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13253506 No.13253506 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>newly married anon
>filing taxes jointly for the first time
>trying to save for a house downpayment with a kid on the way
>wife has a student loan that for whatever reason is through her parent's name
>ask why she's not claiming it a deduction
>"oh, that's in my parent's name"
>have her call them
>find out that they've been claiming it on their taxes for the past 4 years
>they don't pay a dime towards the loan, my wife is sole contributor
>they got like 2k in tax relief from this past year alone
Am I justified in demanding a cool 8 grand from these boomer vampires using the threat of no longer paying the loan to back it up? He parents aren't even poor and their house is paid off. My wife has basically been paying for their fucking timeshare while also trying to pay off this loan.

Also, post stories of times you got BOOMERED

>> No.13253510


She should default on it

>> No.13253523

Kinda leaning towards that desu, we were paying it back purely on the honor system and they betrayed us big time while putting massive fucking flatscreens in three different rooms

>> No.13253554

my grandma was going to give me her rental property if i paid the taxes on it. so i paid the taxes and she changed her mind. I'm still in the will to get it anyway but I'll have to pay some inheritance tax now.

i got boomered pretty hard.

>> No.13253555

is this something you could report to the IRS?

>> No.13253786

The loans are in her parents name, which is why they were able to claim them on their taxes. My wife has just been paying them back out of the goodness of her heart. Obviously this can slide back into our favor overnight if she just decides to stop paying lol.

The shitty thing about is they should have been giving her that money yearly out of a moral obligation to do the right thing. Legally, they're in the clear.

>> No.13253903

Since the loan is in their name they are legally allowed to claim it on tax.
However it also puts them on the chopping block if she stops making payments on it since it's their credit that gets crunched in that scenario.

So yeah she should stop paying the loan, they've been claiming the benefits with not problems, so they can pay off the rest of the damn loan themselves or have their credit score destroyed.

>> No.13253920

You should wait until there is 8k left on the loan, and then stop paying. Then call up the parents and explain exactly why you are stopping payment at that amount. If you have have half a brain they will understand that it's fair, if they screech like autistic children then it's time to cut them out of your life

>> No.13253934

Honestly, there's got to be some middle ground between "fuck them and burn all bridges forever" and "let them mooch off her loan with no repercussions", but you'll have to talk it out. Make sure to write down an agreement both parties sign so they won't back out the next time they're a little short on their boomer lifestyle funds and need a bigger tax deduction.

>> No.13253940

Pay it down until there is 8k left and let them pay the balance at that point.
Don't go full nuclear, if they are well off your wife should have an inheritance coming her way, think of the big picture.

>> No.13253942

raising that bitch cost 300-500k and you have the audacity to demand every penny? that's 2k per year in deductions, pathetic, laughable... theyll lose all respect if you actually ask for the money like an autistic incel

>> No.13253943

The obvious middle ground would be that the parents have to pay the amount they've saved by claiming the tax off of the loan and continue to do so for any additional tax savings they claim. Those tax savings were not rightfully theirs to claim in the first place and they are abusing a legal loophole to rape their own daughter (figuratively).

If they won't agree to pay into the loan at least the amount that they've wrongfully saved off of their child's hard work then they're not the type of people you want to have bridges with in the first place and you should tell them to fuck off and stop paying the loan.

>> No.13253952

I hate when parents pull that garbage on their children, it's the scummiest thing you can do.

Fuck you. That's not how being a parent works. You don't have children so that you can exploit them emotionally for free shit later in life when they grow up.

>> No.13253960

Never marry a woman who has student loans.

>> No.13253962

This is not the hill you want to die on when it comes to inlaws. Dont let them claim this year but don't ask for back pay either, that looks even worse. But yes this is bullshit and you should be pissed.

>> No.13253963

They took advantage of their own daughter's naivety for their own benefit. Only an absolute dickhead handicaps their own progeny for what to them is probably a small sum of money.

>> No.13253996

never marry a woman

>> No.13254006

Depends on two factors.
1. How old are they
2. How much does she get in the inheritance
If she's an only child she could literally be written in to inherit everything including their house and shit, if that is the case then while it is scummy of them to do this it's smarter for you and her to leave it and wait for the inevitable windfall from their deaths.

However if it seems like she might not really get an inheritance to begin with because her parents have lots of other kids or are the type of dicks who would blaze through all of their resources in their final years as a final fuck you before they die then just fuck those old cunts.

That's literally happened to someone I know by the way. Dude let his parents walk all over him and exploit him for care, money, free labor and he took it all because he thought he would inherit their house and investments when they died. Then the old fucks literally sold their house and all their investments to spend the last years of their lives traveling the world in luxury with no regard for just how much of their son's life they had basically stolen through exploiting him.

Don't let it happen to you, people can get really fucking selfish when they feel their death approaching and realize they won't have to face the consequences of anything they do anymore.

>> No.13254034

Women are stupid, all of them have student loans. This is actually cruel by the way, our modern finance system assumes everyone is a rational actor and is looking out for their own best interest, but with women, it is like letting a dog take out a loan. It's so fucking cruel, to be honest.

Every time my girlfriend wants something and asks me for money I tell her that she can either save up and buy it, or I'll loan her the money and she has to give me monthly payments. Bitch owes multiple k's. And she's usually not even done paying back her previous loan when she requests another one. It's crazy. Doing this has been an eye-opening experience on how banks take advantage of retarded women because nothing she is in debt to me for is even useful or important. It's all bullshit. I even tell her to her face that it is bullshit, and she still wants it. I don't get it.

>> No.13254038

Dont you guys have two college educated incomes? $2k shouldnt mean much.

>> No.13254048

College educated income means 5% above minimum wage.

>> No.13254053

>my gf does things
>all women do things
You're both retards. Thatcher, of U.K. fame, was the fiscal conservative reining spending

>> No.13254057

>He thinks college education income is a lot
Aw, that's cute.

>> No.13254064

Margaret Thatcher is an honorary man.

>> No.13254065

My wife paid off her student loans a year after graduating from a very expensive private university. She got a scholarship.

Never marry a woman in debt.

>> No.13254072

you cant default on student loans

>> No.13254092

Well, to be clear, my whore does not have student loans. I'm just reflecting on the more general attitude women have with money. I know for sure that if she had needed to take out student loans, she would have, and she would be fucked.

Seriously, if you want to experience this for yourself start loaning your bitch money instead of buying her things. If you are as jaded as me you'll end up wanting to be a banker.

>> No.13254095


the only middle ground is meeting up with them and discussing it.

the only logical options are pay it like she has been, or default on it and let them get fucked with the bill.

not sure why the loan is in her parents name, but the fact that they took all the risk says a lot (to me). i'd discuss it, ask how and why it came to be this way, and if you're struggling, maybe they can break you off.

>> No.13254099

I run a business, I got no clue how it works for wagies as I never had a job past high school. Why would anyone go to college if the benefit isnt there?

>> No.13254101

It's not just a women thing anon.
Fact is I've learned that it's just people in general, most people in general have no fucking self restraint and can't save money for shit without going to monumental efforts and many can't save money full stop.
They just see something they want and buy it, even if they can't afford it, constantly. I've seen it with my friends and family for years now, always in debt, always with "no money" yet somehow enough money to buy take away food or alcohol or smokes or tickets to a concert or a new game or phone or console or TV.

Because in our current culture the line between "Want" and "Need" has been blurred so much for most people that it simply doesn't even exist anymore so they live as basically just slaves to their impulses, the perfect consumer slaves.

>> No.13254103

idk about that man they took the risk of the loan . I Dont agree with them but they need to be compensated. Their daughter could have fucked off and they are not charging her interest. Seems reasonable to transfer everything over now though and if they start to fight you on it then theres a problem

>> No.13254113

What the fuck

>> No.13254128

The benefit used to be there but oversaturation caused the salaries from most university positions to stagnate and not keep up with inflation. Thus gradually causing them to become more and more worthless.

It's just that most people haven't realized yet that the value that was once there is now gone due to the oversaturation of graduates in most fields.

>> No.13254141

They would never let us, but I'm sure that if you picked out a group of compulsive spenders and a group of rational spenders and then tested them for estrogen, the former would have way higher levels.

But yeah, not like anyone would be able to conduct this experiment without getting a knock on the door...

>> No.13254142

>Thus gradually causing them to become more and more worthless.
id say its equivalent to a high school degree now. Whn i have kids im going to make the skip high school and just go straight to college. Maybe make them get a GED or something

>> No.13254145

This is why you never trust anyone, not even a family member, unless you get a written contract that you can pull later if they try to back out.

Never trust anyone, not when it comes to money. 99 percent of people will screw you over later and find a way to justify it as long as they can get away with it.

>> No.13254150

To be perfectly honest if I was her dad and you came at me I would laugh at you.
I would tell you son, you're my daughters husband now. I did it until you got here. She can pay for her own loans, They technically didn't do anything wrong. If you want to switch it to her name then go right ahead.
She is the one benefiting from the loan and I bet the whole situation was set up as a safety in case your stupid whore wife decided to drop out. Your wife didn't care and didn't bother to see the benefit of having it in her name. Blame her.

>> No.13254151

True, poor boomers.

>> No.13254153

fuck them
you are captain of the ship now

>> No.13254160

Fuck boomers

>> No.13254188

>I'm still in the will

I'm skeptical....

>> No.13254308

So your wife has been paying 2k in interest for the last 4 years? If so she would have to have still owed 2k to the federal after all other deductions to get 2k back. This means she was graduated and making decent money. If she still lived at home and wasn't paying rent then here parents are justified. If she was paying rent or living somewhere else then they screwed her

>> No.13254343

whatcha doin "fellow young person"?

>> No.13254393

This guys just pissed that his wife was so passive about the whole thing and is a typical girl who didn't care or pay attention because mommy and daddy will take care of it.
They didn't do anything wrong and this situation is not uncommon because Boomers are stupid about how we all "need" college and kids are stupid and just want to go to go, not to learn and become and adult.

>> No.13254399

Just making sure that this young women's parents are properly compensated in the risk they took for their daughters BA in African mating calls

>> No.13254416

Parents aren't making 2k a year. They just dont have to pay taxes on 2k of their income because it's a deduction, not a credit. So they get back maybe $600 extra on their return. OP, just refinance the loan and cut the parents out. They cant claim it when they dont have the information.

>> No.13254422
File: 142 KB, 682x1024, virgin-682x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>marrying a woman with student loans

>> No.13254456

You can claim 4 years of interest on a student loan as a credit. Dollar for dollar. American opportunity act or something. After that it's a deduction.

>> No.13254491

Credit only applies when they are enrolled at least half time

>> No.13254992

Bump for boomer antics

>> No.13255866



>> No.13255908

Absolutely based

>> No.13256333

>She should default on it
>Defaulting on a student loan
She'll just ruin her credit and then they'll go after her parents as cosigners.

Also this entire story is bullshit anyway. The only thing you can "claim" as a deduction on student loans is interest paid on it in the past year and even that usually only is applicable if you make below a certain amount of money. Her parents can't claim anything on that loan if they're not making payments toward it, retard. Form 1098-T needs to be submitted when filing your taxes and if you haven't made the payments, guess what, you don't get that form.

Being a cosigner doesn't somehow give you a tax deduction. Her parents are either paying that loan and she's lying to you or this entire story is bullshit.

>> No.13256430

>wife has a student loan that for whatever reason is through her parent's name

>> No.13256470

Did you read a single fucking thing I wrote? Do you know what a cosigner is?

>> No.13256530

Yeah and OP clearly said the loan was in her parent's name and not that they were cosigners you mongoloid

>> No.13256549

Yes but because it can't be defaulted on, it will follow inheritance so they'll still come after her.

>> No.13256571

If the student loan is truly in her parents name (not aware of this even existing in the US other than a Parent PLUS loan) then she's holding the cards, faggot. She shouldn't be paying it anyway if that is the case.
Pretty sure PLUS loans can't be transferred to the student unless it's consolidated and even then the child would have to agree to assuming the loan obligation. Regardless, if the loan is truly "in her parents' names" then she isn't obligated to pay shit, is she?

>> No.13257163

OP here, she checked 2 of the 3 boxes and was 100% willing to set aside additional schooling to become a housewife so I was willing to be forgiving in this regard.
Lmao their fat boomer estate can easily absorb that amount of debt.
Would love to, but I'm still in school, about to graduate debt-free with a DMD because military
Fuck you nigger, I'm busting my ass off to become a doctor while they're sitting on their fat asses watching game of thrones on 3 different televisions
boomernigger detected