> No.13260290

couldnt get a job with a meme degree bad spending habits with shitty job. Realised mistake until 30 :(

>> No.13260303

Most millennial throw away well over $10k a year on stupid shit like overly expensive cars, avocado toast for lunch every day, smoking and drinking, and vacations across the world. If they saved that money instead they would have well over 100k by age 30.

>> No.13260331

>a few years ago
let's say you're a faggot and you mean exactly 2 years
from memory, in april, eth was $60-80 and btc $1000
which means even if you sold nothing at the top, you would have 3x your money right now

at 30 i was a kv neet highschool dropout with crippling health issues, mental and physical
at 34 i have spent 4 years with a qt much younger than me, traveled a bit, fixed most of my issues and make a little money being selfemployed
don't lose hope fren. it's often the case late bloomers take slower because they have more potential
close 4chan for the next 20 minutes, grab a pen and paper and write earnestly about what you're good at, and what value you could bring to someone else. you're going to make it anon

>> No.13260354

No, no they fucking don't, the 5%of millennials on YouTube social media or otherwise popular do, most millenials are broke as fuck and drink PBR as a result.

>> No.13260365

Depending on your situation you could consider moving or finding a roommate to lower your cost of living. I tend to agree everyone calling that the housing market will crash to hell right around the corner are blind to how strong the economy is right now. The Fed seems to not be so bullish by lowering the mortgage rate, but this is only gonna delay things further. It'll probably be a while before a dip worth buying.
Even working at Walmart would be good enough if you're financially literate

>> No.13260385

>financially literate consists of living with 10 people in a 200sqft studio

>> No.13260406

Definitely considering finding a roommate, but that's proven to be a challenge, since my friends are all, to put it bluntly, losers. I'm also weary about rooming with a stranger. My family all lives here and I like my job so moving cities isn't in the cards right now. Thx for advice

>> No.13260439

unironically find a decent woman. my fiancé makes way less than me but she helps offset my rent and generally makes my life better through companionship. she makes 25% of what I make so she pays 25% of the rent. small but every little bit helps.

>> No.13261463

Every time I've tried to have a roommate, I've got burned. One was retarded enough to get caught torrenting pornography and got us sued since we were all on the lease, thought I found a decent girl until she ditched partway into the lease and left her dog, etc.

As someone from a poor part of the country, white middle class america is fucking gay and retarded. They squander so much on stupid shit and then pat each other on the back and say it'll be ok because that's what everyone does. I just turned 27 and I've accepted I'll never be rich, but fuck me, I'm completely debt free and don't live in an area with a high cost of living.

>> No.13261497

>Anyone else fall for this scam?
Yeah me too bro. These 10,000% gains are such a scam. Fuck you biz

>> No.13261546

just keep trying anon, this time its for real

>> No.13261560

Basically this

>> No.13261651

>made 25/hour after taxes at 18
Feels good brah

>> No.13262375

Not everyone has had the same opportunity as you. God, you fucking fags are SO spoiled. Yes, you're smart. Good job. But not everyone has financially literate parents (OR EVEN COMMUNITIES) that tell them these things even EXIST. Life is hard, and shit happens. You ever really been broke? I doubt it. Fucking kike.

>> No.13262390

>Australian bragging about their worthless money per usual

25 with net worth of 50k (30 401k) 20 crypto paid off car and renting

>> No.13262464

ITT: boomers and gen X GO BACK TO FACEBOOK

>> No.13262494

Tfw you realize everyone here is a 17 year old pseudo intellectual