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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13259694 No.13259694 [Reply] [Original]

Literally every job I have applied to for the last two years, despite having the skills and over a decade of experience, top marks and commendation awards, has turned me down, besides scammy 80 hr/wk commission jobs like life insurance agencies and car salesmen jobs.

I just want a 30k/yr job why will nobody hire me???

>> No.13259775

The population of the us increased by 170 million or so in the past 50 years, diring this same period, illegal immigrants had arrived in the tens of millions, globalization led to outsourcing and the percentage of women working doubled as well. You understand how inflation of currency works, right? These are the consequences inherent to the inflation of people/labor.

>> No.13259792

Are you in the midwest? Manufacturing jobs start at $14 to $16.

Call centers depending on where you live start from $13 to $20 an hour.

Amazon and Walmart warehouse/picker jobs are usually $15/hour and up

Target pays $12 an hour everywhere sometimes more.

Gl anon

>> No.13259793
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Because a college degree is a signal that you have the cognitive and social capabilities of a normal human being. It shows that you have the minimal self counsciousness for introspection, reflexivity and critical thinking. For an employer it means he won't have to micromanage you over your shoulder every day of his life.
Everybody that can read, count, write and type is basically skilled enough for 90% of the office job market.
An university degree is just a proof that you can use your skills with the minimal intelligence and autonomy in a professional context.
Get a degree and don't listen the uncultured poorfags of /pol/ or you will stay a pleb forever

>> No.13259796


Now think about how all corporations are behind ‘muh feels open borders nao’ as a way of importing infinite scabs to break wages down further while simultaneously disenfranchising and dispossesing the native born

>> No.13259807

Because they can hire people that will be easily corralled.
You probably have 1 of the following traits that makes you undesirable as a slave:
-a broad view of the world
->80 IQ
-a desire to make something of yourself

No employer wants any of these traits in their peons, they need desperate folks to cower in fear at the idea of losing their job at any moment. A fearful employee is a good employee.

>> No.13259818

How else would your boss know you have the right thoughts and won't shoot up his office?

>> No.13259825

I know this is bait so I won't even address the central premise here but I would just like to remind you and everyone else ITT that even STEM degrees aren't a safe bet now.
Good luck faggots.

>> No.13259854

>A fearful employee is a good employee
Literally this.
This is the only reason why people won't hire you if you have even a small gap of unemployment in your work history. It shows that you are self-sufficient and therefore don't need to rely on the good grace of your masters

>> No.13259941

But I'm only competing with the 4% of the population that's unemployed, right? At best, 15% if others are looking for a second or third job.

But, that's across the nation, I'm actually only competing against the 4% of the 3 million that live in my area, so 120,000.

I guess that still is steep competition, but out of my thousands of applications, surely I'd get selected for ONE of them!

I'm not, and I'll apply at Target, as I have one of those in the area. Amazon is too far away, they require an in person interview before hiring and I haven't been able to drive that far. Thanks anon!

Well, I had a full scholarship, but a family crisis forced me to drop out and support my family. Surely a 31 (out of a possible 36 for my non-American anons) on the ACT should count for that, though.

Walls work desu

3 out of those are correct, but while I've never had an IQ test, my 31 on the ACT should dispel any notion of low intellect.

>> No.13260018

> >80 IQ
Anon, are you sure? :^)
But for real, any of those are actually something that corporate employers dislike.
Having education or skills outside of the standard pipeline of sheep doesn't make you attractive to private employers, but the government (ironically) seems to have higher IQ nerds in the upper echelons, when talking about departments that actually do something.

It's fascinating how we've reached an age where neo-feudalism exists and serfs who can manage themselves without becoming a slave is notionally exiled from society.

>> No.13260019


>> No.13260042

120k people per job is pretty shitty odds. it's no wonder why the value of labor (especially unskilled) is essentially worthless now.

Also you forgot to factor in the amount of blue collar work that has simply been permanently outsourced never to return.

>> No.13260064

It's who you know, not what you know. Expand your social circle and expand your opportunities.

>> No.13260084

Make sure that YOU contact them within a few days, don't wait for them to contact you, they won't. It's an unwritten rule that you contact them. Unless you have the qualifications of a lifetime you're leaving it completely up to chance unless you have the temerity to call up and project the fact that you really want the job directly.

>> No.13260107

30k/yr is basic grunt work. If you can't even get that, you probably will be picking up bottles for the rest of your life

>> No.13260153

actually 30k a year is low level mangerial. that's what your average cop makes in a year. the typical wage slave is making 10 to 15$ an hour right now.

>> No.13260180


>> No.13260190

In some shit hole state?

Union Police officers out west start at $50,000, in larger cities around $90,000. Most will end their career in the $150,000-250,000 with their special unit and overtime.

>> No.13260229

yea. well. this might be a hard concept to grasp for you but large swaths of the US are essentially a 3rd world country now...

>> No.13260294

You fucking don't. It's not hard. Get a fucking entry level sales job and cut your teeth on getting rejected 100 times a day. If you can sit on fucking 4chan and see the hate that gets spewed here without killing yourself you'll do fucking fine in sales.

I started selling cell phones in the "activations department" for fucking Qwest Wireless making $12-20 hour after commissions when I was 16 years old in ~2004. I bounced from call center sales job to call center sales job (it's all fucking sales, if it's customer service with upselling it's fucking sales) from the age of 16-23, and usually worked up into "escalations" or "helpdesk" type roles. From there you can either go after call center management (fucking braindead work and easy pay, lots of cute roasties) or look at a serious sales gig.

Right now I'm salaried at 50k in Northern Colorado and make about 30-60k/year in commissions on top of that. It's not life changing money but it sure as fuck beats working for $10/hour and lets me life comfortably and put decent chunks of change into crypto and speculative investments.

>> No.13260332

Other perks of phone based sales gigs:

-work from home whenever the fuck I want
-get to travel to all the cannabis trade shows (i sell retail software for cannabis dispensaries)
-super laid back work environment, loose schedule
-can do basically whatever the fuck I want as long as I make sales

>> No.13260367

I made $11.50 an hour working at mcwagies and I don't even have a GED

>> No.13260387


The real number is more like 10% if you include part time workers.

>> No.13260416


$15 an hour full time is $31k a year. OP can't even get that. He must be a fat NEET neckbeard.

>> No.13260445

If you live in California, Costco pays a few dollar over the min, in two years, they plan to pay new hires 20/hr in so-cal, workers at the register will be getting paid 30/hr. They already start off at like 17/hr, it's a legit job. Everyone at Costco actually doesn't want to kill themselves and they treat their employees well.

>> No.13260519

>he didn't mention automation once
Low IQ aspie confirmed.

>> No.13260572

Do you have a throwaway email where I can contact you?
I do the same type of work right now, just wanted to see how you got to where you are.

>> No.13260704


>> No.13261166
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Deliver pizza, I make $15/hr to just drive around and listen to music

>> No.13261192

Also, pizza places are normally always short staffed, I got a call back the day I applied, interview the next, working by the end of the week.

>> No.13261220

You have been blacklisted for posting on online neo nazi boards.

>> No.13261426

sure fren hit me up at "tehfakezorz@gmail.com"

>> No.13261495

life is a scam. everything you hear is lies.

>> No.13261509

But it's anonymous, anonymous

>> No.13261529

>Get a degree
No need for me; I got an internship which turned into a part-time job. After a year of that, I was able to use it as leverage into a full-time salaried position. I didn't fall for the trick of wasting away 4 years of your life and falling tens of thousands of dollars in student debt.

>> No.13261923

what is your job?
how old are you now?

>> No.13262269


i'll say you definitely need better goals and you need to make a plan w/ milestones.

>just want a 30k/yr job

^there is so much opportunity right now. that's a sad goal.

>> No.13262326


There are plenty of free and cheap certifications online to pad your resume with, many that go farther than a degree because it shows your drive to self achieve.

If you're not making good money it's your own damn fault.

>> No.13262341

You dont need a college degree to make a $1000+ commission.

>> No.13262531

But you need social skills.

>> No.13262817

selling jobs are the one will not be automated, or the people will love to have a seller bot and will be enterntaiened to the point to purchase everything the robot shill them?