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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13257388 No.13257388 [Reply] [Original]

If I recall most other shills had at least one major pump - HOLO, QNT, CHX, LTO, RVN, BTMX, FTM looking ready to go now too.

This shit still can't even get above 1k sat for more than a week

>> No.13257431

I'm still bullish but it's been performing pretty bad I agree

>> No.13257471


Snowblossom is ass, but yeah this is somewhere on the bottom tier.

>> No.13257598

I've only got a small bag but isn't it like 4-5x off the bottom?

>> No.13257655

yeah and only 90% down from ATH

>> No.13258051

Already missed FTM.

>> No.13258061

Yeah just buy the ones that have already been pumped OP, you genius.

>> No.13258066

NKN isn't pumping though

>> No.13258067

Just wait.
This will be a xrb when mainnet release.

>> No.13258079

I'm waiting until mainnet before calling this a total bust
It's been shit so far, though. No denying that

>> No.13258092

Sure mate, sure

>> No.13258101

Agree. But still hanging on because I think this is the one most likely to catch everyone by surprise.

>> No.13258119

Up by just under 5x in 3 months. And let's not forget how fucking abysmal the volume was at 1 cent. Most people accumulated around 2 cents. This is slow and steady for crypto m8

>> No.13258195

I think this is a good sign. Growth has generally been slow and steady since it was shilled. The others are just PnDs

>> No.13258477

It needs a decent exchange where Americans can buy. They fucked up on that one.

>> No.13258509

That's just American regulation. They'll be able to buy when it goes to mainnet

>> No.13258512

The delusion

>> No.13258532

Once mainnet is out, both Bittrex and Gate will be available for burgers.

Also I don't know what are you guys complaining. Literally 5x from the bottom, I'm 3x myself, and we haven't even started yet.

>> No.13258725

5x from bottom and yet still 90% down.

>> No.13258954

Grossly overvalued when it opened trading. Now it deserves 50 cents way more than these days.

>> No.13259053

This. It's still very difficult for burgers to buy this, but that will change soon. And unlike all the shitcoins OP listed this is a real project. Almost 9,000 consensus nodes. More than ethereum.

>> No.13259100

why do you think burgers are going to suddenly be rushing to buy it?

>> No.13259121

Sold my bag of NKN for CHX and haven't looked back.

>> No.13259150

Hehe I love the bitter $.50 bag holders in every NKN thread. You ever heard of dollar cost averaging anon? Or do you always go all in at the top of a random discord pump?

>> No.13259222
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If you're asking me to shill the project to you there's just too much info I wouldn't know where to start. Check their medium page. Plus mining this is so easy even a normie can do it.

>> No.13259326
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im financially ruined

>> No.13259504
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>he bought NKN

>> No.13259566

Burgers always rush to buy things. They are simple animals running mostly on instinct.

>> No.13259579

Every shitcoin that didn't come out AFTER the bullrun has gone down 90%+. NKN has performed great, got in at around 2.5c and it has almost doubled since.

>> No.13260011

Up 80+%. Eat shit jealous fag bitch

>> No.13260703
File: 52 KB, 612x913, 1554595485948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$1.40 eoy 2019
$14 eoy 2021

>> No.13260748

It 4x from the bottom
People that bought there are cashing out
Simple math, you’d do the same

>> No.13260787

probably where the hate stems from
never pumped in 2018 like they hoped like ontology did
bought at 25 cents, never sold, never cost averaged(which was very stupid as i wanted to at 400 sats but was too lazy) but not hating, what people lack novadays is patience, they have to have everything immediately, spoiled by everything being readily available

>> No.13260839

I believe NKN will have one of the most impressive rallies eventually. If people want to buy hype there's BTT for that. And even that isn't pumping too much.