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File: 379 KB, 716x902, Screenshot_20190325-013015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13255093 No.13255093 [Reply] [Original]

Do you need a body like this to truly make the most of the coming crypto gains?

>> No.13255413

> works out everyday
> still doesn’t see any gains

>> No.13255429


>> No.13255435
File: 194 KB, 1024x1025, ha-muerto-clint-walker-el-mas-cachas-de-los-doce-del-patibulo.-ya-solo-quedan-vivos-dos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats a decent body
If you are 15
If you are a grown man you want something more like this

>> No.13255436


Lol a body like that????


>> No.13255478

You will get a body like that pretty soon op. That's just the result of not waiting food

>> No.13255601

how do you get on this level if you're twinkmode tallfag at 25
i do lift weights and do some home exercise but im afraid i'll just get visible muscles but no bulk

>> No.13255626

(especially protein)
Weight lift a lot,but dont do much cardio.
Eat atleast 5 times a day til you are full,if you cant eat a lot and are suffering too much buy a mass gainer

>> No.13255636

i only eat 1.5 times a day
how do you even come up with ideas on what to cook

>> No.13255676

You need to bulk. You should be eating 3k calories a day and as much protein as you can. It doesn't matter if you lift if you don't give your body the nutrients to actually grow

>> No.13255684

accept that you will have to work harder than even a fat person desu

fat fucks are just lazy, and it is much easier to lose chub than to bulk up from skinny

t. skinny chad

>> No.13255692

If he's not using the extra energy, that's a great way to become fat

>> No.13255714

Well yeah he's gonna take on some bodyfat, but he'll also build muscle and then he can cut the fat later

>> No.13255718

are you a skinnyfag or no? It is difficult to gain weight with this kind of metabolism even if you force field yourself all day, risk of getting fat is like non existent which is why we suffer

>> No.13255734

All humans use roughly the same amount of calories per day. You just don't eat enough

>> No.13255740

i can attest to this bro. it is hard af.
I was eating;
breakfast; 2 cans of baked beans, 6 eggs, 2 packets of oats, banana and half a litre of milk
lunch; 3 chicken breast, potatoes, vegetables
dinner: steak, potatoes, vegetables

i only gained 3kg in 2 months.
i spend like 2-3 hours a day in total in the kitchen. It's just not sustainable. and then the minute i go back to eating a normal amount of food i lose all the weight in like 2-3 weeks.

>> No.13255753

>Muh metabolism
Only fat people and people who don't actually eat think this
If you eat more calories than you expend physically you will gain weight. If you eat more than 3k calories a day you'll gain weight

>> No.13255775

Drink more milk, I might be wrong but this
diet sounds like it's only 2700 calories.

>> No.13255777

The only legit theory is EAT MORE theory ,always works kek
(For some is harder)

>> No.13255802

Trips of truth

>> No.13255806

>breakfast; 2 cans of baked beans, 6 eggs, 2 packets of oats, banana and half a litre of milk
Six eggs are 470 calories, beans around the same. The rest isn't much

>lunch; 3 chicken breast, potatoes, vegetables
Chicken: maybe 500 calories, calories in the vegetables are negligible

>dinner: steak, potatoes, vegetables
Same as above. Steak is 270 calories per 100 grams, don't know how large your steaks were

>> No.13255811

No definition, no abs, but you want a body like this when you’re an adult? Shoot a little higher next time

>> No.13255836

That’s a lot of hard work with little results sorry to hear that, just eat your normal meals and get a mass gainer with like 1k calories and you’ll be golden in no time

>> No.13255844

28 and skinny as fuck and been skinny my whole life and im fucking SICK OF IT

>> No.13255856

this is good advice. muscles are made in the kitchen, which i wish i had understood earlier myself. you need to prep meals homie. makes it easy to control what and when you eat, as well as portions to make sure you're hitting 3k calories every day. commercial mass gainers are garbage corn derivatives that will leave you bloated plus they all taste like literal ass. personally i would eat a shit ton of yams to get my calories up, or if i wanted a shake i would just add half a cup of oats to some whey and blend that bitch up.

>t. 120 -> 160 and shredded

>> No.13255858

what are the side effects of mass gainer?

>> No.13255879

don't even bother with them chief. empty calories with no real nutritional content. yes you will gain weight but not in the way you want to.

>> No.13255904

the hell is a yam
looks like some potato thing
whats some high caloric foods that i can get in a normal store?
also which kind of meat is best/healthiest?
i like any kind, just wondering what i should consume the most

>> No.13255923

you know how kids like to do GOMAD to gain mass?

try ADEAD, a dozen eggs a day as your basic "foundation" of protein.

>> No.13255924

Is this b8? I think it is, but I'll bite. This is not a body anyone wants except for perhaps the feminine half of a lesbian relationship. This dude weighs like 125, looks sickly. He's not even muscular, just malnourished.

>> No.13255950

whole milk
nuts like sunflower seeds and almonds

>> No.13255951

Poultry is better than red meat, so chicken and stuff like that. Fish is also good, except farmed fish is full of all kinds of toxins

Cheese is good for calories

>> No.13255971

Lol fuck this softbody. OP looks better

>> No.13256031

any alternatives to milk?
that shit fucks me up
i think i developed lactose intolerance sometime in my 20's

>> No.13256041

these are all good. fish is kino but expensive. you could be a third worlder living off a few bucks a day and still get huge off rice and beans. you need to balance calories with nutrition though (ie no processed foods). mass gainers for example will give you >1000 calories calories per serving but they're empty calories, the maltodextrin essentially metabolizes as sugar. more than anything you just need to force yourself to stop eating like a bird. eating 1-2 meals a day while pumping iron will give you negative results if anything. unironically consider blazing some dank 420 my nibba. get some healthy munchies and a sleep like a log off that good kush.

>> No.13256109

>tfw dont lift at all
>still naturally muscular af
>be manlet


>> No.13256147

>tfw 6ft1
>muscular build with 0 effort
>Eat tons no bodyfat
>good genetic looks
>lots of money (soon)

>> No.13256201

No but you need shoes like that for the moon mission

>> No.13256202

There is literally nothing wrong with red meat as long as it's free range and raised without anti-biotics. Saturated fats are good for you anon.

>> No.13256220
File: 19 KB, 260x386, grinch13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a body like this, how rich am I going to be? my stack is currently 340 ETH.

>> No.13256223

You probably both shave your legs and body kek fags

>> No.13256317

amazing how triggered you literal faggots get when confronted with the fact that not only have you wasted time and money getting 'shredded' but also that they only people that body type appeals to are other vain, homosexual men

OP's body type is the ideal

>> No.13256370

There have been studies where larger amounts of red meat were connected to a higher likelihood of colon cancer, but yeah I don't know how much of that is attributed to the processed stuff

>> No.13256786

Don't fall for the bulk recommendations because you will mostly gain fat (unless it's ok for you to gain fat) that you will need to cut. What you want is slowly gain muscle (0.5 - 1 kg per month) while maintaining a low body fat %. For that you just need to eat 200-300 kcal more than what your body consumes with the right ratio of protein/fat/carbs. It means that you need to measure everything. It's tedious but there are websites like cronometer.com that helps you count everything.
Yeah no wonder.. use cronometer.com to calculate how much calorie you eat now (it's not enough). It's easier if you eat 6 smaller meals per day than 3 big ones.
this is a random example i found on yt how you cook for a whole week to save time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ya_uIbpH0Zc