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13255077 No.13255077 [Reply] [Original]

Crypto is only wortwhile because of blockchain, blockchain is only worthwhile because of smart contracts, smart contracts are worthless without oracles, oracles are worthless if they're not decentralized, chainlink is the leader in decentralized oracles.

It really is that simple.


You really will be a millionaire in five years.

>> No.13255084

source: nothing

>> No.13255085


>> No.13255098

source the last two years of collective research

>> No.13255099

>blockchain is only worthwhile because of smart contracts
ownership of digital assets is the killer app, no other smart contracts are necessary to make blockchain legitamate

>> No.13255126

And plants are useless without light

And life is useless without water

Dude seriously fuck off

>> No.13255178

Crypto is only worthwhile because the price keeps going up because you can't shut it down so it never dies and the price keeps going up so more people pour money into it which makes the price pump even more and....

Basically it's a neverending ponzi

>> No.13255303


>> No.13255422

Who are the principal competitors of chainlink?

>> No.13255594

Anyone who wants to develop their own proprietary software to manage their smart contracts? I'm guessing literally everyone that matters?

>> No.13255671

what about when all the money is in crypto? it dies?

>> No.13256389

No, it becomes a world currency.

>> No.13256409

Oraclize is the biggest right now since they ship product - but they’ve bent the knee and admit they’ll run a node when link ships

>> No.13256462

Smart contracts are worthwhile because they are the backbone of the internet of value. The internet of value is worthwhile because it democratizes and empowers the ownership of one’s own data and opens a wide range of business relationships. The vast majority of applications enabling the internet of value require real world data fed through highly reliable and secure oracles.

You gotta explain the necessity of smart contracts to properly “get” the importance of the oracle, man

>> No.13256472
File: 41 KB, 641x530, 78e392bebb1c2cb4d567855e3fe9381b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't know Joe Biden used 4chan

>> No.13256488

>Crypto is only wortwhile because of blockchain, blockchain is only worthwhile because of smart contracts
>conveniently not full name of cryptoCURRENCY

Yes being in control of your own money was never why cryptocurrency was made, it was about shart contracts from the beginning, yes.

6/10 this kinda pissed me off

>> No.13256529

please lord make vidt moon so i can reach 100k linkies, only 20k now and i feel like a pleb, unironically took a bank loan of 20k euros in january 2018 and bought 20k link at its ath, was studying abroad and about to fail my masters so took the loan and left the country kek... jews btfo

>> No.13256573

Wow yer a degen, good fer ya boy

>> No.13256616

>Decentralized oracles

You mean decentrally manipulated oracles?


>> No.13256633

Checked and literally the purest logical deduction I've ever seen on this site kek

>> No.13256902
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And life would be hard without idiots

>> No.13256947

How much VIDT are you holding? If you're planning on getting 80k link you must have a pretty big bag

>> No.13257208
File: 115 KB, 640x600, soy-640x600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>#blockchain not bitcoin
>bitcoin is nice and all but BLOCKCHAIN is where it's at

>> No.13257455

More like
>source: not being mentally challenged.

>> No.13258179

Wow. It really is that simple. Just sold everything else I have and purchased 10% of Chainlink supply so thanks anon you really are the brightest bulb in the box

>> No.13258261

I legit just bought 300 chainlink coins because of this thread., am I going to make it?

>> No.13258309

Nobody actually uses smart contracts for anything other than ICOs and gambling dapps.

>> No.13258456

>5 more years to accumulate
Praise Kek