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File: 83 KB, 640x480, jeff-bezos-lauren-sanchez-mackenzie-wife-640x480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13254069 No.13254069 [Reply] [Original]

Who would you pick? Your decision might cost you 50 billion dollars

>> No.13254078

The gawky white one

>> No.13254080

Of all the woman he chose this plastic abomination. Why Bezos. Why?

>> No.13254086

the one on the right
and if you need sex, just fucking buy a robot or something
only I am way to racist to even look at the left one
fuck the cuck bezos that is not used to high dose of T, and when he got roids his receptors got overfcuked

>> No.13254097

he did them as compliment to basic life extension
what a dumb ass, also the life extension he uses is retarded

>> No.13254098

right. hell i'd be her slave.

>> No.13254102

Bros, how do I get a billionaire divorced MILF gf?

>> No.13254107

Right one, she's fuckable now, she wasn't before her billions.

>> No.13254115

His wife is literally more attractive maybe she’s a bitch tho...

>> No.13254132

you can have all the money in the world, be part of the elite etc but you can't stand a chance against mother nature, once your dick senses a turbo thot in a close radius nature tells you that fucking her is the biggest priority of your life at that very moment, $50Bn down the drain but you think he regrets that? Im sure he doesn't

>b-but his wife was classy he he I would stay with her
that's you and your virtue signaling, mother nature knows better,

>> No.13254139

nigger nigger nigger
that is the difference between you animals and us

>> No.13254277

dumb sack of shit. he was supposed to just fuck the thot on the side and not actually divorce his wife to be with her like a beta. Ever heard of a mistress? Of course not you're way too poor

>> No.13254287

if i had that amount of money i'd get an 18 year old and a cat and whenever the cat dies i'd get a new 18 year old & cat

>> No.13254323

Adultery rarely makes sense

>> No.13254340

Left if her weird neck thing got fixed and her lips were deflated

>> No.13254351

well at least they both look better than 2019 britney spears

>> No.13254362

The one that looks like a Bogdanoff

>> No.13254377

What kind of a first name is MacKenzie anyway?

>> No.13254398


>> No.13254607
File: 70 KB, 668x400, BAHAHAHAH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are all 3 ugly as fuck... money truly can't buy you everything...

>> No.13254633
File: 52 KB, 442x500, 1509561653551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whichever is the most loyal one, regardless of looks or bedtime skills, becomes the public wife.

then keep a private harem of 18 year old sugar babbies

holy fuck, how did you become the richest man in the world and still haven't figured this out

>> No.13254655

He's going to "divorce" his wife so she can cash out amazon stock and it won't be an insider declared trade which spooks the stock market and costs him 5x as much. The spic is just hired help. She'll get a fee for playing her role. Remember Bezos is a jew.

>> No.13254657

Reminder that Lauren Sanchez is literally a fucking coalburner and a cheater. Absolutely fucking disgusting.
I mean I actually prefer latinas but he could have at least got a girl in her 20s, not this tranny looking disaster

>> No.13254668

you dont know slurm's mackenzie, the original party worm?

>> No.13254678

They are both so fucking ugly Bezos is a retard.

>> No.13254755

The bald one.

>> No.13254904


There is no indication Jeff Bezos is a jew and Amazon isn't nearly culturally subversive enough to be a kike company

>> No.13254922

Right. All day long.

>> No.13254976

Bezos is ugly too.
Dude's probably messed up in the head after living like a robot for all these years.

>> No.13254977

>amazon isn't culturally subversive
uhhhh sweatie, do you even see what's happening to main st. retail?

>> No.13254988

>pick either shit or piss

>> No.13255192

I didn't know financial domination was my fetish until today

>> No.13255286

>Remember Bezos is a jew.
Proof? Not every single rich and succesful person is a Jew

>> No.13255488


Right for sure.

>> No.13255490


Drink at Hotel Bars

>> No.13255663

You know that cats can get 20 yo?

>> No.13255701


>> No.13256613

They found DNA that makes men want to bang sluts.

>> No.13256668
File: 79 KB, 508x604, 1546014593066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>capitalizing jew
here, have a (((You)))

>> No.13256727
File: 698 KB, 1920x1080, FaceOfEVIL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Someone post the theory about Bezos' Divorce being a ploy to allow him to cash out stocks before the impending stock market crash without being charged for insider trading.

>> No.13256753

Neither, I'd be banging 10 20 year old roasties everyday

>> No.13256785


>> No.13256881

Seriously how does McK have so much face fat and so little bodyfat? Got some decent milkers too, for such a slim woman

>> No.13256937

>Going for that plastic surgery slut

What the hell was Bezos thinking?

>> No.13256948

whore on the left probably sucks an insane dick

>> No.13256991

Wimmy Wham-Wham Wozzle!

>> No.13257048

You just can't beat the dick.

>> No.13257118
File: 119 KB, 1545x323, 1554476635128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There could be a bit more behind the divorce than we think.

>> No.13257197

Who the fuck knows. The left one probably rides him better , either way he's fucked .

>> No.13257204
File: 10 KB, 250x250, 1300044776986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13257205
File: 40 KB, 648x303, 4cn_HODLbutts-011519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its the same bitch...just one has a spanish accent and the other doesnt.

>> No.13257221

Fuck! This is genius.

>> No.13257340

Oh I didn't know she had those gums.

>> No.13257389

Neither and put it all in Link

>> No.13257411

This. The divorce just seems fishy.

>> No.13257432

I can expect he will lose more shares by his second divorce

>> No.13257541

what is that?

>> No.13257729

He has so much money it doesn't matter. He still has to live confined to a mortal body like every one else. That's the hard part.

>> No.13257780

No reason to tango with the law, you can get 18s that look younger

>> No.13258279
File: 18 KB, 300x269, 1553440354725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13258285



>> No.13258432
File: 87 KB, 602x316, main-qimg-6dad896bffa4ac8ebd9e6d18d8b1cb14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT never been married

>> No.13259291

that's not even a turbo thot
it's some weak ass failed shebog

>> No.13259353

That is all false. The Saudis 'hacked' him and uncovered his affair. They did this because he owns the Washington Post and they kept writing shit about the killing of that journalist Khashoggi in the Turkish Saudi embassy.

He just straight up had an affair that no one knew about which was uncovered for revenge reasons by the Saudis. There is no stock or money making theory. Bezos is dumb, he doesn't understand how they managed to uncover his messages and images sent to that hurricane faced plastic ugly fuck.

>> No.13259364
File: 496 KB, 370x285, 1408930829626.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those lips right vs left
i truly understand now